Nube de autores para BranMcD

William J. Abraham(1) Marilyn McCord Adams(1) Richard Adams(1) Robert Merrihew Adams(4) Jonathan E. Adler(1) Charles Mortimer J.; Van Doren Adler(1) William Aiken(1) Scott F. Aikin(1) David Z Albert(3) Sherman Alexie(1) Dante Alighieri(1) Henry E. Allison(1) Yael Almog(1) William P. Alston(1) Karl Ameriks(1) Martin Amis(3) Boethius(1) G. E. M. Anscombe(1) Anselm of Canterbury(1) Kwame Anthony Appiah(1) Hannah Arendt(1) Dionysius the Areopagite(1) Aristotle(4) D. M. Armstrong(4) Athanasius(1) Margaret Atherton(1) Robert Audi(1) Saint Augustine(3) J. L. Austin(1) A. J. Ayer(5) Forrest E. Baird(1) Lynne Rudder Baker(1) Mark C. Baker(1) Mark Balaguer(1) Nathan Ballantyne(1) Charles Bamforth(1) Julian Barbour(1) Gillian Barker(1) Elizabeth Barnes(1) Stephen M Barr(1) Jacques Barzun(1) Basil(1) Walter Bauer(1) L. Frank Baum(1) Adam Becker(1) Samuel Beckett(1) Helen Beebee(1) J. S. Bell(1) Saul Bellow(1) Gordon Belot(1) José Benardete(1) Jonathan Bennett(2) Karen Bennett(1) Matthew A. Benton(1) Peter L. Berger(1) Michael Bergmann(2) George Berkeley(1) Isaiah Berlin(1) Wendell Berry(1) Francesco Berto(1) Alexander Bird(1) Michael A Bishop(1) David Alan Black(1) Ricki Bliss(1) Hans Boersma(1) Paul Boghossian(1) David Bohm(1) Laurence BonJour(2) George S. Boolos(2) Jorge Luis Borges(1) Craig Bourne(1) Peter Bowler(1) F. H. Bradley(2) David Bradshaw(1) David Bradshaw(1) Otto Bretscher(1) Talbot Brewer(1) Jean Bricmont(1) Godehard Brüntrup(1) C. D. Broad(2) Terry Brooks(3) Janet Broughton(1) Harvey R. Brown(1) Peter R. L. Brown(1) Anthony Brueckner(1) Martin Buber(1) Michael J. Buckley(1) Sergius Bulgakov(1) David J. Buller(1) John Bunyan(1) Edmund Burke(1) Patout J. Burns(1) Tara Isabella Burton(1) Edwin A. Burtt(1) St Basil of Caesarea(1) Thomas Cahill(1) Craig Callender(1) Ross P. Cameron(1) Albert Camus(7) Herman Cappelen(2) Deirdre Carabine(1) Orson Scott Card(1) Rudolf Carnap(3) Andrew Carnegie(1) Robert A. Caro(1) Caleb Carr(1) John W. Carroll(1) Nancy Cartwright(1) Albert Casullo(1) Chadwick(1) Henry Chadwick(1) Anjan Chakravartty(2) David Chalmers(1) David J. Chalmers(3) G.K. Chesterton(2) Ted Chiang(1) Justin Clarke-Doane(1) Randolph Clarke(1) Susanna Clarke(2) W. Norris Clarke(1) Stephen R. L. Clark(4) James Van Cleve(1) John Collins(1) Earl Conee(1) Joseph Conrad(1) Tim Pat Coogan(1) James Fenimore Cooper(1) Frederick Copleston(9) Professor Fabrice Correia(1) J. A. Cover(2) Sam Cowling(1) Edward Craig(2) Richard Cross(2) Terence Cuneo(3) Conor Cunningham(1) James T. Cushing(1) Barry F. Dainton(1) Saint John of Damascus(1) Antonio R. Damasio(1) Dante(2) Stephen Darwall(3) Charles Darwin(1) Donald Davidson(1) Matthew Davidson(1) Richard Dawkins(2) Christopher Dawson(1) Don DeLillo(1) Augusto Del Noce(1) Don DeNevi(1) Theodore Denise(1) Daniel C. Dennett(1) Keith DeRose(1) René Descartes(6) Kim Michael and Sterelny Devitt(1) Richard DeWitt(1) Persi Diaconis(1) Jared Diamond(2) Georges Dicker(1) John