
tpb (1,273), hb (884), science fiction (860), mmpb (782), fantasy (732), nonfiction (570), coverguess unavailable (410), unread (311), coverguess mismatch (266), short stories (251), history (251), humor (249), ftppl (227), 01 (227), lgbtq (219), 02 (204), fiction (202), jane's (192), collection (172), ebook (163), graphic novel (147), 03 (133), anthology (133), wishlist (126), memoir (124), birds (113), ya (102), cookbook (99), essays (82), travel (81), translated (78), mystery (76), reference (70), 04 (69), biology (68), birding (66), alternate history (64), comic strips (64), historical fiction (64), culled (62), hugo winner (62), time travel (51), borrowed from library (50), 05 (48), urban fantasy (48), ecology (46), nautical (43), early reviewer (42), napoleonic wars (41), american history (41), discworld (40), textbook (39), biography (39), not recommended (39), ftpml (39), programming (38), baseball (36), field guide (35), omnibus (35), language (35), signed copy (34), food (34), nebula winner (33), coffee table (33), 06 (33), natural history (33), bird identification (31), historical fantasy (31), space opera (31), physics (30), lambda winner (30), astronomy (29), o'reilly (29), nature (29), ybsf (28), china (28), children's (28), classic science fiction (27), arc (27), africa (27), parenting (26), portal fantasy (25), epic fantasy (25), collaboration (24), aubrey & maturin (24), medieval (24), photography (24), dragaera (23), 07 (23), dystopia (23), aliens (23), dragons (23), linguistics (23), evolution (22), can't find our copy (22), borrowed from family (22), math (22), politics (22), cadfael (21), religion (21), computers (21), california (21), novella (21), arthurian (21), drama (20), lumberjanes (20), mars (20), summer camp (20), vegetarian cookbook (20), southwest (20), african american history (20), poetry (20), gender (19), native american (19), 08 (19), fantasy of manners (19), contemporary fiction (19), purple cover (18), archaeology (18), hard sf (17), steampunk (17), peanuts (17), solar system sf (17), post-apocalyptic (16), 09 (16), middle east (16), history of science (16), vlad (16), dortmunder (15), paleontology (15), magical realism (15), engineering (15), botany (15), wwii (15), world history (14), complete peanuts (14), mythology (14), english language (14), ancient greece (14), sailing (14), first contact (14), india (14), dtwof (13), parody (13), women's history (13), science (13), horror (13), popular-level (13), 10 (13), star trek (13), book about books (13), laundry files (13), sociology (13), space (12), satire (12), robots (12), greece (12), couldn't finish (12), history of technology (12), art (12), anthropology (12), hornblower (12), young wizards (12), sandman (12), immortals (11), native american history (11), borrowed from friend (11), african american (11), cyberpunk (11), parallel worlds (11), romance (11), architecture (11), food history (11), geography (11), non-magical fantasy (11), gardening (11), time traveling historians (11), pulp (11), pulitzer prize (10), calvin & hobbes (10), 11 (10), los angeles (10), the company (10), fairy tale retelling (10), arizona (10), epic poetry (10), us history (10), solar cycle (10), perl (10), djinn (10), space exploration (10), the culture (10), fixup (10), foundation (10), illustrated (10), doonesbury (9), mexican cookbook (9), no cover image (9), antarctica (9), bird finding (9), plants (9), pern (9), wayward children (9), excerpts (9), harry potter (9), temeraire (9), philosophy (9), egypt (9), microhistory (9), geology (9), invertebrates (9), baking (9), jane's world (9), space program (9), city watch (8), feynman (8), bloom county (8), far future (8), nigeria (8), flavia de luce (8), history of women in tech (8), extinct species (8), tiptree winner (8), animals (8), maps (8), dinosaurs (8), read in college (8), genetics (8), south america (8), caribbean (8), desert (8), statistics (8), 12 (8), no human characters (8), nanotechnology (8), hiking (8), maryland (8), fish (8), prairie (8), python (8), chinese cookbook (8), uplift (8), oral history (7), at work (7), san francisco (7), cooking (7), genderswap (7), music (7), chung kuo (7), baby (7), knitting (7), exploration (7), fairy tale series (7), economics (7), languages (7), pulitzer (7), racism (7), france (7), software (7), extinction (7), ghosts (7), old school urban fantasy (7), iran (7), endangered species (7), st. mary's (7), 13 (7), inferior sequel to a classic (7), thursday next (7), christianity (7), oceanography (7), polar regions (7), sentient dolphins (7), wombats (6), prequel (6), big data (6), psychology (6), europe (6), murderbot (6), merchant princes (6), witches (6), medicine (6), santathing (6), superheroes (6), middle-earth (6), bdo (6), unicorns (6), 14 (6), travel guide (6), beer (6), moon (6), ancient history (6), strangers in paradise (6), digger (6), generation ship (6), paarfi (6), alien ecology (6), south dakota (6), trojan war (6), lakota (6), cognitive science (6)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Sep 15, 2005
Sobre mi biblioteca
The contents of my library are best seen by actually looking at it. The top tags are somewhat misleading since I do not use strictly hierarchical tags, and will not tag a book about, for instance, geology with "science". I read more non-fiction, and much less fantasy, than I once did; sorting by "date added" can give a sense of how my tastes have evolved. I do not use date read or date acquired, since I did not track that information prior to joining LT.

