Nube de autores para PeterThomas

P. Abbott(1) Susan Abbott(1) Gerald Abrahams(1) Philippa Abrahams(1) Peter Ackroyd(3) Peter R. Ackroyd(1) David Adam(1) Douglas Adams(2) Jay E. Adams(1) James B. Adamson(1) Jean Adamson(1) John Adamson(1) Hazel Addis(1) William Addison(1) Kate Adie(1) Aesop(1) Kenneth Agar(1) Allan Ahlberg(1) Ainsworth(1) STIBBS ALAN(1) William Foxwell Albright(2) Leslie Alcock(1) Louisa May Alcott(1) Pat Alexander(4) Dante Alighieri(1) John Allan(2) Benedict Allen(1) Elizabeth Allen(1) Leslie C. Allen(1) Mark Allen(1) Walter Ernest Allen(1) Kenneth Allott(1) Althea(1) Althea(1) Heather Amery(3) Dave Ames(1) Martin Amis(1) brother ancrew(1) Hans Christian Andersen(4) A. A. Anderson(2) G. W. Anderson(1) Norman Anderson(3) Peter Anderson(1) Verily Anderson(1) Father Andrew(1) Anne Thomas(1) Anonymous(7) G. L. Apperson(1) Mary Applebey(1) John T. Appleby(1) George Appleton(1) Fred Archer(3) Geoffrey Archer(1) Jeffrey Archer(2) Mass-Observation(1) John Ardagh(1) Michael Argyle(1) P Arkle(1) Phyllis Arkle(2) John Arlott(2) Diana Armfield(1) Nick Arnold(1) Arthur Rank centre(1) Frank Asch(1) Paddy Ashdown(3) Mike Ashley(1) Owen Ashton(1) Isaac Asimov(1) Eddie Askew(5) Mike Atherton(1) David Atkinson(1) David J. Atkinson(1) David John Atkinson(1) Susan Atkins(1) David Attenborough(3) Stephen Attmore(1) Saint Augustine(1) Leslie H. Ault(1) Marcus Aurelius(1) Jane Austen(20) Michael Austin(1) Author(1) No Author(1) No Author(1) Various Authors(1) Norman Autton(3) Christopher Awdry(3) W. Awdry(6) J Aye(1) A. J. Ayer(1) Robert Backhouse(1) M. Bacon(1) Francis John (1869-) Badcock(1) Leslie Badham(1) Stella Baggott(1) Elaine Bailey(1) Nancy E. M Bailey(1) Richard N. Bailey(1) David Baines-Griffiths(1) Tom Baird(1) Carol Baker(1) Frank Baker(1) John Austin Baker(1) Raymond J. Bakke(1) Ernesto Balducci(1) James Baldwin(1) Joyce G. Baldwin(2) Robert Ballard(1) G. R. Balleine(1) F. R. Banks(1) Iain Banks(1) Jack Bannister(1) Robert Herbert Banton(1) Noel Barber(1) Ian G. Barbour(1) Oliver R. Barclay(2) William Barclay(33) Maggie Barfield(1) Cicely Mary Barker(1) Juliet Barker(1) Douglas St. Paul Barnard(1) Sue Barnett(1) Donald Grey Barnhouse(1) Geoffrey Barraclough(1) Geoffrey Barraclough and Richard Overy(1) C. K. Barrett(3) Norman S. Barrett(4) J. M. Barrie(4) James Barr(1) John Barrow(1) Sheila Anne Barry(1) Mary Batchelor(5) Aurelius Battaglia(1) Lois Battle(1) Baughen(1) L. Frank Baum(1) Nina Bawden(2) Leon Baxter(1) Nicola Baxter(1) Nina Baym(1) Germain Bazin(2) Mark Beach(1) Alec Lom and Jeremy Beadle(1) Jeremy Beadle(1) Henry Beard(1) George R. Beasley-Murray(1) The Beatles(2) Pierre de Beaumarchais(1) Sister Wendy Beckett(1) Bede(2) James