Dillon(1) Andrew Dole(1) Stephen R. Donaldson(6) Fyodor Dostoevsky(2) Trent Dougherty(1) Frederick Douglass(1) Stephen M. Downes(1) James Doyle(1) Fred Dretske(1) Michael Dummett(2) H. Ray Dunning(1) John Duns Scotus(1) Antony Eagle(1) Umberto Eco(1) Andy Egan(1) Albert Einstein(1) Carlos Eire(1) T. S. Eliot(1) Brian Epstein(1) Desiderius Erasmus(1) Clifton Fadiman(1) Robert Fagles(1) Jeremy Fantl(1) William Faulkner(1) Abigail Rine Favale(1) Joel Feinberg(1) Richard Feldman(1) Richard P. Feynman(2) Johann Gottlieb Fichte(1) Gail Fine(3) Kit Fine(1) John Martin Fischer(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(1) Alan Flusser(1) Jerry A. Fodor(6) Philippa Foot(1) John Foster(2) Michel Foucault(2) Bas C. van Fraassen(4) Bryan Frances(2) Benjamin Franklin(1) David Freedman(1) Gottlob Frege(1) and Krause Steven French, Decio(1) Sigmund Freud(3) Michael Friedman(2) Erich Fromm(1) Robert Frost(1) Amos Funkenstein(1) William Gaddis(1) Neil Gaiman(1) Jay L. Garfield(1) AlanM Garfinkel(1) James W. Garson(1) Peter Gay(1) Robert Geroch(1) Lloyd P. Gerson(1) Larry J. Gerstein(1) Stan Gibilisco(1) Michael Allen Gillespie(1) Paul Gilroy(1) René Girard(1) Rod Girle(1) Stuart Glennan(1) Jonathan Glover(1) Lou Goble(1) Peter Godfrey-Smith(2) Philip Goff(1) Chad Alan Goldberg(1) Alvin I. Goldman(4) Tyron Goldschmidt(1) Adrian Goldsworthy(1) Peter J. Gomes(1) Nelson Goodman(2) John Steele Gordon(1) Philip S. Gorski(1) James Gould(1) Robert Graves(1) Adam Green(1) Marvin Jay Greenberg(1) Mitchell S. Green(1) Brad S. Gregory(1) Gregorio di Nissa(1) Paul Grice(1) James Griffin(1) Gary Gutting(1) Paul Guyer(1) Susan Haack(2) Ian Hacking(1) Bob Hale(2) Toby Handfield(1) R. M. Hare(1) Mary Harrington(1) Peter Harrison(2) B. H. Liddell Hart(1) David Bentley Hart(5) Michael Harvey(1) John Hawthorne(2) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(4) Martin Heidegger(1) Robert A. Heinlein(1) Michael S. Heiser(1) Carl G. Hempel(1) Herbert Feigl and Michael Scriven(1) Frank Herbert(6) Eugen Herrigel(1) Abraham Joshua Heschel(1) Hermann Hesse(7) Stephen M. Hildebrand(1) Gertrude Himmelfarb(1) Max Horkheimer(1) Percy & Brown Hornstein(1) Paul Horwich(2) Nathan Houser(1) Daniel Howard-Snyder(1) Colin Howson(1) Hud Hudson(2) Michael Huemer(2) R. I. G. Hughes(1) David Hume(5) Paul W. Humphreys(1) Patrick J. Hurley(1) Edmund Husserl(1) Peter Hylton(1) Peter van Inwagen(11) Irenaeus of Lyons(1) Jenann Ismael(1) Frank Jackson(2) Mark Jago(1) William James(1) Allan Janik(1) William Jaworski(1) Richard C. Jeffrey(1) Willie James Jennings(1) Paul Johnson(1) Robert Jordan(7) Jason A. Josephson-Storm(1) James Joyce(3) Richard Joyce(1) Walter M. Miller, Jr.