Nube de autores para RennerResearchCenter

 Aaron Ashley Inc.(2) Francesco Abbate(1) Carl Abbott(1) Charles D. Abbott(1) Edward Charles Abbott(3) Sam Abell(3) Sydne Abernathy(2) David Acton(1) John Adair(1) Andy Adams(1) Curtis Adams(1) Glen Adams(1) Kenneth M. Adams(1) Jeremy Elwell Adamson(1) Paul M Adams(1) Ramon F. Adams(12) R. H. Adams(1) Peter Z. Adelstein(1) Kent Ahrens(1) Lonnelle Aikman(1) Ed Ainsworth(4) Richard-Raymond Alasko(1) Peggy Albright(1) Clifford Lindsey Alderman(1) Bess Streeter Aldrich(1) Lanning Aldrich(3) Kent Alexander(1) Dante Alighieri(1) Iris Constance Sommerville Allan(1) Douglas Sr. Allen(3) T. D. Allen(1) Berten Wendell Allred(1) David D. Alt(1) Manel Alvarez(2) Anthony Amaral(2) Stephen E. Ambrose(3) American Federation of ...(1) American Federation of Arts(1) C. W. Ammen(1) Charles Avery Amsden(1) Michael A. Amundson(1) George Edward Anderson(1) Jens Anderson(2) LaVere Anderson(1) Nancy K. Anderson(4) William Marshall Anderson(1) Ralph W. Andrews(3) Ralph K. Andrist(2) Callie Angell(1) Jim Annin(1) John F. Jr. Apgar(1) Le Roy H. Appleton(1) Archives of American Art(1) Society of American Archivists(1) Marjorie Dakin Arkelian(2) Henry L. Armstrong(2) James Bell Armstrong(7) Bill Arnold(1) Oren Arnold(4) Sam Arnold(1) J. Hugo Aronson(2) Amon Carter Museum of Western Art(17) Yann Arthus-Bertrand(1) Kiechel Fine Art(1) Los Angeles County Museum of Art(1) Museum of American Folk Art(1) Exposition of Indian Tribal Arts Inc(1) ashbynormab(1) White House Historical Association(1) Wallace Walter Atwood(1) John James Audubon(1) Augusta Heritage Committee(1) Kenneth Auvil(1) Milton Avery(1) Alan Axelrod(1) Joan Bacharach(1) Amos Bad Heart Bull(2) Matthew Baigell(7) Joseph Armstrong Baird, Jr.(2) James R. Bakker(1) Mary N Balcomb(2) James K. Ballinger(4) James Bama(2) Caroline Bancroft(1) Eleanor (Macdonald) Banks(1) Linda Bantel(1) Floyd C. Bard(2) S. Omar Barker(1) Lawrence J. Barkwell(1) Albert Trovillo Siders Barnitz(1) Dorothy Pye Barrett(1) John Barrows(1) Larry Barsness(2) Judith Barter(1) Fred Barton(2) Navajo School of Indian Basketry(1) John Baskett(1) Jeannette A. Bastian(1) Georges Bataille(1) Sara Bates(1) Ariane Ruskin Batterberry(1) Jean Baucus(1) Virgil E. Baugh(1) Gustave Baumann(2) Germain Bazin(1) Rex Beach(2) Merrill D. Beal(1) Donald Bear(1) Ray Bearse(1) Russel H. Beatie(1) Bryan F. Le Beau(1) Warren A. Beck(1) Margery Bedinger(1) Lucius Beebe(5) Joe Beeler(11) Menzi L. Behrnd-Klodt(2) John X. Beidler(1) Bill Belknap(1) William Gardner Bell(1) Umberto Benedetti(2) E. Benezit(1) Ben Bennett(1) Dorothy Benrimo(1) Thomas Hart Benton(3) Michele Berard(1) T. B. Berea(2) John A. Berger(1) Ernest Berke(3) Jean Louis Berlandier(1) Janet Catherine Berlo(2) Gerald L. Berry(1) Belvina Williamson Bertino(1) Robert B. Betts(1) Roberta A Beute(1) Patricia Bik(3) Buffalo Bill(5) Lorence F. Bjorklund(1) Les Blacklock(1) Ralph Albert Blakelock(1) Ike Blasingame(1) E. Maurice Bloch(1) Beverley Blodgett(1) E. L. Blumenschein(1) Helen G Blumenschein(1) Anneke-Jan Boden(1) Karl Bodmer(3) Sarah E. Boehme(8) Doreen Bolger(1) Alexandra Bonfante-Warren(1) Time-Life Books(28) Edward Borein(14) Carl Oscar Borg(2) Edward Borien(1) Hal Borland(1) Lawrence R Borne(2) John David Borthwick(1) Jennifer Bottomly-O'Looney(1) B. M. Bower(43) Theodore Robert Bowie(1) Jacob Neibert Bowman(1) James Cloyd Bowman(1) C. M. Bowra(1) Richard J. Boyle(1) Searles R Boynton(1) Dorothea Braby(1) Cyrus Townsend Brady(1) Reginald Bragonier(2) E. Douglas Branch(1) Brandywine River Museum.,(1) Don Breedlove(1) J. Pat Breedlove(12) > Pat Breedlove(1) Carl W. Breihan(1) Rex Breneman(1) Bobby Bridger(1) Warren J. Brier(1) Christine