Behrens(1) Jeanne Bendick(1) Alan Bennett(1) Arnold Bennett(8) Arthur G. Bennett(1) David Bennett(2) Dennis J. Bennett(1) William J. Bennett(1) Bernard Berenson(1) Stan Berenstain(4) Elisabeth Beresford(1) Michael Berkeley(1) Louis Berkhof(4) G. C. Berkouwer(2) Georges Bernanos(1) Eric Berne(1) Carl Bernstein(2) Stephen Bertman(1) Ernest Best(2) Geoffrey Best(1) Keith Best(1) John Betjeman(1) Henry Bettenson(2) Shiela Betterton(1) Bible [version/translation unknown](1) John Bimson(1) Maeve Binchy(4) Hilary Binding(1) Jane Bingham(1) John S.Peart- Binns(1) Gilbert Clive Binyon(1) Malcolm Bird(1) Maria Bird(2) Val Biro(1) Sue Birtwistle(1) Jim Bishop(1) Donald Bisset(1) R. D. Blackmore(2) Jessica Blair(1) E. H. Blakeney(1) John Blanchard(2) Stuart Y. Blanch(1) Joost De Blank(1) Martin H. Blogg(1) Ronald Blythe(1) Blyton(1) Enid Blyton(45) Benson Bobrick(1) Dirk Bogarde(2) Joanna Bogle(1) Denis Bond(1) Michael Bond(11) Jules Bonnet(1) Ladybird(8) Market House Books(1) Corrie ten Boom(1) Rosemary Border(1) Robert Borger(1) Jeannette Bossert(1) James Boswell(1) Michael Botting(5) E. M. Bounds(1) Bounty(1) Michael Bourdeaux(1) Frederick William Bourne(1) Andrew Bowden(1) Tom Bower(2) John Bowker(1) S. Box(1) William Boyd(1) Carl B. Boyer(1) Lynne Bradbury(1) Ian Bradley(1) Tony Bradman(1) W A G BRADMAN(1) Melvyn Bragg(2) Jean Brain(1) David Brandon(1) Gyles Brandreath(1) Gyles Brandreth(1) Willy Brandt(1) John Branfield(2) Richard Brautigan(1) David Warwick; Trump Bray(1) Mike Breen(1) Lynn Bresler(1) Frank Muir; Simon Brett(1) Molly Brett(4) Simon Brett(1) Walter Brett(1) E. Cobham Brewer(2) Christopher Brickell(2) Timothy Briden(1) Charles Bridges(1) Brierley(1) Peter Brierley(2) Raymond Briggs(2) John Bright(2) Great Britain(1) Poppy Z. Brite(1) Vera Brittain(1) E. H. Broadbent(1) L. H. Brockington(1) Anne Brontë(1) Charlotte Brontë(1) Emily Brontë(1) Douglas Brooks-Davies(1) Thomas Brooks(1) Pamela Broughton(1) Sigmund Brouwer(1) Colin Brown(3) David Wayne Brown(1) Thomas Browne(1) Andrew Brownfoot(2) H. Jackson Brown(1) Robert Browning(1) J. A. C. Brown(2) Margaret Brownlow(1) Raymond Brown(1) Raymond E. Brown(1) Shelagh Brown(1) F. F. Bruce(9) Jan Harold Brunvand(1) A.J. Bryant(1) Arthur Bryant(1) Bill Bryson(4) Colin Buchanan(5) Fiona J. Buchan(1) Anthony Buckeridge(3) Jamie Buckingham(1) Judy Bugg(1) Geoffrey T. Bull(1) Norman J. Bull(1) Barbara Bundy(1) Ian Bunting(1) John Bunyan(4) William F Burbidge(1) J. C. Burkill(1) Tom Burnam(1) Frances Hodgson Burnett(2) John Burnett(1) Sheila Burnford(1) Peter and John Mason and Burns(1) Robert Burns(1) Richard Burridge(1) Richard Burridge(1) Peggy Burton(2) Adam Butler(1) Joseph Butler(1) Eric Butterworth(1) Nick