(1) Christopher Kaczor(1) Robert Kane(2) Immanuel Kant(7) John Keats(1) Rosanna Keefe(1) John A. Keller(1) Tae-Yeoun Keum(1) Muhammad Ali Khalidi(1) Søren Kierkegaard(2) Jaegwon Kim(3) Barbara Kingsolver(1) Russell Kirk(1) Robert Klee(1) Boris Kment(1) Kristin Kobes Du Mez(1) Alexandre Kojève(1) Kenneth J. Jr. Konyndyk(1) Robert C. Koons(1) Christine M. Korsgaard(1) Kathrin Koslicki(1) and Stump Norman Kretzmann, Eleonore(2) Saul A. Kripke(4) Thomas S. Kuhn(1) Jonathan L. Kvanvig(1) Ross James Ladyman, Don(1) Pär Lagerkvist(2) Imre Lakatos(1) David Lambuth(1) Marc Lange(4) Rae Langton(1) Joseph LaPorte(1) Christopher Lasch(1) Larry Laudan(1) Stephen R. Lawhead(5) C. Stephen Layman(1) Jackson Lears(1) Wilhelm Leeb(1) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz(1) Brian Leiter(1) John Leslie(1) Clarence Irving Lewis(1) C. S. Lewis(12) David K. Lewis(5) Peter J. Lewis(1) Seymour Lipschutz(1) Peter Lipton(1) John Locke(2) Michael Lodahl(1) Barry Loewer(1) John Losee(1) Michael J. Loux(2) and Zimmerman Michael J. Loux, Dean(1) E. J. Lowe(1) William G. Lycan(1) Andrew Lynn(1) Alasdair MacIntyre(3) J. D. Mackie(1) J. L. Mackie(2) Randy L. Maddox(1) Penelope Maddy(1) Hilary Mantel(1) Herbert Marcuse(1) C. B. Martin(1) George R. R. Martin(5) A. P. Martinich(2) Martin E. Marty(1) Karl Marx(1) E. L. Mascall(1) Abraham H. Maslow(1) Tim Maudlin(4) Massimo il Confessore(4) Deborah G. Mayo(1) Kevin McCain(3) Cormac McCarthy(3) Kris McDaniel(1) John McDowell(2) Colin McGinn(1) Sean McKeever(1) Dennis L. McKiernan(6) David McMahon(1) David McNaughton(1) Willis E. McNelly(1) John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart(2) D. H. Mellor(3) Herman Melville(1) H. L. Mencken(1) Merriam-Webster(1) Trenton Merricks(3) Thomas Merton(1) Bruce M. Metzger(1) John Meyendorff(1) Daniel L. Migliore(1) Calvin Miller(1) Elijah Millgram(1) Ruth Garrett Millikan(1) John Stuart Mill(2) John Milton(1) Brad Miner(1) Giovanni Pico della Mirandola(1) George Molnar(1) Ray Monk(1) G. E. Moore(1) John R. H. Moorman(1) Simon Conway Morris(1) Randy Mosher(1) Sarah Moss(1) Iris Murdoch(2) Mark C. Murphy(3) Michael Murray(1) Vladimir Nabokov(5) Vladimir edited by Fredson Bowers with an Introduc(1) Ernest Nagel(1) Thomas Nagel(6) Jean-Luc Nancy(1) Thomas Nelson(1) Graham Nerlich(2) Eberhard Nestle(1) John Henry Newman(2) W. H. Newton-Smith(1) Alyssa Ney(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(1) John Nolt(1) Henri J. M. Nouwen(1) Robert Nozick(3) of Nyssa(1) Roger E. Olson(1) The Onion(1) George Orwell(1) Phoebe Palmer(1) R. R. Palmer(1) David Papineau(1) Derek Parfit(1) Blaise Pascal(1) Robert Pasnau(2) L. A. Paul(1) Timothy Pawl(1) Mervyn Peake(1) Judea Pearl(1) Iain Pears(1) Peirce Edition Project(1) Roger Penrose(1) Walker Percy(1) Derk Pereboom(1) Arturo Pérez-Reverte(2) John Perry(1) John R. Perry(1) Catherine Pickstock(1) Massimo Pigliucci(1) Terry Pinkard(1) Alvin Plantinga(9) Plato(5) HENRY DESMOND PRITCHARD LEE (TRANSLATOR) PLATO(1) Robin Le Poidevin(1) Richard H. Popkin(1) Karl Popper(2) Angela Potochnik(2) Terry Pratchett(1) H. H. Price(1) Huw Price(3) Harold Arthur Prichard(1) Graham Priest(1) Arthur N. Prior(2) Proclus(1) Marcel Proust(2) Alexander R. Pruss(2) Stathis Psillos(2) Louis J. Puhl(1) Hilary Putnam(2) Mario