Crame Brindza(1) Janice K. Broderick(4) Patricia Janis Broder(8) Helen Vernon Broekhoff(1) Brooks Memorial Art Gallery.,(1) Cecil Brown(1) Dee Brown(1) John Browning(3) Mark H. Brown(5) Steven C. Brown(1) Leo Bruce(1) Donald W Buchanan(1) Margaret E. Bullock(1) E. A Burbank(2) Dale A. Burk(8) John Burke(1) Wesley M. Burnside(1) Walter Noble Burns(1) John Rolfe Burroughs(1) Struthers Burt(1) Richard S. Buswell(7) John O Bye(1) Hughie Call(1) Dan Cameron(1) William Bleasdell Cameron(1) Nora Cammann(1) Suzan Campbell(1) William C. Campbell(1) John Canaday(1) Frank M. Canton(1) George P. Horse Capture(4) Joseph D. Horse Capture(1) Kenneth Carley(1) William L. Carlisle(1) George Carlson(2) Paul Howard Carlson(1) Raymond Carlson(1) Harry Carr(1) John M. Carroll(2) Denny Carter(3) Louis B. Casagrande(1) Cascade County Historical Society(1) Sarah Cash(1) Harry Castlemon(1) Jon E. Cates(1) George Catlin(11) Seamus Cavan(1) Buffalo Bill Historical Center(1) Paul Cézanne(1) Marlene Chambers(1) Lois Mai Chan(2) Chapellier Galleries(1) Louis Chapin(1) Serle Chapman(1) Jean Charlot(1) William W. Cheely(1) Roberta Carkeek Cheney(2) Truman McGiffin Cheney(1) Dale Chihuly(2) Hiram Martin Chittenden(1) Kee Il Choi(1) Albert Christ-Janer(1) Edmund Christopherson(1) Charles William Churchill(1) Hayward Cirker(1) City Art Museum of St. Louis.,(5) William Clapp(1) Badger Clark(1) Carol Clark(6) Eliot Candee Clark(1) William Clark(1) Jean Clay(1) Agnes Morley Cleaveland(2) C.M. Russell Museum.(5) Irvin S. Cobb(1) Wallace David Coburn(1) Walt Coburn(3) Ralph T. Coe(1) Van Deren Coke(1) George Cole(1) Rufus Arthur Coleman(1) Philip G Cole(4) Ralph F. Colin(1) Edmund Collier(4) Ellsworth Collings(1) Dabney Otis Collins(2) Jim Collins(1) Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center.,(1) Harold Sellers Colton(1) John Connally(1) Alberta Wilson Constant(1) Continental Oil Company(1) Don Contreras(1) James H. Cook(1) Courtney Ryley Cooper(1) Frank C. Cooper(1) Karen Coody Cooper(1) Walter Cooper(1) Library of Congress(1) Corcoran Gallery of Art(1) Brother F. Cornelius(2) Wanda M. Corn(2) Andrew J. Cosentino(1) E. Irving Couse(1) Cowboy Artists of America.(4) Mike Cowdrey(1) C. Gregory Crampton(1) Hugh Crandall(1) Thomas Craven(3) Raphael James Cristy(3) Forest Crossen(4) Henry H. Cross(1) Edward C. Crossman(1) Dave Crowell(2) James A. Crutchfield(1) Thaddeus Ainsworth Culbertson(1) D. Duane Cummins(2) Karen Current(1) William R. Current(1) Larry Curry(6) Edward S. Curtis(28) Philip C. Curtis(1) Dan Cushman(5) Don Cusic(1) Elizabeth B. Custer(1) George Armstrong Custer(1) Raymond L. Czichos(1) Elliott Daingerfield(1) Ann Scarlett Daley(2) Dallas Museum of Art.,(1) Sandra Dallas(2) Lydia Darbyshire(1) David Dary(5) James Henry Daugherty(1) Abraham A. Davidson(1) Harold G. Davidson(3) A. Mervyn Davies(1) Barbara A. Davis(1) Leslie B. Davis(1) Mary Davis(1) Richard Harding Davis(3) William C. Davis(1) Doris Ostrander Dawdy(5) Gloria Deak(2) Elizabeth A. Dear(17) Suzanne Deats(2) Kitty Belle Deernose(1) Everett L. Degolyer(1) Michelle Anne Delaney(1) Delaware Art Museum(1) Raymond J. DeMallie(2) Hugh A. Dempsey(2) L. James Dempsey(1) Wesley Dennis(1) Walter A. Denny(1) Frances Densmore(1) Carl S. Dentzel(4) United States. War Department(13) Calif.) Desert Southwest Art Gallery (Palm Desert(2) Des Moines Art Center(2) Paul DeVore(5) Bernard DeVoto(4) Diamond Jubilee Inc.