Imagen del autor

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860–1935)

Autor de The Yellow Wallpaper - story

137+ Obras 12,727 Miembros 351 Reseñas 22 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in 1860 in Hartford, Conn. Her traumatic childhood led to depression and to her eventual suicide. Gilman's father abandoned the family when she was a child and her mother, who was not an affectionate woman, recruited relatives to help raise her children. Among mostrar más these relatives was Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Due to her family situation, Gilman learned independence, but also became alienated from her many female relatives. Gilman married in 1884 and was soon diagnosed with depression. She was prescribed bed rest, which only seemed to aggravate her condition and she eventually divorced her husband, fearing that marriage was partly responsible for her depressed state. After this, Gilman became involved in feminist activities and the writing that made her a major figure in the women's movement. Books such as Women and Economics, written in 1898, are proof of her importance as a feminist. Here she states that only when women learn to be economically independent can true equality be achieved. Her fiction works, particularly The Yellow Wallpaper, are also written with feminist ideals. A frequent lecturer, she also founded the feminist magazine Forerunner in 1909. Gilman, suffering from cancer, chose to end her own life and committed suicide on August 17, 1935. More information about this fascinating figure can be found in her book The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography, published in 1935. (Bowker Author Biography) Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in 1860 in Hartford, Conn. Her traumatic childhood led to depression and to her eventual suicide. Gilman's father abandoned the family when she was a child and her mother, who was not an affectionate woman, recruited relatives to help raise her children. Among these relatives was Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Due to her family situation, Gilman learned independence, but also became alienated from her many female relatives. Gilman married in 1884 and was soon diagnosed with depression. She was prescribed bed rest, which only seemed to aggravate her condition and she eventually divorced her husband, fearing that marriage was partly responsible for her depressed state. After this, Gilman became involved in feminist activities and the writing that made her a major figure in the women's movement. Books such as Women and Economics, written in 1898, are proof of her importance as a feminist. Here she states that only when women learn to be economically independent can true equality be achieved. Her fiction works, particularly The Yellow Wallpaper, are also written with feminist ideals. A frequent lecturer, she also founded the feminist magazine Forerunner in 1909. Gilman, suffering from cancer, chose to end her own life and committed suicide on August 17, 1935. More information about this fascinating figure can be found in her book The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography, published in 1935. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: From Wikipedia


Obras de Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper - story (1892) 3,276 copias, 146 reseñas
Dellas: un mundo femenino (1915) 2,636 copias, 68 reseñas
Herland and Selected Stories (1892) 313 copias, 4 reseñas
The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader (1980) 220 copias, 6 reseñas
The Yellow Wallpaper And Other Stories (1995) 143 copias, 2 reseñas
The Yellow Wallpaper and Selected Writings (2009) 135 copias, 3 reseñas
Unpunished: A Mystery (1998) 121 copias, 4 reseñas
Herland/The Yellow Wallpaper (2005) 94 copias, 3 reseñas
With Her in Ourland (1916) 69 copias, 2 reseñas
100 Eternal Masterpieces of Literature - volume 1 (2017) — Contribuidor — 61 copias
What Diantha Did (1912) 47 copias, 2 reseñas
The Crux (1911) 44 copias
Moving the Mountain (2009) 41 copias, 2 reseñas
21 Essential American Short Stories (2011) — Contribuidor — 27 copias, 1 reseña
Benigna Machiavelli (1993) 12 copias
The Yellow Wallpaper (2021) 11 copias
If I Were A Man (1914) 9 copias, 1 reseña
Concerning Children (2002) 5 copias
When I Was a Witch (2017) 5 copias
The Classic Gothic Horror Collection (2021) — Contribuidor — 4 copias
Making a Living 2 copias
My Poor Aunt 1 copia
Human work (2005) 1 copia
Spoken To 1 copia
Her Beauty 1 copia
Dagi Yerinden Oynatmak (2021) 1 copia
Turned 1 copia
Herland Annotated (2021) 1 copia
[No title] 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

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The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales (1992) — Contribuidor — 545 copias, 6 reseñas
American Gothic Tales (1996) — Contribuidor — 465 copias, 5 reseñas
Points of View: Revised Edition (1966) — Contribuidor — 419 copias, 7 reseñas
Great Short Stories by American Women (1996) — Contribuidor — 416 copias, 5 reseñas
The Essential Feminist Reader (2007) — Contribuidor — 323 copias, 3 reseñas
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The Lifted Veil: Women's 19th Century Stories (2005) — Contribuidor — 114 copias
The Utopia Reader (1999) — Contribuidor — 113 copias, 1 reseña
Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic (2019) — Contribuidor — 93 copias, 1 reseña
American Fantastic Tales: Boxed Set (2009) — Contribuidor — 92 copias, 2 reseñas
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The Other Woman: Stories of Two Women and a Man (1993) — Contribuidor — 18 copias, 2 reseñas
The Cold Embrace: Weird Stories by Women (2016) — Contribuidor — 15 copias, 1 reseña
A Quaint and Curious Volume: Tales and Poems of the Gothic (2019) — Contribuidor — 15 copias
Creatures of Another Age: Classic Visions of Prehistoric Monsters (2021) — Contribuidor — 13 copias, 1 reseña
The Wrong Turning: Encounters with Ghosts (2021) — Contribuidor — 13 copias
Witches' Brew: Horror and Supernatural Stories by Women (1984) — Contribuidor — 11 copias
The Great Modern American Stories: An Anthology (1920) — Contribuidor — 10 copias
Great Tales Of The Supernatural (1978) — Contribuidor — 7 copias
Evergreen Stories (1998) — Contribuidor — 5 copias
Best of Women's Short Stories, Volume I (2008) — Contribuidor — 4 copias, 1 reseña
Enjoying Stories (1987) — Contribuidor — 2 copias
Virginia's Sisters: An anthology of women's writing (2023) — Contribuidor — 1 copia