Butterworth(8) Butterworth & Inkpen(1) George Arthur Buttrick(1) Tony Buzan(1) Graham Byfield(1) C. H. B. Byworth(1) Clive Calver(1) John Calvin(3) Italo Calvino(1) Di Campbell(1) Gordon Campbell(1) Rod Campbell(1) Albert Camus(2) Karel & Josef Čapek(1) John Capon(1) Truman Capote(1) George Carey(2) John Carey(1) Peter Carey(1) Eric Carle(1) Merlin R. Carothers(1) Clive Carpenter(2) John le Carré(1) Carlo Carretto(1) Lewis Carroll(2) Jane; Danot Carruth, Serge(1) Wesley Carr(1) D. A. Carson(1) Rachel Carson(1) Angela Carter(1) C. O. Carter(1) Michael Perry; Phyllis Carter(1) Alison J Carver(1) Terry Cash(1) John Cassidy(1) Tony Castle(1) Harriet Castor(1) Christopher Catherwood(1) Fred Catherwood(1) David Cecil(1) C. S. Ceram(1) Chad Valley(1) Henry Chadwick(2) Henry & Evans Chadwick, G R (editors)(2) Owen Chadwick(2) Samuel Chadwick(1) Jack Challoner(1) Aidan Chambers(1) Editors of Chambers(2) R. Chandler(1) G. Chandon(1) Jung Chang(1) Glynnis Chantrell(1) Frederick Chaplain(1) Colin Chapman(3) Paul Chappell(1) R. H. Charles(1) James H. Charlesworth(1) Julian Charley(1) Julian W. Charley(2) Bruce Chatwin(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(2) Myra Chave-Jones(1) Harold Checketts(1) Erika Cheetham(1) Francis Cheetham(1) Anton Chekhov(1) Kellow Chesney(1) G.K. Chesterton(2) Tracy Chevalier(1) Angela Ottino Della Chiesa(1) Mark Child(1) Rob Childs(3) Michael Chinery(2) Larry Christenson(3) Agatha Christie(8) F.E. Christmas, Editor(1) Council for the Care of Churches(2) Church Hymnal Corporation(1) Winston S. Churchill(1) J.E. Church(1) R. W. Church(1) Tobias Churton(1) Alan Clark(2) Coats & Clark(1) William Kemp Lowther Clarke(2) John O. E. Clark(1) M. Guthrie. Clark(1) Philip Clark(1) W. A. V Clark(1) William Clark(1) Emily Clay(1) John Clegg(1) R. E. Clements(1) Howard John Clinebell(1) Bill Clinton(1) Rene Cloke(1) Sylvia Close(1) Royal Automobile Club(1) Mary Ann Coate(1) William Cobbett(1) Jennifer Cochrane(1) Donald Coggan(2) Ben Cohen(1) J. M. Cohen(3) John M. Cohen(1) Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison Louis Cohen(1) Leonard Cohen(1) Dan Cohn-Sherbok(1) John Cole(1) Dr. J. Bruce Coleman(1) Michael Coleman(1) Pat Coleman(1) R. Alan Cole(1) Wilkie Collins(2) John Stewart Collis(1) Carlo Collodi(1) Frank Colquhoun(6) Kate Colquhoun(1) Eileen H. Colwell(1) Post Green Community(1) The Northumbria Community(1) M. Compton(1) William Congreve(1) Brenda Cook(2) Chris Cook(2) Patrick Cook(1) Susan Coolidge(2) Anne Coombes(1) J. C. Cooper(1) Jilly Cooper(2) Wendy Cooper(1) John Coote(1) Derek; Copley Copley, Nancy(1) Trewin Copplestone(1) David Cormack(3) Bernard Cornwell(1) Stephen Cotgrove(1) Gill