(10) Barbaralee Diamonstein(2) Charles Dickens(1) Albert Jerome Dickson(1) Reader's Digest(1) Thomas J. Dimsdale(3) Brian W. Dippie(25) Maynard Dixon(1) Ray Djuff(1) J. Frank Dobie(2) Frederick J. Dockstader(1) Loring Holmes Dodd(2) Ivan Doig(1) Monte Dolack(1) Arthur Wesley Dow(1) Brian Doyle(1) Harry Sinclair Drago(1) Jeanne M. Drewes(1) Howard R. Driggs(1) John Paul Driscoll(1) Hunter Drohojowska-Philip(1) Philip Drucker(2) Lois Sherr Dubin(1) June DuBois(3) Joellyn Duesberry(1) Dayton Duncan(1) Richard Dunlop(1) Dorothy Dunn(1) Albrecht Dürer(1) Michael Duty(2) Josephine Whitney Duveneck(1) Gene Dwyer(3) Jeff Dykes(3) Helen L. Earle(1) Ben East(1) Charles Alexander Eastman(2) Seth Eastman(2) Charles Warren Eaton(1) Linda B. Eaton(1) Steven A. Eckhart(1) Roger Ecko-Hawk(1) Basil Ede(1) Annamaria Edelstein(1) Richard Edie(1) Edmonton Art Gallery,(1) Holly Edwards(1) Ferol Egan(1) Nicholas Eggenhofer(3) Mary Eggermont-Molenaar(2) Ingvard Henry Eide(3) Harrison Eiteljorg(2) Charles C. Eldredge(1) Alexander Eliot(3) Ray G. Ellis(1) Margy Lee Elspass(1) Henry Elwood(1) Emjy(1) Chris Emmett(2) Duncan Emrich(1) Jorge Enciso(1) Chris Enss(3) Lucylle H. Evans(1) Jeff Evenson(2) Teri Evenson(2) ewenmarybeth(1) John Canfield Ewers(14) Sherm Ewing(1) Sam Fadala(1) Hurlstone Fairchild(2) John Fairley(2) Peter Farb(1) Oliver La Farge(2) Walter Farndon(2) Allen L. Farnum(1) William E. Farr(2) Federal Writers Project(3) Happy Jack Feder(1) Norman Feder(2) Paul Fees(1) Edmund Burke Feldman(3) Forrest Fenn(1) Forrest Burke Fenn(1) Edna Ferber(1) Robert G. Ferris(1) John C. Fery(2) Nikolai Ivanovich Feshin(1) Jesse Walter Fewkes(1) Clark Field(1) Mildred Fielder(1) Mantle Fielding(1) Barbara Fifer(1) Gary Fillmore(1) Christopher Finch(1) New York Finch College(1) David Fisher(1) Leonard Everett Fisher(2) David Fitzgerald(1) Norm Flayderman(1) Robert H. Fletcher(3) James Thomas Flexner(1) Elizabeth Clair Flood(1) Dan Flores(2) Lambert Florin(2) Arthur Flowers(2) William E. Foley(1) Donna Forbes(1) Mary Douglass (Fundaburk) Foreman(1) Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Association.(2) Earle R. Forrest(1) James T Forrest(9) Michael Forsberg(1) George A. Forsyth(2) Judith Bloom Fradin(1) Rell G. Francis(1) Fance Franck(1) Alfred Frankenstein(1) Robert Frank(1) James A. Franks(1) Donald G. Frantz(1) Caroline Fraser(1) Lillian Freedgood(2) Harry Campbell Freeman(1) Orville L. Freeman(1) Joseph Lewis French(1) Franziska S. Frey(1) Maurice Frink(1) Toni Frissell(1) Charles Andrew Fritz(1) Harry W. Fritz(1) S.V. Frohlicher(2) Babbette Brandt Fromme(1) Dick Frontain(1) George Fronval(1) Lawrence A. Frost(1) Emma Lila Fundaburk(1) William J. Furdell(1) Necah Stewart Furman(1) Mongerson-Wunderlich Galleries(1) Ira Spanierman Gallery(1) Judith Gamble(1) Connie Fairfield Ganz(1) Andrew Garcia(1) Wayne Gard(6) Hamlin Garland(6) Martin S. Garretson(1) Pat F. Garrett(1) Shannon Garst(1) Darrell Garwood(1) Leon Gaspard(1) William Gaunt(1) Edward R. Geary(1) David Gebhard(2) Theodore Gentilz(1) Moira Marti Geoffrion(1) Dan Georgakas(1) Georgia Museum of Art(2) Gerald Peters Gallery(1) William H. Gerdts(5) Frank Getlein(4) Nick Gevock(1) Eric Gibberd(1) Arrell Morgan Gibson(1) Robin Gibson(1) Ruth Gikow(2) Bert Gildart(1) Edith G. Gipstein(1) William Glackens(1) Carl B. Glasscock(3) Mabelle Glenn(1) Jack Glover(2) Shirley Glubok(1) Paul Goble(3) Pliny Earle Goddard(1) William H. Goetzmann(3) Douglas Gold(1) Mary Jean Golden(1) Ludwig Goldscheider(1) Gollings EW(1) E. H. Gombrich(1) John K. Goodman(2) Tony Goodstone(1) Taylor Gordon(1) G. E. Gorman(1) Joan H. Gorman(1) R. C. Gorman(1) Marie Gorsline(1) Adolph Gottlieb(1) Rick Graetz(3) Steven L. Grafe(2) James R. Graff(1) Blanche C. Grant(1) Campbell Grant(1) Michael D. Greenbaum(2) Ben K. Green(1) Balcomb Greene(1) Candace S. Greene(1) John Greenway(1) Zane Grey(3) Marion Eleanor Gridley(1) George Bird Grinnell(2) George C. Groce(1) Linda Grosskopf(1) Francis S. Grubar(1) J. Richard Gruber(1) Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts.(2) Charles A. Guerin(1) Charles A. Guernsey(2) Charles F. Guilloû(2) George Gund(7) C. W. Guthrie(3) Loyd Haberly(2) Larry J. Hackman(1) Donald J. Hagerty(4) Francis D. Haines(2) Philip L. Hale(1) J. Evetts Haley(1) Addie Wood Hallock(1) Marjorie M. Halpin(1) James Halseth(2) James McClellan Hamilton(1) W. T. Hamilton(1) Jack Hamm(1) Lee Hammons(1) H. Duane Hampton(1) Warren Leonard Hanna(2) Emma I. Hansen(1) Emma Hanson(2) Herbert C. Hanson(1) Barry E. Hardin(1) Frank Harding(1) Megan Harding(1) John Wesley Hardin(1) Suzan Shown Harjo(1) Harlowton High School: Montana Heritage Project(1) Harlowton Woman's Club(1) Fred Harman(3) Dorothy Harmsen(5) William Harmsen(5) J. Russell Harper(3) Dennis Harrington(3) Edward Harris(1) Lois V. Harris(2) Bret Harte(1) Sandy Harthorn(1) Jeff Hart(3) Horst Hartmann(1) Sadakichi Hartmann(1) William S. Hart(1) James L. Haseltine(1) Peter Hassrick(27) Peter H.; Frederic Remington Hassrick(2) Royal B. Hassrick(4) Walter Havighurst(1) John Arkas Hawgood(1) Peggy Hawksworth(2) Audrey Hawthorn(1) Ernest Haycox(1) Don Hedgpeth(8) Ann Lane Hedlund(1) Paul L. Hedren(2) Dorothy Heiderstadt(1) Patricia Heikenen(3) Gordon Hendricks(8) Robert Henkes(1) Robert Henri(1) O. Henry(1) Monica Herman(2) Kim Hermanson(1) Emil Her Many Horses(1) John K. Herr(1) Arthur E. Hertzler(1) Thomas Heywood(2) Victor Higgins(5) Highwood Woman's Club(1) Conover Hill(1) Frederick D. Hill(1) Patricia Hills(1) Arthur M. Hind(1) C. Lewis Hind(1) Robert V. Hine(1) Glennis Hinshaw(2) Merton E. Hinshaw(2) Richard Hislop(2) Malvina Hoffman(1) Charles K. Hofling(1) Ray Hogan(1) Paul Hogarth(1) Stan Hoig(2) Edith Holden(2) Linda A. Holley(1) Clide Hollmann(3) Bill Holm(1) Krys Holmes(1) Kermit R. Holmgren(1) Walter Hook(1) Edward Hopper(2) Jack Horan(1) James David Horan(8) Paul Horgan(1) Lar Hothem(2) Emerson Hough(5) Katherine Plake Hough(4) Rose Houk(1) Neal B. Houston(1) Herbert G. Houze(2) Helen Addison Howard(2) James K Howard(1) Joseph Kinsey Howard(6) Robert West Howard(2) John K. Howat(1) Steven Dodd Hughes(1) Philippe Huisman(2) Clark Hulings(2) P. H. Hulton(1) Adolf Hungry Wolf(5) David C. Hunt(1) Hunter Museum of Art.,(1) Sam Hunter(2) Chet Huntley(2) Peter Hurd(2) Rosalyn Roembke Hurley(1) Wilson Hurley(2) Laura Allred Hurtado(1) R. Douglas Hurt(1) John K. Hutchens(3) W. H. Hutchinson(2) Eduard Huttinger(1) Paul Andrew Hutton(1) Steve Hyslop(1) Indian Arts and Crafts Board(1) Henry Inman(1) George Inness(1) Institute of American Indian Arts.(1) Robert Bruce Inverarity(1) Andrew C. Isenberg(1) Peter Iverson(1) Clarence S. Jackson(2) Harry Jackson(3) John C. Jackson(1) Radway Jackson(1) Ned Jacob(1) Don James(1) Frederic James(1) George Wharton James(3) Sheilagh S. Jameson(1) Will James(7) Joel C. Janetski(2) Jaques Cattell Press(1) J. C. Jenkins(1) Mildred Jenkins(1) Diamond Jenness(1) Jan Noreus Jennings(1) Kate F. Jennings(2) Lee LaFollette Jensen(2) J.N. Bartfield Galleries.,(2) Elizabeth Ann Harper John(1) Adela Rogers St. Johns(1) Jasper Johns(1) Cecil Johnson(1) Dorothy M. Johnson(2) Frank Tenney Johnson(1) Olga Weydemeyer Johnson(2) Virginia Weisel Johnson(1) William Weber Johnson(1) John S. Takehara(1) Harvey Jones(1) Tom B. Jones(1) Alvin M. Josephy(7) John Stoutenburgh Jr.