
every-written-word (1,184), type: novel (366), lit: finnish (288), genre: fantasy (240), non-fiction (165), genre: science fiction (164), owned (152), genre: horror (147), genre: young adult (116), genre: crime (110), type: comic (108), type: non-fiction (103), genre: historical (85), subject: feminism (82), genre: thriller (77), type: short stories (77), genre: humour (71), childhood (62), series: forgotten realms (54), subject: history (52), favorites (51), aca: general (50), to-buy (47), series: discworld (45), romance (42), paranormal (38), classics (35), subject: psychology (34), political (28), lgbtqia+ (28), aca: english philology (28), type: anthology (27), subject-biographical (27), type: recipe book (25), subject: language (24), subject: multiplicity (23), genre: literary (21), mystery (21), genre: erotica (20), type: dictionary (20), genre: whodunit (19), setting: post-apocalyptic (19), genre: speculative fiction (18), misc: classics (18), vampires (18), subject: philosophy (17), setting: dystopic (17), queer characters (15), type: manga (14), subject: politics (14), religion (13), subject: religion (13), identity (13), misc: film adaptation (12), Helsinki (12), type: biography (12), lit: swedish (12), subject: english (12), author: king (11), lit: french (11), genre: magical realism (11), series: charlie parker (11), finnish history (11), aca: gender studies (11), murder (11), type: poetry (10), genre: urban fantasy (10), type: omnibus (10), mythology (10), could-not-finish (9), magic school (9), subject: crime (9), features-biblical (9), lit: russian (9), folklore (8), zombies (8), debut novel (8), type: play (8), lit: danish (8), genre: chick lit (8), lit: american (8), type: novella (8), drugs (8), type: essays (8), lit: norwegian (7), mental health (7), time travel (7), type: autobiography (7), research (7), subject: society (7), chosen one (7), biblical (7), Tallinn (6), subject: nature (6), black characters (6), police (6), misc: signed (6), ghosts (6), private investigator (6), cats (6), subject: Finland (6), series: apothecary melchior (6), relationships (5), aca: translation studies (5), author: eddings (5), child abuse (5), family drama (5), female protagonist (5), lit: estonian (5), author: shakespeare (5), aca: social psychology (5), type: graphic novel (5), lovecraftian horrors (5), philosophy (5), features-military (5), subject: literature (4), werewolves (4), war (4), children's literature (4), type: textbook (4), humour (4), WW2 (4), type: travel book (4), subject: gender (4), subject: WW2 (4), subject: communication (4), series: the sandman (4), middle ages (4), subject: linguistics (4), author: dick (4), subject: sexuality (4), sex work (4), misc: illustrated (4), books about books (4), setting: the future (3), genre: romance (3), global English (3), series: asoiaf (3), subject: Finnish culture (3), author: waltari (3), gender as a performance (3), subject: grammar (3), subject: media (3), magic (3), monsters (3), gender roles (3), feminism (3), representation (3), history (3), drow (3), satire (3), occultism (3), immigration (3), nature (3), motherhood (3), death (3), sexual assault (3), suspense (3), Turku (3), incest (2), subject: social media (2), visual advertising (2), author: pratchett (2), sexist language (2), series: witcher (2), subject: family (2), genre: mannerpunk (2), setting: high school (2), Kalevala (2), lit: chinese (2), adulting (2), absurdism (2), misc: uni books (2), libraries (2), parenthood (2), tissue warning (2), artificial intelligence (2), the Internet (2), gaming (2), metsänpeitto (2), steampunk (2), serial killers (2), class difference (2), autobiographical (2), setting: alternative universe (2), subject: feminist theory (2), London (2), fairies (2), MC is back in town (2), intertextual references up the wazoo (2), teenagers (2), bullying (2), there's something wrong with this place (2), science (2), type: journal (2), lit: english (2), type: rulebook (2), aca: media studies (2), subject: economy (2), alternative history (2), subject: identity (2), misc: scribble copy (2), survival (2), non-standard language (2), suicide (2), subject: gay culture (2), racism (2), author: sinisalo (2), subject: childfree (2), genre: climate fiction (2), alcohol (2), nazis (2), psychosis (2), domestic violence (2), roleplaying (2), end of the world (2), forests (2), subject: food (2), series: belgariad (2), series: dark tower (2), coffee (2), epistolary (2), D&D (2), drinks (2), beat poetry (2), books about writers (2), series: nancy drew (2), queer history (2), missing persons (2), spiritism (2), finnish mythology (2), beatniks (2), pragmatics (2), supervillains (2), fantasy races (2), psychopathy (2), series: artemis fowl (2), lit: irish (2), pornography (2), animal rights (2), India (2), demonic possession (2), Christian mythology (2), Sweden (2), pirates (2), series: gentleman bastards (2), lesbians (2), multiculturalism (2), Disney (2), supernatural elements (2), true crime (2), climate change (2), lit: italian (2), arthurian legend (2), subject: folklore (2), pop culture (1), conspiracies (1), witches (1), John Dee (1), message from god (1), memory loss (1), home invasion (1), dream worlds (1), setting: BC (1), subject: occultism (1), digitised minds (1), FBI (1), gruff but lovable cop (1), Finnish Roma (1), characters can't focus (1), horror vibes (1), 1920s (1), con men (1), lit: australian (1), environmentalism (1), universities (1), gambling (1), sexual abuse (1), lit: icelandic (1), honourable mention (1), gastronomy (1), books with lists (1), toxic masculinity (1), foster homes (1), hero to zero (1), animal characters (1), what-ifs (1), belief (1), mixed media (1), graphic sex (1), overpopulation (1), capitalism (1), drinking (1), food (1), wish fulfilment (1), technology (1), unreliable narrator (1), portal fantasy (1), esoteric (1), Christmas (1)
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Apr 18, 2013
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Katri (Kay)
Helsinki, Finland
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