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May 1, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Nicki Leone
Sobre mi biblioteca
It has a life of it's own. I'm sorry to say that everything in the "your library collection" is also in the house. I had to move once because the weight of the books cause the floor of my house to drop about four inches below the adjoining walls.

The collections in my catalog:

Your library: my actual library of my actual books. All present and accounted for and taking up a ridiculous amount of space.

Arcs: Galleys, advanced review copies, bound manuscripts, and otherwise not-quite-finished.

Audio Books on tape, CD, iTunes--and because The Arkangel Shakespeare deserved it's own special place.

Wishlist: Abandoned all attempts at keeping one. I do have a running list of books and authors I keep offsite to keep track of books I've heard about that might interest me, or lists of books by writers I'm interested in -- I'm a "completest" about writers that catch my attention, want to read the good and the bad and the indifferent. But the wishlist is climbing towards the 10K figure and would totally swamp my REAL library, so it stays off site.

Little Library: I recently joined the Little Library movement when I put a lending library at the end of my driveway, across from the community boat dock. So these are books I've put there to be taken, (they are not always returned.)

Here's a video tour of the library, where it is distressingly obvious how little housekeeping I do.

Library Tour from Nicki Leone on Vimeo.

Sobre mí
I've been a bookseller for over twenty years and I'm really good for nothing else.
Wilmington, North Carolina
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Librerías: A Cappella Books, Bookshop by the Lakes, Bound To Be Read, Carlos Museum Bookshop, Charis Books and More, Country Bookshop Inc., Dee Gee's Gifts & Books, Eagle Eye Book Shop, Fiction Addiction, Flyleaf Books, Little Shop of Stories, Malaprop's Bookstore & Cafe, Old Books on Front Street, Page & Palette, Park Road Books, Pomegranate Books, Quail Ridge Books, Quarter Moon Books, The Fountain Bookstore, Inc., The Regulator Bookshop

Bibliotecas: Fulton Public Library System-Ponce De Leon Branch, New Hanover County Public Libraries - Main Library, New Hanover County Public Library - Northeast Branch, Pender County Public Library - Hampstead Branch, Pender County Public Library-Central Library, Randall Library, UNC Wilmington

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