(1) Katharine Berry Judson(1) Edouard Julien(1) Patricia Junker(1) Estelle Jussim(1) John M Kaduck(1) Wolf Kahn(1) Michael G. Kammen(1) Paul Kane(4) Robert W. Kapoun(1) Robert F. Karolevitz(4) David Karsner(1) Reed Kay(1) Elmer Keith(1) George Keithley(1) Pal Kelemen(1) Franklin Kelly(1) Marty Kelly(2) Vera Kelsey(2) Elmer Kelton(1) Elizabeth Kennedy(2) Elizabeth Jayne Kennedy(1) Ethel Castner Kennedy(1) Kennedy Galleries(22) Janice W Kennedy(1) Martha H. Kennedy(1) Michael S. Kennedy(1) Bob Kennon(1) Richard M. Ketchum(1) Edward W. Kilman(2) Jay Kimmel(1) Frank M. King(3) Joan King(2) W. Vernon Kinietz(2) Joni Kinsey(1) Everett Raymond Kinstler(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Forrest Kirkland(1) William Kittredge(1) Gene Kloss(1) Thomas W. Knowles(1) w. h. d. Koerner(1) Larry Koller(1) Käthe Kollwitz(1) Michael J. Koury(3) Phil Kovinick(2) Dean Krakel(1) Dean Krakel(1) Dean Fenton Krakel(5) Lee Krasner(1) Alfred Frank Krause(1) Martin F. Krause(1) A. L. Kroeber(1) Otto Kuhler(1) Bob Kuhn(1) Mort Kunstler(1) Rudolf Friedrich Kurz(1) Donald B. Kuspit(1) Mildred D. Ladner(7) Helen Laird(1) James R. Laird(1) Peoria Lakeview Center for the Arts and Sciences,(1) Howard R. Lamar(1) Jane C. Lambert(1) Kirby Lambert(2) Thomas G. Lamb(2) Bernard Lamotte(1) Leif C. W. Landberg(1) Nathaniel Pitt Langford(1) Edward Laning(1) Walt LaRue(1) E. W. Latendorf(1) Reginald Laubin(1) Marilyn Laufer(1) Jeanne Laurence(2) Agnes C. Laut(2) David Lavender(6) T. Allen Lawson(3) Diane Gail Lazarus(1) Clare Leighton(1) Margaret Carver Leighton(3) Torsten Lenk(1) John G Lepley(5) C. Edwards Lester(1) Alfred Henry Lewis(5) Dottie Lewis(1) Meriwether Lewis(18) Jean Leymarie(1) Myles Libhart(1) Georg Christoph Lichtenberg(1) Roy Lichtenstein(1) Frank Bird Linderman(6) Robert W. Lind(1) Fred Lockley(3) Joseph Lonewolf(1) Jane S. Long(1) Al Look(1) Hendrik Willem van Loon(1) Marianne Lorenz(1) the Westerners Los Angeles Corral(2) Janice Lovoos(1) Lowe Art Museum(1) Robert H. Lowie(2) Carol Lowrey(2) Susan T. Lubowsky(1) Donna M. Lucey(1) Ellis Lucia(1) Fitz Hugh Ludlow(1) William Ludlow(1) Coy Ludwig(1) Mabel Dodge Luhan(1) Carrie A. Lyford(1) Fred Machetanz(2) Malcolm S. Mackay(1) Malcolm Sutherland MacKay(1) George E. Mackley(1) Sue Macy(1) Howard M. Madaus(1) Merrill Mahaffey(1) Thomas E. Mails(2) Daniel Trowbridge Mallett(2) Bill C. Malone(1) Michael P. Malone(5) Atwood Manley(1) Harvey Manning(1) William Manns(1) Isaac F. Marcosson(2) Clark S. Marlor(1) Thomas Bailey Marquis(1) Alice Marriott(1) Peter C. Marzio(2) Katsy Mason(1) Otis Tufton Mason(1) Bat Masterson(1) Jim Masterson(1) E. C. Matthews(1) William Henry Matthews(1) William Matthews(2) Alfred Henry Maurer(1) Maxwell Galleries(2) Gilbert S. Maxwell(1) James A. Maxwell(1) Karl May(1) Fred Mazzulla(1) J. F. McAlear(1) Genevieve McBride(2) Henry McBride(1) Frank C. McCarthy(5) John B. McClernan(2) W. McCornick(1) Harold McCracken(37) Israel McCreight(5) John Francis McDermott(2) Patricia McDonnell(1) Susan Hallsten McGarry(1) Ralph Brownell McGrew(2) Tom McHugh(2) Martha Ferguson McKeown(1) Robert Scott McKinnon(1) James McLaughlin(1) T. C. McLuhan(1) Sarah McNelis(1) Charles L. McNichols(2) John McPhee(1) John McQuarrie(1) Don McQuiston(1) J. Walker McSpadden(1) Ralph Eugene Meatyard(1) George Mecklenburg(1) Clement W. Meighan(1) John Meigs(1) Joan Melcher(1) Shanna Shelby Melton, Kirk Robertson Terry(1) Terry Melton(2) Daniel M. Mendelowitz(2) Don Mendenhall(1) A. S. Mercer(1) Roy Meredith(1) Frederick Merk(1) H.G. Merriam(2) George Byron Merrick(1) Richard Meryman(1) Pat Middleton(1) Charles Miles(2) Alfred Jacob Miller(2) David Miller(1) Dwight C. Miller(1) Fred E. Miller(4) Joaquin Miller(1) Stephen Robeson Miller(1) Edward A. Milligan(1) John S. Milloy(1) Mills College(1) John R. Milton(1) Thomas Minckler(1) Louise Minks(1) Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing(1) Missoula Art Museum(1) Petrine Day Mitchum(1) M. Knoedler & Co.(1) Mona Bismarck Foundation(1) Jay Monaghan(4) Gerald Peters Gallery & Mongerson-Wunderlich.