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(108), cultural history (107), learning latin (105), Walisisch (104), Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (103), Theater (103), Wörterbuch (103), dictionary (102), dictionaries (102), Wales (101), Welsh (100), p-celtic (100), brythonic (100), brythonic Languages (100), books on books (100), celtic languages (100), historical fiction (100), Kulturgeschichte (100), books about books (99), Lexikon (98), England (98), Great Britain (98), Lexicon (98), fantasy (97), astrology (92), fiction-poetry (92), science writing (90), English history (90), learning Cymraeg (89), learning Welsh (89), Humanmedizin (89), Cymraeg (89), latinum.org.uk (89), UK (88), politics (87), facsimile (86), practical guide (86), nature (86), Nobel (84), ancient Rome (84), 19th century (81), Rome (81), print from pdf (80), englische Geschichte (80), Horoskop (80), horoscope (80), from pdf (80), pdf printout (80), pdf-Ausdruck (80), Natur (79), Astrologie (79), nobel prize (78), Nobel prize (78), companion (78), Rom (78), 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Jul 22, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Christian Renner
Sobre mi biblioteca

"Let books be your dining table,
And you shall be full of delights
Let them be your mattress
And you shall sleep restful nights."
— St. EPHREM the Syrian (303-373)

The library of a Jack of all Trades, I guess - "The whole reflects all kinds of passing interests, and testifies to a lack of focus on anything in particular." as Savages put it. And growing (even if a bit slowlier these days).

All books listed are physically mine (living here with me) - with the exception of those tagged "nyr" or "nry", which are books I have ordered, but "not yet received" or "not received yet".

As for the "fiction" part of my "private" library there are "must-haves", "classics", a few science fiction or fantasy works and always groups of books clustering around authors I like (like Paul Auster) or topics I was, have been or am interested in. Quite a mix.

Quite a portion of my "private" books are "non-fiction": politics, history, philosopy, spirituality, science, travel guides, how-tos, religion.

I love reading in English, so many of my books are in that language (about 40% by the latest count) - and my German is quite good :-), so quite a lot of books I own are in German.

Additionally my catalogue comprises some of my "professional" books (medicine and many of psychology - most of them in German), as well as my "computer and tech books" (some of them outdated, but dear, and many of them in German, as well) and my "language" books (books for learning foreign languages, and no, I do not speak all those, and yes, I did make several attempts to learn at least one or two, fruitlessly so far).

Among my "professional" medical books are those
- related to homoeopathy
- related to plant medicine / phytotherapy
- related to acupuncture / traditional chinese medicine
- related to diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents
- related to inborn errors of metabolism
- related to pediatrics generally
- books standing in my practice rooms.

I have found out that I love to have "old books" - used books with a history, as old as possible, with a smell of their own and those beautiful hard covers of ages gone by. I own only two or three books as old as the 19th century, but they make a wonderful part of my collection (tagged oldbooks or veryoldbooks). Wish I could afford more of these...

My library contains quite a lot of paperback editions (tagged paperback edition or paperback or softcover- I bought these over the years, because they were available at bookshops in the pre-Amazon era, for reasons of price and space, or because I did not really care then (while I have always taken good care of my books which has made even my childhood paperbacks last for decades); in the meantime I have taken to really disliking paperback editions and so I try and get hardcovers whenever possible (I would rather choose a used hardcover edition over a new paperback book these days). In fact I have replaced or substituted quite a number of my earlier paperbacks by hardcover editions, but there are still a lot of paperbacks on my shelves.

All the books in my library are "material", printed on real paper; I do not list my ebooks in this catalogue: I own an Amazon Kindle (Kindle Paperlike 2021, at the moment) and more than 1700 Kindle ebooks. But as of now I do not consider ebooks real books (how could I, being not even sure about paperback editions?) and I never get/buy/read an ebook of which I do not possess a copy in "real" print. Kindle and ebooks make reading easier and quicker (with larger letters and on-device dictionaries and such), but the whole thing is too technical, too abstract, too erasable, too fleeting fo me to consider it or regard it as a real replacement or part of my "real" library.

All in all the list should be close to 6000 books long (including some books at some other places, not at home). And although space is running short I hope my book collection will still grow a bit. Oh - and I envy those here with 10000+-book libraries - although I probably never will have space enough for so many books, even if I could get them (in fact I feel that another 1000-2000 carefully selected books would make my library complete as far as my interests and needs go, but even those I would not really be able to store).

is my amazon.de-wishlist - if you are at a loss what present to choose for me :-)

As for getting books and letting the tbr-pile grow (no, you are right, I haven´t read all these books - yet..) I found this insightful quotation in myshelves` profile:

"Even when reading is impossible, the presence of books acquired produces such an ecstasy that the buying of more books than one can read is nothing less than the soul reaching towards infinity... we cherish books even if unread, their mere presence exudes comfort, their ready access, reassurance."
-- A. E. Newton

or the quote by Anthony Burgess: "The possession of a book becomes a substitute for reading it." (New York Times Book Review)

And I found this quotation at the profile of tuckerresearch and liked it and copied it (I hope he does not mind):