Cotterell(1) L. Cottrell(1) C. A. Coulson(1) Tom Courtenay(1) Donald Cousins(1) Harvey Cox(1) Michael Cox(1) Gerald R. Cragg(1) Kenneth Cragg(1) Peter C. Craigie(1) Wendy Craig(1) C. E. B. Cranfield(2) Thomas Cranmer(1) Kathleen Crawford(1) Graham Cray(1) Julia Cresswell(1) Quentin Crewe(1) Michael Crichton(1) Ian Crofton(1) Richmal Crompton(2) Vincent Cronin(1) Claire Cross(1) Gordon Crosse(1) F. L. Cross(1) Frances Crowne(1) Alexander Cruden(1) David Crystal(2) Tom Cullen(1) Oscar Cullmann(1) E. E. Cummings(1) Arthur E. Cundall(1) John Cunliffe(6) Hubert Cunliffe-Jones(1) Jennifer Curry(1) George Herbert Curteis(1) D. A. Carson/R. T. France/Alec Motyer/Gordon J. We(1) Terry" "Dactyl(1) Roald Dahl(6) Peter E. Dale(1) Gill Dallow(1) William Dalrymple(1) Phil Dampier(1) Enid Blyton - Devised and Adapted By Mary Danby(1) Evan Daniel(1) Jean Daniélou(1) Colin Dann(1) Serge Danot(1) Jean Darnall(2) Charles Darwin(1) J. H. Merle d'Aubigné(1) Elizabeth David(1) Joy Davidman(1) Alan Davidson(1) A.R.C. Leaney Davidson, a.R.C. Leaney Robert(1) George Davidson(1) Sheila Davidson(1) Verey David And Welander David(1) Donald Davie(1) Helen Davies(1) Hunter Davies(1) Taffy Davies(3) W. D. Davies(1) Jim Davis(2) Lindsey Davis(1) Neil Dawe(1) Richard Dawkins(1) Colin Day(1) dean and chapter(1) Trevor Dearing(1) Percy Dearmer(1) Terry Deary(1) Daniel Defoe(1) Len Deighton(1) E.M. Delafield(1) Patrick Delaforce(1) Frank Delaney(1) Delderfield(1) R. F. Delderfield(8) R Demaus(1) J J B Dempster(1) Cherry Denman(1) Alfred Denning(1) Joyce Dennys(1) Susie Dent(1) Tomie dePaola(1) Adrian Desmond(2) Sandra Detrixhe(1) Colin Dexter(4) A. G. Dickens(1) Charles Dickens(20) Monica Dickens(2) Paul Dickson(1) Reader's Digest(7) Isak Dinesen(1) Disney(1) Sarah Dixon(2) James C. Dobson(3) C. H. Dodd(3) Lynley Dodd(1) Jeanne Doering(1) Karen Dolby(1) Jack Dominian(3) Margaret Donaldson(1) Meryl Doney(1) Peter Donovan(1) J. D. Douglas(2) James Leslie Dow(1) Tim Dowley(1) Pamela Dowman(1) Anne Downey(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(6) James Driscoll(1) S. R. Driver(2) Peter F. Drucker(2) Henry Drummond(2) Timothy Dudley-Smith(1) Alexandre Dumas(2) Pere Dumas(1) J. R. Dummelow(1) Geoffrey Duncan(1) George B. Duncan(1) Leslie Dunkling(1) Leslie : Wright Dunkling, Gordon(1) Storm Dunlop(1) R. W. Dunning(4) James D. G. Dunn(2) Alan Dunstan, etc.