(1) Montana Fish and Game Commission,(1) Montana Historical Society(1) Montana Museum of Art & Culture(1) MontanaPBS(2) Inc. Montana Travel(1) George Montgomery(1) Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts(1) Doris Born Monthan(1) Joel Monture(1) Carl Moon(1) Earl F. Moore(1) Robert J. Moore(1) Anne Morand(3) Thomas Moran(5) Bob Morgan(3) Dale L. Morgan(1) James Morgan(1) Jacques Le Moyne De Morgues(1) Claire Morrill(2) Bill Morris(1) Ga.) Morris Museum of Art (Augusta(1) Willard Samuel Morse(2) Jane Ambrose Morton(1) Morrie A Moss(1) Mike Mountain Horse(1) William Sidney Mount(2) Nancy Moure(1) Nancy Dustin Wall Moure(6) James McCauslin Moynahan(6) J. M Moynahan(9) David Muench(3) Read Mullan(2) Dan Muller(1) Nolie Mumey(1) John D. Munn(1) Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute.,(1) Peter Murray(1) Robert A. Murray(2) Bowers Museum(1) Cincinnati Art Museum(1) Denver Art Museum(6) Frye Art Museum(1) James Ford Bell Museum(1) Colo.) Museum of Western Art (Denver(1) Phoenix Art Museum(4) Portland Art Museum(2) Rockwell Museum(1) Sid Richardson Museum(1) Fred A. et al. Myers(2) Jane Myers(2) Rex C. Myers(1) Emmie D. Mygatt(1) Herbert Myrick(1) Peter Nabokov(1) Andrés de Nagel(1) Susan R. Nardinger(1) National Academy of Design (U.S.)(1) National Academy of Western Art(1) National Collection of Fine Arts (U.S.),(1) National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum Staff(2) Andy Nault(1) Tariana Navas-Nieves(1) Nedra Matteucci Galleries(1) Emily Ballew Neff(1) J. Meredith Neil(5) Helen Parsons Neilson(2) Mary Carroll Nelson(1) Alexander Nemerov(1) Nell (Smidell) Nesbitt(1) W. W. Newcomb, Jr.(1) Beaumont Newhall(1) Joseph N. Newland(2) Lee I. Niedringhaus(1) Linda Nochlin(1) Bill North(3) Northern Natural Gas Company.,(1) Harry J. Norton(2) James Nottage(1) James H. Nottage(1) P. J. O'Brien(2) Richard O'Connor(1) C. M. Oehler(1) Sherelyn Ogden(2) Georgia O'Keeffe(2) Claes Oldenburg(1) Ruth Koerner Oliver(4) Richard K. O'Malley(2) Danny On(2) William C. Orchard(1) Eugene Ostroff(1) Roberto Otero(1) Bill Owen(1) John Owen(2) Robert Emmett Owen(1) Ralph E Owings(1) Dick Pace(1) Michele F. Pacifico(1) John W. Painter(1) Vivian A Paladin(6) Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art(1) Francis Parkman(1) Randall Parrish(1) James Parsons(1) J. E Parsons(1) Virginia Paul(4) Edgar A. Payne(2) Octavio Paz(1) William A. Pedersen(2) Ernest Peixotto(1) David W. Penney(1) Estill Curtis Pennington(5) Ernie Pepion(2) Henri Perruchot(1) Gerald P. Peters(9) Harry T. Peters(3) Lisa N. Peters(2) Donald A Peterson(1) Jacqueline Peterson(1) Larry Len Peterson(13) Robyn G. Peterson(2) Susan Peterson(2) Walter Petrigo(1) Ross Phares(3) Andrew Phelan(1) Gordon Phillips(1) Paul C. Phillips(1) Sandra S. Phillips(1) Tom Phillips(1) George Phippen(2) Robert B. Pickering(1) Patricia Jobe Pierce(1) Pauline A. Pinckney(2) Janet B. Pirkey(1) Ronald G. Pisano(1) Henry C. Pitz(1) Marian T. Place(1) Nancy Plain(2) John William Poe(1) Jessie Poesch(1) Nicolas Point(1) Frank Polk(1) Jack Pollard(1) Dean Pollock(1) Marco Polo(1) Claremont Pomona College, Calif(2) Pondera History Association.,(1) Portage Historical Society(1) Eliot Porter(1) Fairfield Porter(2) Peter Poskas(1) Edgar R. Potter(3) Nathaniel Pousette-Dart(1) Ace (Asa Lynn) Powell(3) Harold Preece(1) Adelia M. Price(2) B. Byron Price(5) Con Price(5) Vincent Price(1) James Neal Primm(1) Alexander Phimister Proctor(2) Provincial Museum of Alberta(1) Jules David Prown(1) Francis Paul Prucha(1) Mary Jo Pugh(1) Robert Pummill(1) Michael Punke(1) Howard Pyle(1) Queensland Art Gallery(1) Michael Quick(1) Ed