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Retorno a Brideshead (1945)

por Evelyn Waugh

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12,720263500 (4.04)933
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Brideshead, una gran mansin inglesa, se ha convertido en cuartel general del Ejrcito. All vuelve, ahora como soldado, Charles Ryder, que evoca los viejos tiempos en los que l era casi un miembro de la familia Marchmain, propietaria de la mansin, recordando la estrecha y ambigua relacin que mantuvo con Sebastian y su fascinacin por la hermana de ste, Julia. Poco a poco se desvela la historia de una familia catlica de la aristocracia britnica que entr en decadencia y no supo salir del atolladero.… (más)
  1. 130
    Regreso a Howards End por E. M. Forster (readerbabe1984)
  2. 120
    Los restos del día por Kazuo Ishiguro (Booksloth)
  3. 92
    Expiación por Ian McEwan (readerbabe1984)
  4. 61
    El fin de la aventura por Graham Greene (Whig)
  5. 50
    El jardín de los Finzi-Contini por Giorgio Bassani (Rebeki)
    Rebeki: Both set prior to the Second World War, with a narrator looking back on time spent with a memorable family in a memorable and evocative setting. Same sense of melancholy and nostalgia.
  6. 40
    Una danza para la música del tiempo: Primavera por Anthony Powell (literarysarah)
  7. 31
    La Línea de La Belleza por Alan Hollinghurst (djmccord73)
    djmccord73: british families, class divisions, being an outsider, envy
  8. 20
    Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead por Paula Byrne (librarianistbooks, pellethepoet)
  9. 21
    El mensajero por L. P. Hartley (Usuario anónimo)
  10. 21
    The Queer Feet [short story] por G.K. Chesterton (Gregorio_Roth)
    Gregorio_Roth: Evelyn Waugh used this story by G.K. Chesterton as a basis for a number of ideas in his book.
  11. 10
    El inimitable Jeeves por P. G. Wodehouse (themulhern)
    themulhern: This may seem odd, but in the hilarious scene where Charles Ryder is being taunted by his father for having run out of money, the expressions used are almost identical. Almost as if Waugh was drawing on his memories of Wodehouse books read.
  12. 22
    El buen soldado por Ford Madox Ford (chrisharpe)
  13. 00
    Touchstone por Laurie R. King (amanda4242)
    amanda4242: Bennett Grey is kind of a less damaged Sebastian Flyte.
  14. 23
    A la caza del amor por Nancy Mitford (chrisharpe)
  15. 02
    The Rules of Attraction por Bret Easton Ellis (Gregorio_Roth)
    Gregorio_Roth: Brideshead Revisited is to the 1940's as Rules of Attraction was to the 1980's.
1940s (8)
AP Lit (50)