(1) Jaroslav Spirhanzl Duris(1) Jean-Baptiste Duroselle(1) Maggie Durran(1) Gerald Durrell(4) John Dyke(1) Rob Eastaway(1) Dick Eastman(2) Reginald East(1) Martin Ebon(1) John Eddison(1) Mary Baker Eddy(1) Alfred Edersheim(2) Editor(1) Editors(1) Herbert L. Edlin(2) William Edmonds(1) David L. Edwards(3) Dorothy Edwards(2) Niall Edworthy(1) Pamela Egan(1) Joost Elffers(1) Elizabeth Elgin(2) George Eliot(3) Charles John Ellicott(1) Elisabeth Elliot(2) Alice Thomas Ellis(1) H. L. Ellison(1) Richard Ellmann(1) Jacques Ellul(2) G. R. Elton(1) Walter A. Elwell(1) Everett H. Emerson(1) Sally Emerson(1) Matthew Engel(1) Church of England(10) Edward England(1) Per Olov Enquist(1) Isidore Epstein(1) Hutton And Erichsen(1) SAUER E(1) Peter Etchells(1) B. Ifor Evans(1) Colin Evans(1) Stanley E. Porter Craig A. Evans(1) Ernest Evans(1) I. O. Evans(1) I. H. N. Evans(1) Jeremy Evans(1) Daily Express(1) Sian Facer(1) Clifton Fadiman(1) Leonard Fagin(1) John Meade Falkner(1) Eleanor Farjeon(1) David Hugh Farmer(1) Sebastian Faulks(2) Ernest Carroll Faust(1) Jacqueline Fearn(1) Robin Fedden(1) Catherine Fennelly(1) JOHN FENNELLY(1) Kitty Ferguson(1) Ruby Ferguson(1) Rosalind Fergusson(1) Felipe Fernandez-Armes(1) W. J. Ferrar(1) Timothy Ferris(1) Martin Fido(2) David Field(1) Celia Fiennes(1) J A Findlay(1) Ian F. Finlay(1) John Finney(5) Kathleen Fischer(1) H. A. L. Fisher(2) James Fisher(1) Jayne Fisher(2) John Fisher(1) Mark Fisher(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(3) Paula Fitzsimmons(1) Judith Flanders(1) Ian Fleming(1) W.Harrison and L.S.K. Le Fleming(1) A. W. Fletcher(1) Sarah Fletcher(1) Adam Ford(1) Frieda Fordham(1) Amanda Foreman(1) J. B. Foreman(1) Michael Foreman(1) Charles Forman(1) Martyn Forrester(1) V. Paul Marston Roger T Forster(1) Frederick Forsyth(1) Harry Emerson Fosdick(1) Henry W. Fowler(1) H.W. Fowler(1) John Fowles(1) Catherine Fox(1) R.W. Fox(1) Selina Fitzherbert Fox(1) Padfield Colin F(1) Richard T. France(1) Dick Francis(2) Leslie J. Francis(3) Penny Frank(2) Robert S Franks(1) Antonia Fraser(1) Christine Marion Fraser(1) Michael Frayn(2) Barry Freeman(1) Sigmund Freud(1) Bill Frindall(1) Stanley H. Frodsham(1) Robert Frost(1) Robert C. Frost(1) C.B. Fry(1) Plantagenet Somerset Fry(2) Annegert Fuchshuber(1) Reginald H. Fuller(1) Mary C. Fullerson(1) Fynn(1) Jostein Gaarder(2) Joseph Gaer(1) John Kenneth Galbraith(1) Tate Gallery(1) John Galsworthy(4) Paul Gambaccini(1) Anita Ganeri(1) Helen Gardner(1) Leon Garfield(1) Simon Garfield(1) Sarah Garland(1) Phyllis Garlick(1) Emmeline Garnett(1) Phillis Garrard(1) Bamber Gascoigne(1) Christina Gascoigne(1) Jonathan Gash(1) Elizabeth Gaskell(2) Catherine Gaskin(1) John C. A. Gaskin(1) Bill Gates(1) Mike Gatting(1) Stephen Gaukroger(3) William Gaunt(1) Robyn Gee(1) Norval Geldenhuys(1) Edith Mary Gell(1) Kathy Gemmell(3) Richard R. George(1) Tony Geraghty(1) Agostino & Enzo Orlandi (editor) GHILARDI(1) Edward Gibbon(2) Eddie Gibbs(3) William Gibbs(1) Kahlil Gibran(1) Ryan Giggs(1) Martin Gilbert(6) Norman Giller(1) Bruce