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(58), suicide (58), Ireland (57), China (57), history (19th century) (57), urban blacks (57), Holocaust (Kindertransport) (57), Japan (57), teen-adult crossover (56), Holocaust (primary sources) (56), orphanage (56), Holocaust (Germany) (56), Holocaust (Lodz Ghetto) (56), gulags (55), Henry VIII (55), forensic science (53), rape and sexual abuse (52), favorites (48), dated (47), schizophrenia (46), substance abuse (46), sex (45), Holocaust (photographs) (45), Holocaust (Ukraine) (44), runaway (44), Australia (44), books about books (44), graphic novel (43), quotes (42), Holocaust (letters) (41), history (Asia) (41), young adult nonfiction (41), Civil War (40), Holocaust (Netherlands) (40), anthropology (40), science fiction (39), World War II (Germany) (39), psychiatry (38), children's nonfiction (38), sociology (37), picture book (37), history (Scotland) (36), sports (36), want to own (36), writing (35), plants (35), teen pregnancy (34), history (oral history) (33), disappointing (33), history (USA) (31), law (30), adult fiction with child protagonist (30), autism (30), Holocaust (extermination camps) (30), education (30), crime (Jack the Ripper) (29), history (Africa) (29), depression (29), psychotherapy (28), poison (28), Holocaust (Bergen-Belsen) (27), hated it (26), World War I (26), cancer (26), famine (25), robertical (25), mental illness case studies (24), North Korea (24), homesteading (23), dystopia (23), history (1930s) (23), Holocaust (next generation) (23), fairy tales (23), drugs (23), suicide novel (23), parodies (23), Holocaust (Belgium) (22), homelessness (21), art (21), Holocaust (Vilna Ghetto) (20), South Africa (20), history (1910s) (20), costume history (20), overachievers (20), residential treatment (20), Holocaust (Belarus) (19), eating disorder (19), Holocaust (Latvia) (18), Holocaust (Treblinka) (18), Holocaust (Kovno Ghetto) (18), Holocaust (Italy) (18), history (1940s) (18), Armenian genocide (18), Holocaust (Yugoslavia) (18), Holocaust (Austria) (17), self help (17), Holocaust (Ravensbruck) (17), plays (17), Holocaust (Dachau) (17), prostitution (17), World War II (Asia) (17), bipolar disorder (17), names (17), vampires (17), inaccuracies (16), Holocaust (Romania) (16), Rwanda genocide (16), Holocaust (Shanghai Ghetto) (16), Holocaust (Greece) (15), ghosts (15), Holocaust (Buchenwald) (15), Holocaust (Russia) (15), Holocaust (Roma) (15), child soldiers (15), zombies (14), geography (14), genealogy (14), selective mutism (14), Holocaust (Majdanek) (14), Bhutan (13), Holocaust (Einsatzgruppen) (13), Holocaust (art) (13), not really a diary (13), epistolary novel (12), child prodigy (12), history (medieval) (12), Latinos (12), political prisoner (12), mental retardation (11), history (Middle Ages) (11), infanticide (11), Native American (11), PTSD (11), Holodomor (11), crappy ending (11), hearing impaired (11), Holocaust (Sobibor) (11), philosophy (11), burns (11), architecture (11), Holocaust (T4) (10), OCD (10), Holocaust (Krakow Ghetto) (10), Elizabeth I (10), Early Reviewers (10), Wales (9), Holocaust (Denmark) (9), AIDS (9), Black Plague (9), crime (Jonestown) (9), insects (9), Holocaust (Bialystok Ghetto) (9), written by a teen (9), Executed Today (9), Holocaust (Westerbork) (9), Holocaust (Lvov Ghetto) (9), Holocaust (Stutthof) (9), World War II (Channel Islands) (8), mythology (8), history (UK) (8), crime (Fred and Rose West) (8), politics (8), history (18th century) (8), Holocaust (Plaszow) (8), economics (7), Holocaust (Norway) (7), Peace Corps (7), Jack the Ripper (7), tuberculosis (7), blindness (6), Holocaust (Riga Ghetto) (6), personality disorder (6), Holocaust (mischling) (6), Holocaust (Lebensborn) (6), Holocaust (Mauthausen) (6), pirates (5), crime (Gacy) (5), fires (5), World War II (Poland) (5), letters (5), Bosnian genocide (5), gemstones (5), Vietnam War (5), colors (5), Holocaust (Minsk Ghetto) (5), Holocaust (Gross-Rosen) (4), Holocaust (Belzec) (4), Holocaust (Janowska) (4), fake (4), Holocaust (Jasenovac) (4), Holocaust (Chelmno) (4), anxiety disorder (4), history (1920s) (4), history (1970s) (4), crime (Burke and Hare) (4), crime (Starkweather/Fugate) (3), Middle East (3), crime (Moors Murders) (3), Holocaust (Kielce Ghetto) (3), Holocaust (Estonia) (3), history (1960s) (3), Holocaust (Bulgaria) (3), Mary I (3), history (17th century) (3), crime (Dahmer) (2), Holocaust (Monowitz) (2), Holocaust (Moldova) (2)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Mar 4, 2009
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
Reading is my greatest joy and it's my goal to read as many books as possible. My favorite categories are history, popular science, memoirs, young adult fiction and the Holocaust, but I read on a wide variety of subjects. It's five stars if I loved it, four stars if I enjoyed it, three stars if it was merely "okay" or perhaps a book that was good but "not for me," two stars if it was mediocre verging on bad, and one star if I hated it.

The books on my LibraryThing account are not anywhere near to a complete list of what I've actually read. Basically, they're all the books I can remember, excepting Baby Sitters Club and Little Sister and Goosebumps books I read as a kid (ew) and also books I didn't finish. I keep adding more books as I read more and also remember old ones I read.
Sobre mí
I'm obsessed with the author Robert Cormier, with the Holocaust, and with missing people; I run one of the largest missing person databases online. I also collect socks and gemstones. And of course, I'm an aspiring writer.
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