Conocimiento común

Nombre canónico
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Nombre legal
Gilman, Charlotte Anna Perkins
Otros nombres
Stetson, Charlotte Perkins
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
Lugar de sepultura
Lugar de nacimiento
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Lugar de fallecimiento
Pasadena, California, USA
Causa de fallecimiento
Lugares de residencia
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Pasadena, California, USA
New York, New York, USA
Norwich, Connecticut, USA
Rhode Island School of Design
short story writer
social reformer
magazine editor
public speaker
economist (mostrar todos 8)
women's rights activist
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (great-aunt)
Beecher, Catharine (great-aunt)
Hooker, Isabella Beecher (great-aunt)
Stetson, Charles Walter (1st husband)
Gilman, Houghton (2nd husband)
Pacific Coast Women's Press Association
Ebell Society
Premios y honores
National Women's Hall of Fame (1994)
Biografía breve
Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to Frederick Beecher Perkins and his wife Mary Fitch Westcott.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Catharine Beecher, and Isabella Beecher Hooker, three of the most distinguished 19th-century American writers and women's advocates were her great-aunts of whom she was very proud. Charlotte herself became a noted writer, public speaker, economist, and women's rights and suffrage activist. In 1884, at the age of 24, she married Charles Walter Stetson, an aspiring artist, and the following year gave birth to their daughter. Shortly after the birth, Charlotte suffered a serious bout of what today would be diagnosed as post-partum depression. Her best remembered work today is her semi-autobiographical short story "The Yellow Wallpaper," published in 1892. She also wrote a famous treatise, Women and Economics (1898), in which she said women could never be truly independent until they first had economic freedom. This theme was explored through her lectures, her more than 1,000 nonfiction publications, and her fiction. In 1900, Gilman remarried to her first cousin, George Houghton Gilman. Over the next 25 years, Charlotte also ran her own magazine, The Forerunner, in which many of her stories appeared. An advocate of euthanasia, Gilman ended her life at the age of 75 with an overdose of chloroform. Her work fell into obscurity until it was revived by the women’s movement in the 1960s. In 1994, Charlotte Perkins Gilman was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, New York.



the yellow wallpaper en 1001 Books to read before you die (marzo 2008)


Publicada originalmente en 1891 en una revista literaria, la obra está basada en las propias experiencias de su autora, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, escritora estadounidense prolífica y feminista pionera que desafió reiteradamente las convenciones de su época y el rol que la sociedad asignaba a las mujeres. Escribió este relato con la intención de denunciar el perverso tratamiento al que tuvo que someterse después de caer en una depresión posparto. Polémica en su momento, la obra alcanzó muy pronto el estatus de clásico de la literatura de terror y puntal de la literatura feminista norteamericana. En el presente volumen rescatamos el texto en una nueva traducción e incluimos una breve selección de los relatos de la autora.… (más)
bibliotecayamaguchi | 145 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |
Dellas es una muy elaborada utopía de amazonas, de 'supermujeres' que conocen sus propias fuerzas y no tienen ninguna dependencia psicológica ni económica respecto a los hombres: su medio casi perfecto es el resultado de una cuidadosa planificación y control de la población.
Natt90 | 67 reseñas más. | Dec 22, 2022 |
Relato breve con tintes autobiográficos escrito tras una profunda depresión postparto.
Natt90 | 145 reseñas más. | Nov 15, 2022 |
THE CHARLOTTE PERKINS GILMAN READER es una antología de ficción de uno de los escritores feministas más importantes de Estados Unidos. Probablemente mejor conocido como el autor de "The Yellow Wallpaper", en el que una mujer se vuelve loca por la psiquiatría machista, Gilman escribió muchos otros cuentos y novelas que reflejan su visión socialista y feminista radical de la América del cambio de siglo. Recogidos aquí por la notable erudita de Gilman, Ann J. Lane, hay dieciocho historias y fragmentos, incluida una selección de Herland, la utopía feminista de Gilman. La antología resultante proporciona un plan provocativo para la producción intelectual y creativa de Gilman.… (más)
BibliotecaUNED | 5 reseñas más. | Apr 11, 2018 |


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1890s (1)
Utopia (1)


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