Expresiones: LiteraturaEnglishEnglish fictionModern Period1901-19991945-1999
Dewmoji: ??????
0 Obras generales y ciencias de la información 216,948 ℹ️ | 1 Filosofía 229,419 💭 | 2 Religión 562,779 🙏 | 3 Sociología 1,169,921 👫 | 4 Filología 177,109 💬 | 5 Ciencias naturales 380,441 🔬 | 6 Ciencias aplicadas 844,132 💡 | 7 Bellas artes 857,504 🎨 | 8 Literatura 1,201,263 📚 | 9 Historia 703,933 🗺️ |
80 modified standard subdivisions 85,266 📚 | 81 English (North America) 516,583 🍁 | 82 English 294,859 🇬🇧 | 83 German and related languages 90,887 🇩🇪 | 84 French and related languages 69,239 🇫🇷 | 85 Literaturas italiana, rumana y relacionadas 29,884 🇮🇹 | 86 Literaturas española y portuguesa 46,913 🇪🇸 | 87 Latin 6,685 📜 | 88 Greek and other Classical languages 10,912 🇬🇷 | 89 Literature of other languages 50,035 🗨 |
820 English literature in more than one form 15,033 📘 | 821 English poetry 36,879 📄 | 822 English drama 21,654 🎭 | 823 English fiction 206,215 📖 | 824 English essays 2,061 📝 | 825 English speeches 184 💬 | 826 English letters 322 ✉️ | 827 English wit and humor 1,104 😂 | 828 English miscellaneous writings 8,843 👝 | 829 Old English literature, ca. 450-1100 2,564 🐉 |
823.0 By Type 8,002 🌈 | 823.1 Early English 1066-1400 96 📜 | 823.2 Pre-Elizabethan 1400-1558 864 🌺 | 823.3 Elizabethan 1558-1625 4,587 👑 | 823.4 Post-Elizabethan 1625-1702 2,879 💀 | 823.5 Queen Anne 1702-45 764 🤒 | 823.6 Later 18th century 1745-1800 744 ⛪️ | 823.7 Early 19th century 1800-37 1,811 🧑🤝🧑 | 823.8 Victorian period 1837-1900 8,032 🚂 | 823.9 Modern Period 163,271 📺 |
823.90 23 | 823.91 1901-1999 78,460 📻 | 823.92 2000- 72,595 📱 | 823.93 11 | 823.94 20 | 823.95 2 | 823.96 7 | 823.97 1 | 823.98 2 | 823.99 273 |
823.910 249 | 823.911 3 | 823.912 1901-1945 13,158 📞 | 823.913 10 | 823.914 1945-1999 57,139 🚗 | 823.915 3 | 823.916 | 823.917 9 | 823.918 2 | 823.919 |
823.9140 511 | 823.9141 1 | 823.9142 2 | 823.9143 3 | 823.9144 2 | 823.9145 2 | 823.9146 | 823.9147 | 823.9148 1 | 823.9149 |
Obras seleccionadas bajo MDS 823.914 (57,139)
- Expiación por Ian McEwan
- Matilda por Roald Dahl
- Stardust por Neil Gaiman
- Coraline por Neil Gaiman
- Las Brujas por Roald Dahl
- Posesión por A. S. Byatt
Etiquetas relacionadas
"Amigos Lejanos"
Las clases del MDS con recomendaciones considerables se superponen, salvo por aquellas bajo la misma clase de nivel superior.
Edición de 1922 |
Lengua Moderna |
Emoji |