Gillingham(1) Robin Gill(1) Dorothy Gilman(1) Jean Gimpel(1) Mirra Ginsburg(1) Robert Gittings(2) Lillian Glass(1) T. F. Glasson(1) Hannah E. Glease(1) James Gleick(1) David Glover(2) T. R. Glover(1) Nelson Glueck(1) Robert Goddard(1) Ben Goldacre(1) Louis Golding(1) William Golding(1) Emma Goldrick(1) John Goldsmith(1) Martin Goldsmith(1) H. Golomek(1) E. H. Gombrich(1) David Gooding(1) Patrick Goodland(1) David C. Goodman(1) Nadine Gordimer(1) Richard Gordon(2) R. K. Gordon(1) Al Gore(1) Charles Gore(2) Elizabeth Goudge(3) Richard Gough(1) Stephen Jay Gould(1) Sir Ernest Gowers(1) Nik Gowing(1) Carol Belanger Grafton(1) Billy Graham(2) Kenneth Grahame(4) Gaëlle Graham(1) Illus. Claudia Freedman Comp.Eleanor Graham(1) Winston Graham(7) Ann Granger(1) Michael Grant(1) Neil Grant(1) Robert McQueen Grant(1) Robert Graves(2) Alasdair Gray(1) James Marion Gray(1) John Gray(2) Kenneth Grayston(1) Green(1) Kate Greenaway(1) Christopher Green(1) Don Atyeo; Jonathon Green(1) Graham Greene(3) Patricia Greene(1) Michael Green(10) Peter Green(1) Rachel Green(1) Roger Lancelyn Green(2) Wendy Green(1) Lydia Greeves(2) Kenneth Gregory(1) O. B. Gregory(1) R. L. Gregory(1) Susanna Gretz(1) John Gribbin(1) A L Griffiths(3) John Griffiths(1) M. Griffiths(1) Michael Griffiths(1) Rose Griffiths(2) Barbara Griggs(1) Geoffrey Grigson(1) Jacob Grimm(1) John Grisham(1) Lucas Grollenberg(1) George Grossmith(1) Baker Publishing Group(2) Valerie Grove(1) Norman Grubb(2) Giovannino Guareschi(1) Elizabeth Guilfoile(1) Howard Guinness(1) Michele Guinness(1) Os Guinness(1) Jan Gullberg(1) Nicky Gumbel(3) Antonius H. J. Gunneweg(1) Donald Guthrie(3) Bill Gwilliam(1) H.W. GWILLIAM(1) Mark Haddon(2) Hadfield(1) E. C. R. Hadfield(1) William Hague(1) Daniel Hahn(1) P. Haines(1) Peter Haining(1) Guy Halifax(2) Maureen Hallahan(1) Cyril Hall(1) Ole Hallesby(1) Peter Halliday(1) Rachel Hall(2) Simon Hall(1) Halsbury.(1) Ian Hamilton(1) Ruth Hamilton(1) T C Hammond(1) J. E. Hanauer(1) Martin Handford(4) Helene Hanff(1) Patrick Hanks(1) Anthony Tyrrell Hanson(1) F. C. Happold(1) Florence Emily Hardy(1) G. H. Hardy(1) Thomas Hardy(14) M. C. Hargreaves(1) Roger Hargreaves(62) Craig Harline(1) Eve Harlow(1) HarperCollins(3) Michael Harper(3) Brian L. Harris(1) Derek Harris(1) Joanne Harris(1) John Harris(1) Mollie Harris(1) Michael Harrison(1) R. K. Harrison(2) Ted Harrison(1) W and Fleming Harrison, L. S. K. le(1) Robert Harris(1) Bill Harry(1) Adam Hart-Davis(1) Linda Hart(1) A. E. Harvey(1) Nicholas Peter Harvey(1) David Harwood(1) Joe Hasler(1) Adrian Hastings(1) James Hastings(1) John Hirst Winn Haswell(1) Hannah Hauxwell(2) Frances Ridley Havergal(1) Mary Hawes(1) Stephen Hawking(2) Desmond