"What shall I do with all my books?' was the question; and the answer, 'Read them,' sobered the questioner. But if you cannot read them, at any rate handle them and, as it were, fondle them. Peer into them. Let them fall open where they will. Read on from the first sentence that arrests the eye. Then turn to another. Make a voyage of discovery, taking soundings of uncharted seas. Set them back on their shelves with your own hands. Arrange them on your own plan, so that if you do not know what is in them, you at least know where they are. If they cannot be your friends, let them at any rate be your acquaintances. If they cannot enter the circle of your life, do not deny them at least a nod of recognition." — Winston Churchill

To the above quotations I have nothing to add :-), but that this attitude has proved to be a major strain on the banking account - and this (very insightful) remark by Schopenhauer quoted on Proclus' profile : "Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in; but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents." — Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays & aphorisms, p. 210 - which is why I use to impose strict (!) book-buying moratoriums upon myself, which, apart from helping balance the budget might be very good for my read/tbr-ratio, but as addictions go ...

Annotation: How I rate my books (if at all):
1 star out of 5: read it and did not like it too much
2 stars: slightly less-than-average quality in most respects, but might be read if you have a special interest in the topic
3 stars: a reasonably acceptable book in my view
4 stars: stands above the fray, a worthwhile read, perhaps even a must (if the topic intersts you)
5 stars: one of my favorites - get it and read it.

1/2 stars are in between :-)

Links where I have started to look for used (rarer) books or lately pdf-files to have facsimiles printed:

Vialibri.net Bookfinder.com Addall.com Abebooks.com ZVAB.com eurobuch.combooklooker.comeuropeana.euarchive.orgGoogle Books



language German
- language German - fiction
- language German - non-fictionlanguage English
- language English - fiction
- language English - non-fictionlanguage Latin



- fiction - non-poetry
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general - Japanese authors
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general - Irish authors
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general - modern
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general modern - language German
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general modern - language English
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general pre-20thcentury
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general pre-20thcentury - language German
- fiction - non-poetry - fiction general pre-20th century - language English
- fiction - non-poetry - historical fiction modern
- fiction - non-poetry - historical fiction modern - language German
- fiction - non-poetry - historical fiction modern - language English
- fiction - non-poetry - historical fiction pre-20thcentury
- fiction - non-poetry - historical fiction pre-20th century - language German
- fiction - non-poetry - historical fiction pre-20th century - language English
- fiction - non-poetry - science fiction and fantasy
- fiction - non-poetry - science fiction and fantasy - language German
- fiction - non-poetry - science fiction and fantasy - language English
- fiction - non-poetry - science fiction and fantasy - Douglas Adams
- fiction - non-poetry - fairy tales
- fiction/non-fiction - non-poetry - dragonlore

- fiction - poetry
- fiction - poetry - language German
- fiction - poetry - language English
- fiction - poetry - Shakespeare

- fiction - drama-plays
- fiction - drama-plays - language German
- fiction - drama-plays - language English
- fiction - drama-plays - language English - Christopher Marlowe
- fiction - drama-plays - Shakespeare
- fiction - drama-plays - Shakespeare - audio-CDnon-fiction

- non-fiction - medicine
- non-fiction - medicine - pediatrics
- non-fiction - medicine - pediatrics - diabetes
- non-fiction - medicine - pediatrics - inborn errors of metabolism
- non-fiction - medicine - alternative
- non-fiction - medicine - alternative - homoeopathy
- non-fiction - medicine - alternative - phytotherapy
- non-fiction - medicine - alternative - traditional chinese medicine
- non-fiction - medicine - alternative - other
- non-fiction - psychiatry/psychology/psychotherapy
- non-fiction - psychiatry/psychology/psychotherapy - hypnosis

- non-fiction - computer science and information technology
- non-fiction - computer science and IT - Linux/Unix
- non-fiction - computer science and IT - Microsoft
- non-fiction - computer science and IT - security
- non-fiction - computer science and IT - programming
- non-fiction - computer science and IT - networking
- non-fiction - computer science and IT - encryption/code/cryptography
- non-fiction - computer science and IT - other

- non-fiction - language learning
- non-fiction - languages - Spanish
- non-fiction - languages - French
- non-fiction - languages - Italian
- non-fiction - languages - Modern Greek
- non-fiction - languages - Ancient Greek
- non-fiction - languages - Scottish Gaelic
- non-fiction - languages - Latin

- non-fiction - languages - Ukrainian

- non-fiction - languages - Welsh

- non-fiction - languages - other
- non-fiction - linguistics

- non-fiction - spirituality and religion
- non-fiction - spirituality - Christian
- non-fiction - spirituality - Christian - Holy Bible
- non-fiction - spirituality - buddhism
- non-fiction - spirituality - shamanism
- non-fiction - spirituality - astrology
- non-fiction - spirituality - alchemy
- non-fiction - spirituality - meditation
- non-fiction - spirituality - hermetism
- non-fiction - spirituality - Western esotericism
- non-fiction - spirituality - other