I use "date" as intended to record the actual publication date of the physical copy that I own, not for the original publication date.

My short fiction is in a secondary account at https://www.librarything.com/profile/lorax_short

Notes on Collections:

"Your Library": Books in "Your Library" are those I own. The default state, for books not tagged "unread", is that I have read them. This seems obvious to me.

"Recently Read": I started tracking this in September, 2014. I will keep the most recently-read 20 or so books in here. Somewhat arbitrarily, I decided not to include re-reads here.

"Read but unowned": As should be obvious, this does not include every book I've ever read. This is not an exhaustive list of every book I've ever read. Including all the crap i read as a kid or in high school (or, for that matter, the high-school required reading) would make this much, much, much longer. This primarily includes books I've read in graduate school and later, plus a few I read in college that I remembered, and a very few fondly-remembered childhood reads added primarily to get them off of my recommendations.

"Wishlist": Books on my wishlist are those I have definite plans to either purchase or borrow from the library. Books I'm only considering do not appear in my account.

Notes on a couple tags:

I only use the "LC Challenge" and "Dewey Challenge" tags in my wishlist, to remind myself. To see what books I've actually read for the challenges please see my threads, here and here.

"jane's": Books belonging to my wife, Jane. I've only entered a fraction of her books, those which I've read and enjoyed, (or found useful, in the case of reference books), plan to read, or those I would have bought if she hadn't.


Zero stars means a book is something that I can't assign a rating to (like an anthology with stories of variable quality), or in a few cases something I'm conflicted about for reasons unrelated to the text. Or that I didn't get around to rating, or read long enough ago I can't meaningfully rate it. Half a star is the lowest meaningful rating. I am fairly strict about trying to normalize my ratings, so three stars is an average read for me. This means I enjoyed it; it is not a negative rating. I realize this may be confusing to those accustomed to the Amazon and Uber standard where four stars means 'barely acceptable' and three means 'awful', but I refuse to surrender the range of nuance offered by a five-star system.
Sobre mí
Those who are tempted to draw conclusions about my gender from that of my spouse are encouraged to carefully consider their assumptions. Pronouns: she/her.

Washington, DC area
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Librerías: A Different Light Bookstore, A Different Light Bookstore, Book Alley, Bookmans - Midtown, Brand Bookstore, Know Knew Books, Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe, Loyalty Bookstore, Mystery and Imagination Bookshop, Politics and Prose, Powell's City of Books (Portland), Second Story Books, Second Story Books - Rockville, MD, Vroman's Bookstore

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