
21st century (6,696), american (6,248), fiction (4,456), sff (2,751), 20th century (2,445), romance (1,930), fantasy (1,612), british (1,568), queer (1,100), bought 2022 (1,047), nonfiction (865), ya (715), science fiction (702), bought 2023 (677), bought 2016 (676), bought 2017 (646), bought 2018 (614), bought 2021 (603), bought 2019 (552), bought 2020 (550), mystery (539), bought 2015 (469), literary fiction (423), bought 2024 (398), graphic (347), commercial fiction (299), not here (274), star trek (259), history (254), illustrated (249), 19th century (248), singles (233), childrens (212), bought 2014 (194), borrowed (184), bipoc (178), read 2018 (170), at home (164), comics (161), sapphic (158), memoir (153), christmas (152), translated (148), historical fiction (147), criticism (146), retelling (144), middle grade (140), pa closet (125), series (109), pa attic (109), picture book (108), read 2015 (107), australian (105), essays (100), read 2017 (97), short stories (96), read 2016 (94), tolkien (93), read 2019 (91), returned library (86), canadian (86), graphic novel (84), read 2020 (79), irish (72), first edition (70), poetry (69), new zealand (68), ! (68), arthurian (68), bdsm (67), ST green label box PA (62), 18th century (62), read 2021 (60), LW3 (60), read 2022 (60), read 2024 (60), religion (59), read 2014 (58), TOS box PA (57), star wars (53), biography (52), ghosts and angels (51), returned library read (51), read 2023 (50), scottish (50), drama (49), film (48), humor (48), guide (48), french (48), horror (41), spicy (40), america (40), science (40), br tbr (39), television (39), boxed (39), alpha/omega (38), german (37), STEM (37), rom (35), wishlist (35), thriller (35), botm (35), kiwi (35), supernatural (33), Box 1 (31), audio (31), LW3r (31), sexuality (31), middle ages (31), vampires (30), robin hood (30), reference (30), writing (29), theory (29), Box 4 (28), britain (28), japanese (28), mythology (27), pa attic 422 (27), language (26), * (26), pa attic 425 (26), 17th century (26), scotland (25), connection to author (25), philosophy (25), antiquity (23), signed (23), modernism (22), 21sttopten (22), Box A (21), red crate (21), Box 2 (21), indian (21), christmas 2019 (21), Box B (21), russian (21), Box 3 (20), kink (20), returned private (20), music (20), civil war (19), textbook (19), met author (19), christmas 2017 (18), spanish (18), 16th century (18), nature (17), christmas 2018 (17), american history (17), christmas 2016 (17), school (17), wwii (17), literary criticism (16), books about books (16), anthology (16), TNG (15), european history (15), ppbk2 (15), Voyager (15), sharpe (15), greek (14), DS9 (14), wuxia (14), wwi (13), Special Edition box (13), autobiography (13), folktales (12), birthday 2016 (12), welsh (12), christmas 2022 (11), detecting (11), christmas 2014 (11), slightly foxed (11), after buffy (11), culled (11), on loan (11), sherlock holmes (10), social science (10), jewish (10), 21sttoptenshort (10), weird (10), sport (10), swedish (10), middle english (9), italian (9), craft (9), non-fiction (9), europe (9), christmas 2021 (8), birthday 2021 (8), storage (8), old english (8), nigerian (8), LW3sp (8), vietnamese (8), lgbtqia+ (8), old (8), grammar (8), manga (8), LEK history box (8), gender (7), SEM (7), james bond (7), birthday 2017 (7), christmas 2023 (7), africa (7), christmas 2015 (7), letters (7), photography (7), 2oth century (7), language play (7), birthday 2018 (7), western (7), English box (7), American history (6), austrian (6), birthday 2019 (6), recced book riot TBR (6), english (6), christmas 2020 (6), gritty (5), danish (5), narrative (5), story (5), great courses (5), fandom (5), birthday 2020 (5), JHS (5), New Frontier (5), chinese (5), asian history (5), holocaust (5), inscribed (5), divorce (4), british history (4), birthday 2015 (4), ebook (4), classic (4), scandinavian (4), politics (4), native peoples (4), football (4), birthday 2023 (4), brazilian (4), gave away (4), turkish (4), birthday 2024 (4), pennsylvania (4), hungarian (3), polish (3), culture (3), reading (3), middle east (3), birthday 2022 (3), south african (3), roman (3), swiss (3), china (3), dutch (3), mine (3), argentinian (3), chilean (3), finnish (3), fanfic nonfic (2), czech (2), suspense (2), math (2), travel (2), government (2), norwegian (2), 11th century (2), asia (2), australia (2), singaporean (2), graphic memoir (2), malaysian (2), peruvian (2), ethiopian (2), 13th century (2), czechoslavakian (2), geography (2), self-help (2), ERJ (2), dominican (2), food (2), medicine (2), latin american (2), parody (2), african (2), dummy copy (2), icelandic (2), medieval (2), israeli (2), angels (1), childrens book (1), tv (1), witches (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Dec 2, 2005
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca

Most of the books in my catalogue are in my possession, but some (returned library books, books loaned to me and returned, wishlist books, etc) are not.

My Collections:

5-Star Reads: Books I rated either 4.5 or 5 stars when I read them. A small fraction of what I've read, but still a pretty big collection. Roughly speaking the top ten percent of books I've read, in terms of my enjoyment of them. My "Favorites" collection is more like the top one percent.

Yearly Top-Five Reads Starting in 2010, I started listing my favorite first-time reads of the year in my year-end sum-up post. This collection lists all those books. Some overlap with "5-Star Reads," but ultimately a very different list. These are those reads that stood out to me (usually) months after the fact, and often they aren't books I gave 4.5 or 5 stars when I'd first finished reading them.

Wishlist: Where I put books I'd like to read. I remove books from this collection once I've acquired or read them.

My Rating System:

I rate based on my subjective reading experience, not based on any attempt to make an objective statement about the quality of the book. Some books I think are important and valuable may get a low rating from me because I didn't *enjoy* them. Some books I think are not paragons of style or craft or what-have-you may get a high rating because I had a fantastic time reading them.

*: A truly wretched time. I left.

**: Awful. I stayed because I had to.

**1/2: Kind of awful but something made me stick around.

***: It was... fine.

***1/2: It was fine, with a spark of enthusiasm.

****: A nice time. I'm glad I went.

****1/2: Just a really good time.

*****: I'm bouncing with glee. I could not have had a better time.

Sobre mí
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