- non-fiction - oracle general
- non-fiction - oracle general - tarot
- non-fiction - oracle general - tarot - tarot literature
- non-fiction - oracle general - tarot - tarot decks
- non-fiction - oracle general - I Ching
- non-fiction - oracle general - astrology

- non-fiction - history
- non-fiction - history - ancient history
- non-fiction - history - ancient history - Greek
- non-fiction - history - ancient history - Roman
- non-fiction - history - ancient history - other
- non-fiction - history - German history
- non-fiction - history - UK history
- non-fiction - history - American history
- non-fiction - history - French history
- non-fiction - history - Africa
- non-fiction - history - Africa - historical fiction
- non-fiction - history - biographies/autobiographies
- non-fiction - history - ancient astronomy
- non-fiction - history - general
- non-fiction - history - other

- non-fiction - games and gambling
- non-fiction - games - chess
- non-fiction - games - go
- non-fiction - games - draughts/checkers
- non-fiction - games - poker
- non-fiction - games - backgammon

- non-fiction - geography and travel
- non-fiction - geography and travel - Germany
- non-fiction - geography and travel - Spain
- non-fiction - geography and travel - UK
- non-fiction - geography and travel - Ireland
- non-fiction - geography and travel - general
- non-fiction - geography and travel - other

- non-fiction - books on books
- non-fiction - books on books - book collecting
- non-fiction - books on books - companion books
- non-fiction - books on books - companion books - biographies/autobiographies

- non-fiction - photography

- non-fiction - manners

- non-fiction - political theory
- non-fiction - political theory - conservatism
- non-fiction - political theory - conservative - paleoconservative
- non-fiction - political theory - libertarian
- non-fiction - political theory - ancient authors
- non-fiction - political theory - other

- non-fiction - philosophy
- non-fiction - philosophy - ancient
- non-fiction - philosophy - ancient - stoa
- non-fiction - philosophy - ancient - epicur
- non-fiction - philosophy - ancient - neoplatonism
- non-fiction - philosophy - ancient - other
- non-fiction - philosophy - German
- non-fiction - philosophy - general
- non-fiction - philosophy - other

- non-fiction - food/drink/cooking/eating

- non-fiction - writing
- non-fiction - writing - poetry

- non-fiction - science general

- non-fiction - nature
- non-fiction - nature - plants
- non-fiction - nature - animals
- non-fiction - nature - stars and astronomy
- non-fiction - nature - other

- non-fiction - other

mythology and folklore
- mythology and folklore - ancient German and nordic
- mythology and folklore - ancient Greek and Roman
- mythology and folklore - ancient Mesopotamia
- mythology and folklore - Irish
- mythology and folklore - ancient Egypt
- mythology and folklore - North America
- mythology and folklore - archetypes
- mythology and folklore - King Arthur
- mythology and folklore - other


other categories


Sobre mí

Born in the sixties of a bygone century (too late, it seems, or possibly too early - anyway it feels like a rather long time ago and someone seems to have made a mistake). M.D. (pediatrician). Homoeopath. Misanthrope (somewhat). Anglophile (somehow). Bookworm (sometimes). Politically on the brink of extinction (some think). Showing off an explicitly uncorrect manner of speaking (in linguistic and ideological love of the generic masculine, which I obstinately use and fervently defend). Traditionalist/Antimodernist/Reactionary/Paleoconservative - adoring Tea Parties. Nerd. Dilettante in many fields. Romantic hero - male chauvinist. Lone Star guarding my borders. Little Big. Underpaid, yet obsessively collecting obscure things. Dances with Cards (but never otherwise! - and nowadays actually likes the Trumps best), Throws Coins and Sticks (at anyone, you better duck, honey). Loves to sing like Emperor Nero, but never mastered the dratted piano. Lusting for the backgammon while shovelling the checkers. Longing for the Sea - living on a hill. Walking alone in the Dark, but really not quite sure why. Mortally afraid most of the time and yet trying to stand tall, looking for excuses most of the time. Seeking enlightenment incessantly, which has not come, yet. Heart of gold, brain the size of a planet - if you know what I mean. Grumpy and misanthropic. Desparately funny sometime. What else would you want to learn - and why?

As for "also on", in IRC you find me as Marchal, _Marchal, _Marchal_ or Marchal_ (IRCNet, Undernet, freenode, EFNet, DALnet. You might try out the channel #librarything on freenode.net.
AIM: ChRenner, YahooIM: cnrenner, ICQ: Marchal or UIN# 23991828.
You can also find me on the Surfers talker mud (telnet:// surfers.fysh.org:4242) as Marchal.

My own writings: :-) No, I have only been publishing minor scientific medical articles and done some incoherent and erratic blogging and that does not really count, does it? Although (like everybody else?) I do have one or two plots in my mind that I would like to write into one or two novels one day.... hmmmm...I used to want to become a space astronaut, I hope these two ideas are not on the same level of probability... :-)

I might do some minor writing on Medium.com - perhaps you look me up there.

[A link I like to have handy at the moment (just for my own use :-): How to learn any language ]

Bavaria, Germany
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