Puzo(2) W. V. Quine(5) Diana Raffman(1) William M. Ramsey(1) Joshua Rasmussen(1) John Rawls(1) Michael C. Rea(2) Henk W. de Regt(1) Hans Reichenbach(3) Michael D. Resnik(1) Philip Rieff(1) A. A. Rini(1) rist(1) Gayle Rivers(1) Tom Robbins(1) Thomas A. Robinson(1) Amelie Oksenberg Rorty(1) Richard Rorty(1) W. D. Ross(2) Philip Roth(2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau(1) William L. Rowe(1) Steven Runciman(1) William C. Rusch(1) Bertrand Russell(10) Stuart Russell(1) Gilbert Ryle(2) R. M. Sainsbury(1) Nathan U. Salmon(4) Wesley C. Salmon(3) Jean-Paul Sartre(1) Max Scheler(2) Theodore Schick(1) Alexander Schmemann(1) J. B. Schneewind(1) Ben Schott(1) Bernard F. Schutz(1) Eric Schwitzgebel(1) James C. Scott(1) Roger Scruton(1) Jorge Secada(1) Will Self(1) Wilfrid Sellars(1) Russ Shafer-Landau(2) William Shakespeare(1) Christopher Shields(1) William L. Shirer(1) Theodore Sider(4) Charles Siewert(1) Joe Simpson(1) William M. R. Simpson(1) Peter Singer(1) Lawrence Sklar(4) Bradford Skow(2) J. J. C. Smart(1) David Woodruff Smith(1) Justin E. H. Smith(1) Nicholas J. J. Smith(2) Steven D. Smith(1) O. Carter Snead(1) Scott Soames(5) Elliott Sober(2) Roy A. Sorensen(1) Ernest Sosa(4) Thomas Sowell(1) Paul Vincent Spade(1) Mark K. Spencer(1) Robert J. Spitzer(1) Robert C. Stalnaker(2) P. Kyle Stanford(1) Jason Stanley(1) Olaf Stapledon(1) Rob L. Staples(1) Robert Steiner(1) Eric Steinhart(1) Kim Sterelny(1) Laurence Sterne(1) Matthias Steup(2) Jon Stewart(1) Tom Stoppard(1) Jeffrey Stout(1) Galen Strawson(1) P. F. Strawson(1) Michael Strevens(1) William Strunk Jr.(1) and Murray Eleanore Stump, Michael(1) Eleonore Stump(2) Willem Styfhals(1) L. W. Sumner(1) Frederick Suppe(1) Jonathan Sutton(1) Richard Swinburne(4) Dr Tuomas E. Tahko(1) Nassim Nicholas Taleb(1) Alfred Tarski(1) Charles Taylor(3) Edwin F. Taylor(1) Gustav Temple(1) Thomas Aquinas(1) Hunter S. Thompson(1) Michael Thompson(1) Silvanus P. Thompson(1) Henry David Thoreau(1) Paul and Howard Kahane Tidman(1) Paul Tillich(3) Alexis de Tocqueville(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(8) Leo Tolstoy(1) James Tomberlin(1) Roberto Torretti(1) Al Truesdale(2) Chris Tucker(1) Robert C. Tucker(1) Ivan Turgenev(1) Joseph F. Tuso(1) Mark Twain(2) Leon Uris(2) J. O. Urmson(1) Various(1) Kurt Vonnegut(1) R. T. Wallis(1) Jerry L. Walls(1) Thomas M. Ward(1) Max Weber(2) Daniel M. Wegner(1) Alfred North Whitehead(1) Walt Whitman(1) Bernard Williams(2) John F. Williams(1) N. P. Williams(1) Timothy Williamson(4) Tad Williams(4) Andrew Wilson(1) Mark Wilson(1) Timothy D. Wilson(1) Simon Winchester(1) Ludwig Wittgenstein(3) Gene Wolfe(2) Tom Wolfe(1) Nicholas Wolterstorff(3) Allen W. Wood(2) Mark B. Woodhouse(1) Jordan Daniel Wood(1) James Woodward(1) William Wood(1) Mildred Bangs Wynkoop(1) Philip Yancey(1) Richard A. Young(1) Johannes Zachhuber(1) José L. Zalabardo(1) Linda M. G. Zerilli(1) Dean Zimmerman(1) William Zinsser(1) John Zizioulas(1) Olivier Zunz(1)