Hawkins(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) Rosemary Hawthorne(1) Philip Hawthorn(1) Hiram Haydn(1) Sarah Hayes(1) Alethea Hayter(1) Peter Hayter(1) William Hayter(1) Alan Hayward(1) John Hayward(1) Stan Hayward(1) Hazel Scrimshire(1) Michael Heatley(1) Simon Heffer(1) Robert A. Heinlein(1) Jim Henderson(1) Howard G. Hendricks(1) Robert Hendrickson(1) William Hendricks(1) William Hendriksen(7) Carl F. H. Henry(1) Henry Ince(1) Matthew Henry(2) O. Henry(1) Ann Henshall(1) F.N. Hepper(1) A. S. Herbert(1) John Hercus(1) Hergé(2) James Herriot(3) James Herriott(2) Chaim Herzog(1) D. G. Hessayon(1) Georgette Heyer(3) Christopher Hibbert(1) John Hick(2) Katie Hickman(1) Liz Hicks(1) Joanne Hickson(1) Patricia Highsmith(1) Tony Higton(1) David Hill(1) Susan Hill(1) James Hilton(2) Tim Hilton(1) Judy Hindley(1) Paul Hinnebusch(1) Maureen Hiron(1) Rhoda Hiscox(1) Jane Hissey(1) Henry Hitchings(1) Philip K. Hitti(1) A. A. Hodge(1) Henry Hodges(1) Michael Hodgin(1) A.M. Hodgkin(1) William Hodgkins(1) Anthony A. Hoekema(1) Anthony Holden(1) Radford; Hole(1) William Holland(1) Alan Hollinghurst(1) Michael Hollings(1) Henry Holloway(1) Christine Holmes(1) Michael Holmes(1) Alan L. Holt(1) Michael Holt(1) Victoria Holt(1) Trevor Homer(1) Silas Hong(1) James Hoover(1) Laura Lee Hope(1) Andrea Hopkins(1) Georgina Horley(2) Peter Hornby(1) Peter Horrobin(1) Anne Horton(1) Ken Horton(1) Khaled Hosseini(1) Elsie Houghton(1) J. L. Houlden(1) Good Housekeeping(1) Methodist Publishing House(1) The Puzzle House(1) A. E. Housman(1) Laurence Housman(1) Audrey Howard(2) David M. Howard(1) Vernon Howard(1) David Howarth(1) Susan Howatch(2) Fred Hoyle(1) Trevor Huddleston(1) D. F. Hudson(1) Hudsons(1) Joyce Huggett(3) Gerard W. Hughes(1) Gervase Hughes(1) Giles Gordon And David Hughes(1) Jeremie Hughes(1) Joanna M. Hughes(1) Richard Hughes(1) Selwyn Hughes(1) Shirley Hughes(3) Hugh of Saint Victor(1) Eliot Humberstone(1) Charles Hummel(1) Rob Humphreys(1) Fran Hunia(2) Archibald Macbride Hunter(1) John Hunt(2) Roger Hurt(1) Charles H. Hutchins(2) Pat Hutchins(1) William G. Hutchison(1) René Huyghe(1) George E. Hyde(1) Henrik Ibsen(1) Christopher Idle(1) J. R. Illingworth(1) John Inchley(1) Thomas Ingoldsby(1) Robert Ingpen(1) Mick Inkpen(1) Washington Irving(3) Shirley Isherwood(2) Kazuo Ishiguro(1) Stuart Jackman(1) Holbrook Jackson(1) Paul Jackson(1) Lucy Jago(1) Annabelle James(1) Henry James(3) M. R. James(1) M. R. James(2) P. D. James(2) William James(1) Kathleen Jamie(1) David Robert and Brown Jamieson(1) R. C. Jasper(1) Ronald C. Jasper(1) Ronald C. D. Jasper(1) A.N. Jeffares(1) Richard Jefferies(1) Graham Jefferson(1) John Jeffrey(1) Ron Jeffries(1) Gertrude