
fiction (2,210), crime (636), history (496), US (413), in translation (404), Africa (368), UK (314), memoir (235), humour (210), historical (184), family (162), series (159), gender (155), migration (152), London (144), academic (143), travel (142), 20C (139), books about books (139), South Africa (134), poetry (131), GN (129), France (129), Nigeria (124), short stories (123), WW2 (121), colonialism (117), biography (112), politics (112), Ireland (110), New York (104), memory (103), feminism (101), Germany (101), romance (96), women (96), Japan (94), racism (93), art (93), police (90), education (83), Russia (83), writing (74), poverty (73), religion (73), LT rec BLBera (72), private detective (70), Italy (69), theory (67), LT rec ridgewaygirl (67), Scotland (64), children's (61), grief (60), India (60), interwar (58), school (56), childhood (55), amateur detective (54), Canada (53), China (53), mental health (52), Australia (51), classic (50), Britain (49), belief (49), rural (49), literature (48), slavery (47), non-fiction (47), Sweden (46), 1930s (46), LT rec avatiakh (46), Holocaust (44), music (44), discrimination (44), protest (43), 19C (43), graphic novel (43), refugee (43), medicine (42), 1950s (42), health (40), empire (39), teaching (39), manga (39), Edinburgh (38), Fiction (38), communism (38), LT rec (38), WW1 (38), loss (37), photography (37), violence (36), sci-fi (36), law (35), Spain (35), relationships (35), prison (35), war (34), apartheid (34), Paris (34), dystopia (34), 1960s (34), historical fiction (33), lgbt (33), drugs (31), 1920s (31), 21C (31), science (31), African American (30), Berlin (30), England (30), friendship (29), philosophy (29), corruption (28), In translation (27), relationship (27), depression (27), Islam (27), 1970s (25), journalism (25), Poetry (25), nature (24), love (24), Mexico (24), Iceland (24), Netherlands (23), autobiography (23), fantasy (23), essays (23), marriage (23), abuse (23), theatre (23), emigration (22), LT rec katiekrug (22), NPR list 2016 (22), literary (22), reading (22), Zimbabwe (22), holocaust (22), colonial (22), alcoholism (22), Israel (21), death (21), missions (21), resistance (21), Poland (21), History (21), Turkey (21), French (21), Cambridge (21), mourning (21), introduction (21), read as child (21), work (21), Lt rec ebt100 (20), Christianity (20), BBC Radio 4 (20), Ghana (20), Roman (20), community (20), Egypt (20), film (20), LT rec jnwelch (20), LT rec chatterbox (20), Europe (20), Switzerland (20), Litsy rec (20), crime fiction (19), lt rec vancouverdeb (19), oral history (19), 1980s (19), schooling (19), ageing (19), LGBT (19), Lt rec carolinemc (19), identity (19), sexualities (19), motherhood (18), Nazi (18), parenthood (18), fluff (18), LGBTQ (18), LA (18), Kenya (18), NF (18), divorce (18), Borderless book club (18), cosy (18), spy (18), Pakistan (18), Argentina (18), LT rec Kidzdoc (18), 1990s (18), LT rec susan67 (18), 1940s (17), Judaism (17), writer (17), isolation (17), anthology (17), cancer (17), LT rec bell7 (17), graphic memoir (17), LT rec fameulstree (17), Brazil (17), adoption (17), audio (17), bildungsroman (17), policy (17), Native American (16), small town (16), social history (16), urban (16), anthropology (16), postcolonialism (16), children (16), California (16), epistolary (16), Victorian (16), Caribbean (15), psychology (15), South Korea (15), Memoir (15), thriller (15), Cape Town (15), library (15), print culture (15), agriculture (15), Crime (14), Oxford (14), civil war (14), comedy (14), lt rec msf (14), magical realism (14), walking (14), censorship (14), university (14), letters (14), disability (14), newspapers (14), Northern Ireland (14), Manchester (14), USSR (14), Jewish (14), magic (14), environment (14), police procedural (14), murder (14), LT rec rebeccanyc (13), Booker longlist 2016 (13), mystery (13), Vietnam (13), Art (13), ethics (13), infidelity (13), Costa (13), Booker longlist 2024 (13), women's history (13), Texas (13), conflict (13), farming (13), Lagos (13), Palestine (13), Korea (13), culture (13), trauma (12), archives (12), Electriclit WoC list 2024 (12), Booker Longlist 2023 (12), travel writing (12), suffrage (12), medieval (12), food (12), YA (12), Norway (12), coming of age (12), spies (12), historiography (12), Istanbul (12), methodology (12), New Zealand (12), sea (12), Sherlock Holmes (12), 2000s (12), language (12), trade (12), prostitution (12), Wales (11), class (11), writing life (11), graphic (11), imperialism (11), first person (11), Greece (11), PTSD (11), publishing (11), sport (11), Guardian Review (11), home front (11), San Francisco (11)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Mar 6, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I read as widely as I can. Genres include crime fiction, fiction in translation, African fiction (especially South African and Nigerian), and contemporary British literature. For academic purposes I read history, gender studies, education policy.
Sobre mí
Like the library, a work in progress.
Lancashire, England
Actualmente leyendo
Autores Favoritos
Listas favoritas
Favoritos del sitio

Librerías: Broadhurst's Booksellers, Clarke's Bookshop, Clitheroe Books (was Roundstone Books), Edinburgh Books, Edinburgh Castle Bookshop, Elvis Shakespeare, Empire Books, Gould's Book Arcade, Hay Cinema Bookshop, Hill of Content, Kalk Bay Books, Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe, News From Nowhere, Obz Books, Oxfam Books, Parkinson's Books, Southport, Riverby Books, The Edinburgh Bookshop, The Old Town Bookshop, Waterstone's Ormskirk, Word Power Bookshop

Bibliotecas: British Library, British Library Newspapers, Central Library, Central Library, Liverpool - Picton Library - Hornby Library, Gamla Stans bibliotek (filial till Stockholms Stadsbibliotek), Jessie Street National Women's Library, Library of Congress, James Madison Memorial Building, Liverpool John Moores University - Aldham Robarts Learning Resource Centre, McDonald Road Library (Edinburgh), Ormskirk Library, Scottish Poetry Library, University of Edinburgh - New College Library

Conexiones de miembros

Biblioteca interesante
adancingstar, AdonisGuilfoyle, AfricaCari, Africansky1, akeela, alanteder, alaskabookworm, alexbolding, alibcunz, amckie, angelrose, Anjreana, annatravelling, AnnavanGelderen, AnneDC, anzlitlovers, arubabookwoman, auntieknickers, avaland, BALE, BCbookjunky, Becchanalia, belgianwaffle, bergs47, BiblioEva, birdsam0610, bks1953, blackhornet, BLBera, bleuroses, blueduck, bobmoore, bookmuse56, Booksloth, bookwoman247, bookworminc, bostonbibliophile, bowedbookshelf, buriedinprint, Bushrodian, caalynch, cabegley, carlamatroos, Caroline_McElwee, CarolynSchroeder, Catherine_GV, cathyskye, CDVicarage, CelesteM, cerievans1, charbutton, CharlesDarwin, chin2chin, circa57, Citizenjoyce, claytonhowl, cowleyeleanor, crimson-tide, cstebbins, cushlareads, cynrwiecko, dablackwood, daleducatte, Deinonychus, DellaWanna, devenish, DianaNL, digitalmaven, dmsimpson, DorsVenabili, durrant, dwhiteman, ecochick, elkiedee, elusiverica, emaestra, Enoah_Ballard, EugeniaKim, evilmoose, fadeledu, FemmeNoiresque, Ffred_Clegg, finebalance, firedrake1942, floating_gardener, FlossieT, frankhardy, GalsGuidetotheGalaxy, Garissa, gaskella, genesee, GillianRoseLibrary, GirlMeetsTractor, goddesspt2, grandpahobo, GregoryKindall, greytone, Gurdur, gust, harambeegirl, Heaven-Ali, HelenKanitkarLibrary, Helenliz, helensparrow, hemlokgang, Her_Royal_Orangeness, herschelian, Hestea, HistoryattheBodleian, hollytom, HolmesGirl221b, Ibarrategui, idiotgirl, IFCclaremontcolleges, ijkahn, inapprehension, InLiverpool, IraSandperlLibrary, ircpaslagos, isabelx, iupress, jahsensie, James1992, jayne_charles, jeniwren, jennybhatt, jlwood, joedoone, jonathan_rigby, jonathankws, JooniperD, jrochkind, JuliaMaria, JussySharp, KanattaKyazze, KateBaxter, KateVane, katiekrug, katri_kr, KelMunger, kidzdoc, killearnan, kirsty, kiwidoc, LancashireWitch, LascaSartoris, lauralkeet, lauriebrown54, leavingsamsara, leftontheshelf, Leischen, liberryn2, librarybelle, LibraryPerilous, librisalexandria, librogurl, Lidbud, lilac_library, lilisin, Limelite, lisamunro, LitClique, Liz1564, lizaandpaul, LizzySiddal, Lman, longway, lorax, LunaSlashSea, lycomayflower, lydiasbooks, mandyl, manuherb, ManWithAnAgenda, marektamm, Margaret09, MARizzo72, markon, MARSlibrary, maryclarel, maryreinert, MbuTseTseFly, mdbrady, MDGentleReader, meburste, meridian_coffeehouse, merlotboekklub, mfernandez, Mimicman, misanthropologist, MissBrangwen, mongoosenamedt, MoochPurpura, Mooose, moray_reads, msjohns615, NanaCC, Nanette70, narbgr01, NCLA_Library, nerdzach, Nicole_VanK, Nina.G, NotYourDad, obsessedbybooks, OceaniaDawn, omowale24, otherstories, PaulCranswick, pdebolt, Peace2, PennWS, peterwhumphreys, Philosofiction, pluckedhighbrow, polarbear123, Polaris-, PuddinTame, rabbitprincess, Rachel922, rachelmarlene, raffaele.mauriello, rainbowalphabet, rainpebble, rebeccanyc, reluctantm, rhussey174, RidgewayGirl, Rivendell, rixsal, rkreish, RobertDay, rossywar, RudeJohnProctor, Rudolf, runner56, ryvre, SabinaAyse, sallyandbob, Saluk, Sarah-Hope, Sarah_Angleton, sarbow, schadelkopf, Schatje, serendipiteit, SeriousGrace, severac, shanaqui, sharonlflynn, sharporg, siddartha, siriaeve, Smiler69, smitty133, smurfettemurf, soffitta1, souloftherose, Soupdragon, spiphany, spiralsheep, SpokaneB2P, squibbsy, Stbalbach, steevohenderson, StephanieLibrarian, Stuck-in-a-Book, sturlington, susanbooks, susanj67, SusanSontag, suzebutch, svenskulla, tangierbookclub, the_red_shoes, TheBlackArchives, thecaptivereader, TheLondonBookGroup, TheWasp, thomasjkelly, thorold, Thoughtshapes, TiffanyAK, TigerBeast79, tim_rylance, TimBazzett, TimothyBurke, torontoc, TravellinPenguin, TrishKahle, tsitsi, tututhefirst, urban_lenny, walter117, wandering_star, watermillcenter, wcm, whitreidtan, wigsonthegreen, wisebravegirl, WisJohnson, wjones986, wookiebender, wordgame, WorldreaderBCN, yalliejane, YokoLibrary, yvonne.sevignykaiser, zenosbooks