
Etiqueta en inglés: theatre (mejora la traducción)

Incluye: theatre, theater, Theatre, Theater, Teatro, teatro, théâtre, Théâtre, Teatre, teatre, teater, TEATRO, THEATRE, théatre, TEATRE, Teater, THEATER, Théatre, 008.Théâtre, театр, Theatre., THeater, teatraĵo, theatre., Театр,  theatre, théàtre, *theatre, _theatre, and Theater, and theater, "theatre",  Theater, --- theater, "theater, ' theater, teatre / theatre, [theatre], TEatro,  theater, THeatre, 008.théâtre, _théâtre, _Théâtre, tEATRO
Traducciones: Theater, teater, teatro, θέατρο, 演劇・劇場, teatre, teatro, theatr, teater, Тэатр, Театър, Theater, Teatro, Théâtre, Kazalište, Leiklist, Teatro, Teātris, Teatras, Színházművészet, Драмска уметност, Teater, Teatr, Teatru, Театр, Divadlo, Сценска уметност, Teatteri, Tiyatro, טעאטער

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