Jekyll(1) Daniel Thomas Jenkins(1) Elizabeth Jenkins(1) Roy Jenkins(1) Simon Jenkins(4) Simon Jenkins(1) Michael Jenner(1) Sue Jennings(2) Terry J. Jennings(1) Irving L. Jensen(1) Joachim Jeremias(3) Gordon Jessup(1) Jim packer(2) C. E. M. Joad(1) J. John(1) Jackson. Robert & Fitzmaurice. John(1) Patricia St. John(1) Paul Johnson(1) Michael Johnstone(1) Patrick Johnstone(1) W. E. Johns(1) Anthea Jones(1) Cheslyn Peter Montague Jones(1) Graham Jones(1) Roy Joslin(1) John Julian(1) C. G. Jung(1) James W. Kalat(1) Arvid S Kapelrud(1) Masahiro Kasuya(1) M. M. Kaye(2) John Keats(1) John Keegan(3) P. J. Keegan(1) Howard Clark Kee(1) W. T. Keeler(1) Robin Keeley(1) Robert Kee(1) C. F. Keil(2) Garrison Keillor(1) Timothy Keller(1) J. Kelly(1) J. N. D. Kelly(2) Maureen Kelly(1) Eric Kemp(1) Thomas a Kempis(2) Graham Kendrick(3) kennedy(1) G. A. Studdert Kennedy(1) Ludovic Kennedy(1) Dorothy Kerin(1) John Kershaw(1) Omar Khayyám(1) D. A. Kidd(1) Jennet Kidd(2) Derek Kidner(4) Francis Kilvert(2) Hermann Kinder(2) Michael Kindred(1) Celia King(1) Graham King(1) Martin Luther King, Jr.(2) Karen King(1) Peter King(1) Jean Kinmond(1) Rudyard Kipling(3) Gilbert W. Kirby(1) Alexander Francis Kirkpatrick(1) J. M. K.(1) Matthew Kneale(1) Greg Knight(1) Roger Knights(2) Stephen Knight(1) Andrew Knowles(2) George Byron Koch(1) David Kossoff(2) Fernando Krahn(1) Peter Kreeft(1) Brede Kristensen(1) Friedric Krummacher(1) Colin G. Kruse(1) Raymond Moody. Foreword by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross(1) Jack Kuhatschek(1) Isobel Kuhn(1) Rienk Bouke Kuiper(1) Hans Küng(2) Marilyn Kunz(2) Grace H. Kupfer(1) David Kyles(1) Robert Lacey(2) George Eldon Ladd(3) Beverly LaHaye(1) Tim LaHaye(1) Deryn Lake(3) Stephen Lake(1) Charles Lamb(2) Stacey Lamb(1) Richard Lamerton(1) Raymond Lamont-Brown(1) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa(1) G. W. H. Lampe(1) Maggie Lane(1) Margaret Lane(1) William L. Lane(1) Karen Lansdown(1) joy Larkham(1) Kenneth Scott Latourette(1) Brother Lawrence(2) David Lawrence(1) D. H. Lawrence(2) John Lawrence(1) T. E. Lawrence(1) Michael Lawson(1) William Law(1) Hermann Lea(1) Richard E. Leakey(1) Edward Lear(2) Robin A. Leaver(1) Christopher Lee(1) Harper Lee(1) Laurie Lee(1) Dan Lees(1) James Lees-Milne(1) Shirley Lees(1) Michael Legat(1) Michel Legrand(1) Stefan Lemke(2) Olga Lengyel(1) Bruce P. and Hilary Marsden Lenman, eds.(1) Chris Leonard(1) H.C. Leopold(1) Leonard Lerolland(1) Michael Levey(1) Peter Levi(2) Carenza Lewis(1) C. S. Lewis(15) David Lewis(1) Editor C. Day Lewis(1) John Lewis-Stempel(1) Joan M. Lexau(1) R J Mitchell And M D R Leys(1) R. H. 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