Quigley(2) Fredric L Quivik(2) Paul M Raczka(1) Frank Rasky(1) Perry T. Rathbone(2) Richard C. Rattenbury(9) Charles K. Reed(1) Walt Reed(7) William Reed(3) Albert Reese(1) Hugo Reid(1) William Reid(1) Christiane Reiner(1) Hermann Reiner(1) Sigrid Reisch(2) Winold Reiss(12) Frederic Remington(23) Lorne E. Render(3) Frederic G. Renner(15) Ginger K. Renner(6) John William Reps(1) Karen Dewees Reynolds(2) William Reynolds(1) George Rickey(1) Carolyn Reynolds Riebeth(1) Mary Roberts Rinehart(1) Rodney Ripps(1) John B. [from old catalog] Ritch(5) Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler(3) River and Plains Society(1) David M. Robb(1) Keith Roberts(1) Dale Robertson(1) Edna Robertson(2) Kirk Robertson(1) William H. Robinson(1) Ken Robison(1) Rockwell-Corning Museum.,(3) Norman Rockwell(1) Marjorie Catlin Roehm(1) Kathleen Roe(1) Betty Rogers(1) Will Rogers(1) Will Rogers(1) rollinsgriffinramona(1) Philip Ashton Rollins(1) O. E. Rølvaag(1) Mary Ronan(1) James P. Ronda(2) Theodore Roosevelt(4) Kimberly Roppolo(1) Joseph G. Rosa(2) Alexander Rose(1) T. A Roseberry(1) Francesca Rose(1) Bob Ross(1) Bob Ross(2) Paul A. Rossi(2) Lee Rostad(6) Denis Rouart(1) Charles Roussel(1) Jean-Loup Rousselot(1) Mrs. Clarence J. (Conrad) Rowe(2) Jamini Roy(1) Alfred Runte(2) Austin Russell(3) Carl Parcher Russell(1) Charles M. Russell(98) Don Russell(4) I. K. Russell(1) Russell Memorial Committee(1) George F. Ruxton(1) R.W. Norton Art Gallery.,(4) Albert P. Salisbury(2) Michael S. Sample(3) Peggy Samuels(7) David M Sander(1) Gordon E. Sanders(1) James Upson Sanders(1) Mari Sandoz(2) Martha A. Sandweiss(1) C. J. Saterlie(1) Richard H. Saunders(2) William Joseph Schaldach(1) Rita Schilling(1) Julie Schimmel(3) E.M. Schiwetz(1) Norman Schlenoff(1) Bruno F. Schneider(1) Fritz Scholder(1) N.M.) School of American Research (Santa Fe(2) Cortlandt Schoonover(1) George Schriever(3) James Willard Schultz(5) Bob Scriver(8) William H. Scurlock(1) N. G. Seaman(1) Clara Endicott Sears(1) Othniel J. Seiden(1) John Selby(1) Henry Blackman Sell(1) Fred Selman(1) Charles Alden Seltzer(1) O. C Seltzer(2) Beverly Serrell(1) Robert W. Service(1) Ralph Sessions(1) Settlers West Gallery(2) L.. E. Shafer(1) Ben Shahn(1) Robert D. Shangle(1) Michael Edward Shapiro(2) Paul F. Sharp(3) Honoré Sharrer(1) Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw(1) Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery.(1) Lola Shelton(6) Herbert C Sheppard(1) William C. Sherman(1) Gayle C. Shirley(4) Glenn Shirley(1) Irvin Shope(1) Dorothy S. Sides(1) Erna Siebert(1) Eugene Lee Silliman(1) Joan Simon(1) C.H. Simpson(1) Leonard P. Sipiora(1) Richard W. Slatta(1) Rose Slivka(1) Eric Sloane(1) Alson J. Smith(2) Clarice Martin Smith(2) Constance Smith(1) Erwin E. Smith(1) smithgarym-1(1) Jaune Quick-to-See Smith(1) Jedediah Strong Smith(1) Lawrence B. Smith(2) Monte Smith(1) Smithsonian(1) W. H. B. Smith(1) J. W. Smurr(3) Gordon Snidow(2) Jeanne O. Snodgrass(1) Dean R. Snow(1) New York Graphic Society(1) Prairie County Historical Society(1) Roberta Beed Sollid(2) C. L. Sonnichsen(1) George Sorrels(1) Southwest Museum(1) Ralph S. Space(1) Spanierman/Drawings.