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Mostrando 4 de 4
El retorno de Charles Ryder a Brideshead —la elegante mansión de lord Marchmain, convertida ahora en cuartel— devuelve a su memoria aquellos tiempos, anteriores a la guerra, en que paseaba embelesado por sus hermosos jardines y salones y se dejaba sucumbir al hechizo de sus singulares habitantes. En realidad, nunca pudo Charles librarse de su ambigua amistad con el inquieto Sebastian, ni de su obsesivo amor por la hermana de éste, lady Julia, ni de la oscura y contradictoria fatalidad que dejó marcada para siempre la atribulada vida de los Marchmain con su huella de drama y desvarío.
  Natt90 | Mar 23, 2023 |
"Al otro lado del portal, al otro lado del jardín de invierno que una vez había sido la portería del College, nos aguardaba un Morris-Cowley de dos plazas. El oso de peluche de Sebastian estaba sentado ante el volante. Lo colocamos entre los dos - Vigila que no se maree- y arrancamos. Las campanas de St. Mary daban las nueve."
Es una maravilla. Y no dejo de visualizar la serie. Y a mi madre. Cómo nos gustaba. ( )
  crsiaac | Apr 19, 2014 |
El retorno de Charles Ryder a Brideshead —la elegante mansión de lord Marchmain, convertida ahora en cuartel— devuelve a su memoria aquellos tiempos, anteriores a la guerra, en que paseaba embelesado por sus hermosos jardines y salones y se dejaba sucumbir al hechizo de sus singulares habitantes. En realidad, nunca pudo Charles librarse de su ambigua amistad con el inquieto Sebastian, ni de su obsesivo amor por la hermana de éste, lady Julia, ni de la oscura y contradictoria fatalidad que dejó marcada para siempre la atribulada vida de los Marchmain con su huella de drama y desvarío.
  kika66 | Dec 25, 2010 |
Una historia de amistad y de amor que perdura en la memoria. ( )
  Inesdelreves | Mar 17, 2010 |
Mostrando 4 de 4
Evelyn Waugh was a marvellous writer, but one of a sort peculiarly likely to write a bad book at any moment. The worst of his, worse even than The Loved One, must be Brideshead Revisited. But long before the Granada TV serial came along it was his most enduringly popular novel; the current Penguin reprint is the nineteenth in its line. The chief reason for this success is obviously and simply that here we have a whacking, heavily romantic book about nobs...

It is as if Evelyn Waugh came to believe that since about all he looked for in his companions was wealth, rank, Roman Catholicism (where possible) and beauty (where appropriate), those same attributes and no more would be sufficient for the central characters in a long novel, enough or getting on for enough, granted a bit of style thrown in, to establish them as both glamorous and morally significant. That last blurring produced a book I would rather expect a conscientious Catholic to find repulsive, but such matters are none of my concern. Certainly the author treats those characters with an almost cringing respect, implying throughout that they are important and interesting in some way over and above what we are shown of them.
añadido por SnootyBaronet | editarTimes Literary Supplement, Kingsley Amis (Nov 20, 1981)
Brideshead Revisited fulfils the quest for certainty, though the image of a Catholic aristocracy, with its penumbra of a remote besieged chivalry, a secular hierarchy threatened by the dirty world but proudly falling back on a prepared eschatological position, has seemed over-romantic, even sentimental, to non-Catholic readers. It remains a soldier's dream, a consolation of drab days and a deprived palate, disturbingly sensuous, even slavering with gulosity, as though God were somehow made manifest in the haute cuisine. The Puritan that lurks in every English Catholic was responsible for the later redaction of the book, the pruning of the poetry of self-indulgence.
añadido por SnootyBaronet | editarObserver, Anthony Burgess
Snobbery is the charge most often levelled against Brideshead; and, at first glance, it is also the least damaging. Modern critics have by now accused practically every pre-modern novelist of pacifism, or collaboration, in the class war. Such objections are often simply anachronistic, telling us more about present-day liberal anxieties than about anything else. But this line won’t quite work for Brideshead, which squarely identifies egalitarianism as its foe and proceeds to rubbish it accordingly...

‘I have been here before’: the opening refrain is from Rossetti, and much of the novel reads like a golden treasury of neo-classical clichés: phantoms, soft airs, enchanted gardens, winged hosts – the liturgical rhythms, the epic similes, the wooziness. Waugh’s conversion was a temporary one, and never again did he attempt the grand style. Certainly the prose sits oddly with the coldness and contempt at the heart of the novel, and contributes crucially to its central imbalance.
añadido por SnootyBaronet | editarNew York Times, Martin Amis
"Lush and evocative ... the one Waugh which best expresses at once the profundity of change and the indomitable endurance of the human spirit."
añadido por GYKM | editarThe Times
The new novel by Evelyn Waugh—Brideshead Revisited—has been a bitter blow to this critic. I have admired and praised Mr. Waugh, and when I began reading Brideshead Revisited, I was excited at finding that he had broken away from the comic vein for which he is famous and expanded into a new dimension... But this enthusiasm is to be cruelly disappointed. What happens when Evelyn Waugh abandons his comic convention—as fundamental to his previous work as that of any Restoration dramatist—turns out to be more or less disastrous...

For Waugh’s snobbery, hitherto held in check by his satirical point of view, has here emerged shameless and rampant... In the meantime, I predict that Brideshead Revisited will prove to be the most successful, the only extremely successful, book that Evelyn Waugh has written, and that it will soon be up in the best-seller list somewhere between The Black Rose and The Manatee.
añadido por SnootyBaronet | editarThe New Yorker, Edmund Wilson (Jan 5, 1946)

» Añade otros autores (25 posibles)

Nombre del autorRolTipo de autor¿Obra?Estado
Waugh, Evelynautor principaltodas las edicionesconfirmado
Andel, E. vanTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Belmont, GeorgesTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Bentley, Peterautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Doleżal-Nowicka, IrenaTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Fein, FranzTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Folch i Camarasa, RamonTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Gielgud, JohnNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Havers, NigelNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Irons, JeremyNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Jalvingh, LucTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Kermode, FrankIntroducciónautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Linklater, EricPrólogoautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Malthe-Bruun, VibekeTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Odelberg, MargarethaTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Phipps, CarolineTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Rajandi, HennoTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Raphael, FredericIntroducciónautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Rosoman, LeonardIlustradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Teason, WilliamArtista de Cubiertaautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Treimann, HansTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Urbánková, Jarmilaautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Viljanen, LauriTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
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To Laura
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When I reached C Company lines, which were at the top of the hill, I paused and looked back at the camp, just coming into full view below me through the grey mist of early morning.
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"I have been here before," I said; I had been there before; first with Sebastian more than twenty years ago on a cloudless day in June, when the ditches were creamy with meadowsweet and the air heavy with all the scents of summer; it was a day of peculiar splendour, and though I had been there so often, in so many moods, it was to that first visit that my heart returned on this, my latest.
 "these men must die to make a world for Hooper ... so that things might be safe for the travelling salesman, with his polygonal pince-nez, his fat, wet handshake, his grinning dentures." 
My theme is memory, that winged host that soared about me one grey morning of war-time. These memories, which are my life—for we possess nothing certainly except the past—were always with me. Like the pigeons of St. Mark's, they were everywhere, under my feet, singly, in pairs, in little honey-voiced congregations, nodding, strutting, winking, rolling the tender feathers of their necks, perching sometimes, if I stood still, on my shoulder or pecking a broken biscuit from between my lips; until, suddenly, the noon gun boomed and in a moment, with a flutter and sweep of wings, the pavement was bare and the whole sky above dark with a tumult of fowl. Thus it was that morning.
How ungenerously in later life we disclaim the virtuous moods of our youth, living in retrospect long, summer days of unreflecting dissipation, Dresden figures of pastoral gaiety! Our wisdom, we prefer to think, is all of our own gathering, while, if truth be told, it is, most of it, the last coin of a legacy that dwindles with time.
The trouble with modern education is you never know how ignorant people are. With anyone over fifty you can be fairly confident what's been taught and what's been left out. But these young people have such an intelligent, knowledgeable surface, and then the crust breaks and you look down into depths of confusion you didn't know existed.
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Do not combine with the movie or the mini-series.
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Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Brideshead, una gran mansin inglesa, se ha convertido en cuartel general del Ejrcito. All vuelve, ahora como soldado, Charles Ryder, que evoca los viejos tiempos en los que l era casi un miembro de la familia Marchmain, propietaria de la mansin, recordando la estrecha y ambigua relacin que mantuvo con Sebastian y su fascinacin por la hermana de ste, Julia. Poco a poco se desvela la historia de una familia catlica de la aristocracia britnica que entr en decadencia y no supo salir del atolladero.

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El libro Brideshead Revisited de Evelyn Waugh estaba disponible desde LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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