(1) Morris Edmund Speare(1) Clark C. Spence(1) Marshall Sprague(1) Springfield Art Museum(1) Kristin Donnan Standard(1) David Stanley(1) Joan Stauffer(5) Ray Steele(4) Wallace Stegner(2) Stan Steiner(1) Joseph Stella(1) Franz Stenzel(3) John D. Stephenson-Love(1) Richard Sterling(1) Jean Stern(1) Moreland L. Stevens(2) Elizabeth Stevenson(1) Julian H. Steward(7) George R. Stewart(2) H. Michael Stewart(3) Jeffrey C. Stewart(2) Rick Stewart(14) Matthew Williams Stirling(1) Bill Stockton(1) David R. Stoecklein(4) Rawhide Shorty". Stork(2) Colton Storm(1) Mary Strachan Scriver(1) Carrie Adell Strahorn(1) Leroy Strand(2) Joanna Stratton(1) Peg Streep(1) Lisa Maria Strong(1) Granville Stuart(1) Signe Stuart(1) Jonathan Stuhlman(1) Ben Summerford(1) Sun River Valley Historical Society(1) Ernest V. Sutton(1) Kenneth D. Swan(2) Robert R. Swartout(1) J. Gray Sweeney(1) Wiley Sword(1) Joyce M. Szabo(1) James Tackach(1) Robert Taft(5) Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait(1) John Taliaferro(4) Parviz Tanavoli(1) Jack Tannen(1) Clara Lee Tanner(1) Scott J. Tanner(4) Tony Taylor(1) Jehanne Teilhet-Fisk(2) John Upton Terrell(2) Texas Art Gallery(1) The Editors of American *(1) The Great Falls Tribune(1) the Westerners Los Angeles Corral(6) the Westerners San Diego Corral(1) Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art(1) Kenneth Thomasma(2) Larry S. Thompson(1) Gene Thornton(3) Raymond W. Thorp(1) Edward Larocque Tinker(1) Lon Tinkle(1) Mike Todd(1) M. Tomchuk(1) K. Ross Toole(3) Gaylord Torrence(2) John E. Traister(1) Sam Travers(2) Patricia Trenton(7) Gregor Trinkaus-Randall(1) Joan Carpenter Troccoli(5) Carol Truax(1) William H. Truettner(2) Ed Trumble(1) Henry T. Tuckerman(1) Patrick T. Tucker(2) Roderick Turnbull(2) Percy Moore Turner(1) Edmund B. Tuttle(1) Parker Tyler(1) Ronnie C. Tyler(3) Stewart L. Udall(1) James Ramsey Ullman(1) United States(3) United States(7) United States Northern Boundary Commission.,(1) University of Californ*(1) University of New Mexico(2) Robert M. Utley(2) Van Dersal & Conner.,(1) Jeanne Van Nostrand(1) Robert Vaughn(2) Stanley Vestal(2) Bob Vila(1) Herman J. Viola(3) Donald Vogel(1) Beth M. Volbrecht(1) Harold von Schmidt(2) Ben Merchant Vorpahl(2) Vose Galleries of Boston.,(2) Robert C. Vose(1) Theodore Waddell(1) Beula Wadsworth(1) Margaret E. Wagner(1) Mary Elizabeth Wahlig(1) Walter F Waite(1) Robert Wakefield(2) Edna La Moore Waldo(1) Henry Pickering Walker(1) John Walker(1) David H. Wallace(1) Margot A. Wallace(1) David Walter(1) Ann Thorson Walton(4) Fay E. Ward(2) George B. Ward(2) Charles Warner(1) Charles Dudley Warner(1) Christopher Warner(1) Frank Waters(2) Bruce Wear(3) Otha Donner Wearin(10) Paul E Weaver(1) Todd Webb(1) Walter Prescott Webb(1) W. E Webb(2) David J. Weber(1) Eva Weber(1) Laurie D. Webster(2) Melissa Webster(1) Tom Weil(1) George Ferdinand Weisel(1) Paul I. Wellman(1) Manuela Well-Off-Man(1) Wells Fargo Bank History Room (Editor)(1) Gene Weltfish(1) Edward N. Wentworth(1) C. R. Wenzell(1) Carroll Van West(1) Clifford P. Westermeier(1) Western Writers of America.,(2) Hal West(1) Helen B. West(1) Ruth Lilly Westphal(1) Helen Cody Wetmore(2) Bon I. Whealdon(1) Daniel W. Whetstone(1) Andrew Hunter Whiteford(1) George M. White(1) Stewart Edward White(2) S. E. Whitman(1) Whitney Gallery of Western Art(2) Jon Whyte(1) Siegfried Wichmann(2) Albin Widén(1) Prinz Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied(6) Olaf Wieghorst(2) Mitchell A. Wilder(2) William Wildschut(1) David G. Wilkins(1) James F. Wilkins(3) Thurman Wilkins(1) John Willard(7) Gordon R. Willey(1) Joe Williams(1) William F. Willingham(1) John Wilmerding(3) R. L. Wilson(1) Steven C Wilson(1) Terry Winchell(1) Frank Winch(1) Cherie Winner(1) Hasso Von Winning(1) Owen Wister(1) Byron B. Wolfe(1) Muriel Sibell Wolle(3) Nicholas Woloshuk(1) Sarah Wood-Clark(1) Margaret M. Woods(1) Willis F Woods(2) Arthur Woodward(1) Barton Wright(1) William Wroth(1) Andrew Wyeth(3) N. C. Wyeth(5) Pam Yascavage(3) Mont.) Yellowstone Art Center (Billings(1) Karl Yost(11) John Young-Hunter(2) William Young(1) Ellan R. Yuill(2) Michael David Zellman(1) Marilyn Ziebarth(1) Carl Zigrosser(1) Ken Zontek(1)