Nube de autores para FrederickDouglass

[Mississippi](1) Alexander Adam(1) Francis Colburn Adams(1) Herbert Baxter Adams(1) H. G Adams(1) Francis Mores Adlington(1) James Aikman(1) William A. Alcott(1) Joseph Alden(1) William T. Alexander(1) William Francis Allen(1) Charlotte Maria Tucker(1) American Society of Church History(1) American Temperance Society(1) Charles Gordon Ames(1) Edmondo Mario Alberto De Amicis(1) D. Ammen(1) An American(1) Benjamin J. K. Anderson(1) Charles John Anderson(1) Martin Brewer Anderson(1) Sidney Andrews(1) Edward Angevine(1) Charles Athnon(1) Susan B. Anthony(1) Wilson Armistead(3) Graf von Harry Arnim(1) Edwin Arnold(1) Thomas Arnold(1) James Mitchell Ashley(2) Association for the Advancement of Woman(1) John H. Aughey(1) Marcus Aurelius(1) James Backhouse(1) Edwin M. Bacon(1) Karl Baedeker(6) Philip James Bailey(1) Clara Lucas Balfour(1) Adin Ballou(2) Maturin M. Ballou(1) George Bancroft(1) Nelson H Barbour(1) Robert Barclay(1) Samuel A. Bard(1) Jacob Barker(1) Joseph Barker(4) Joseph H. Barrett(1) J. M. Barrie(1) John Henry Barrows(1) Heinrich Barth(1) D. W Bartlett(1) George Bradford Bartlett(1) Cyrus A. Bartol(1) Elisha Bates(1) Thomas C. Battey(1) William Beckford(1) Henry Ward Beecher(3) Edward Bellamy(1) Robert C. O. [from old catalog] Benjamin(1) Jeremy Bentham(2) Thomas Hart Benton(1) William A. Berkey(1) M. D. Berlitz(1) Walter Besant(1) Thomas E. Besolow(1) Edward Bickersteth(3) Caleb Bingham(1) M. B. Bird(1) Samuel T. Birmingham(1) Catherine H. Birney(1) Lorenzo D. Blackson(1) William Black(1) Alexander Blaikie(1) James G. Blaine(1) John Lauris Blake(1) Amos Blanchard(1) P. P. Bliss(2) Robert Bloomfield(1) Henry Blunt(4) Edward Wilmot Blyden(2) Edward William Bok(1) Andrew Bonar(1) Anna B. Boone(1) Boston (Mass.).,(1) Boston Female Anti-slavery Society.(1) George Bourne(1) George S. Boutwell(2) B. B. Bowen(1) John Bowring(8) John Leeds Bozman(1) Charles Loring Brace(1) Auguste Brachet(1) Sarah H. Bradford(2) George Granville Bradley(1) Mary Brainerd(1) Fredrika Bremer(8) Linda Brent(1) Charles Bridges(1) British and Foreign Bible Society(1) S. B. Brittan(1) Richard Brookes(1) Erastus Brooks(1) Brotherhood of liberty.(1) Brougham Baron Henry(1) C. S. Brown(1) J. Ross Browne(1) Martha Griffith Browne(1) John Brown(3) Marie A. Brown(1) Thurlow W. Brown(2) William Wells Brown(4) Henry Clay Bruce(1) Wallace Bruce(1) William Cullen Bryant(2) Henry Thomas Buckle(1) A. N. Bullens(1) Peter Bullions(1) Sara Chapman Thorp Bull(1) Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron Lytton(1) George Burder(1) Bureau of the American Republics(1) J. J. Burlamaqui(1) Robert Burns(4) D.D. Robert Burrowes(1) Benjamin F. Butler(2) Thomas Fowell Buxton(2) Lord Byron(2) N. Callan(1) James B. Campbell(1) Loomis J. Campbell(1) Robert Campbell(1) John Candler(1) Charles William Canfield(1) Henry Charles Carey(2) Thomas Carlyle(2) Mary Carpenter(2) Russell Lant Carpenter(2) Alice Cary(1) Robert Boodey Caverly(1) Louis Chambaud(1) Robert Chambers(2) William Ellery Channing(4) Maria Chapman(1) Maria Weston Chapman(5) Elizabeth Rundle Charles(1) C. Thurston Chase(1) G. B. Cheever(1) Lydia Maria Francis Child(3) Isaac Bassett Choate(1) Henry Fothergill Chorley(2) David Christy(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero(1) Francisco Ciciloni(1) Mary Cowden Clarke(1) Mrs Mary Cowden Clarke(1) George W. Clark(2) Leander Clark(1) Rufus W. Clark(1) Anna Howell. Clarkson(1) Thomas Clarkson(1) Charles Dexter Cleveland(1) William Cobbett(1) Augustin Cochin(1) Levi Coffin(1) Francis Coghlan(1) William Irving Colby(1) Lucy Newhall Danforth Colman(1) George Combe(1) George F. Comfort(1) Republican National Committee(2) H. C Conant(1) Caroline M Congdon(1) Alfred Ronald Conkling(1) Joseph Cook(1) Richard H. Coolidge(1) Corcoran Gallery of Art(1) William Hilary. [from old catalog] Coston(1) William Cowper(1) F. A. Cox(1) J. Craig(1) John A. J. Creswell(1) Henry Only Crofts(1) Alexander Cruden(1) Alexander Crummell(2) John Philpot Curran(1) Luther S. Cushing(2) Jean Joseph B. 1839 Dalbemar(1) Thomas Dale(1) W.H. Dall(1) James McCormick Dalzell(1) Charles A. Dana(1) J. W. Daniels(1) J. H. Merle d'Aubigné(1) Alphonse Daudet(1) Samuel Davidson(3) Charles Davies(1) James Davies(1) Andrew Jackson Davis(2) Charles Henry Davis(1) Jean-Baptist Dehoux(1) Martin R. Delany(1) Charles Wheeler Denison(1) Hugh De Normand(1) John Devoy(1) Jacob Dewees(1) Orville Dewey(1) Helen Dhu(1) Charles Dickens(5) Anna E. Dickinson(1) Thomas Dick(2) W. R. Dick(1) Benjamin Disraeli(1) District of Columbia.(4) Ossian E. Dodge(1) Adolf Douai(1) Frederick Douglass(7) William Douglass(1) Menie Muriel Dowie(1) John Dowling(1) Drummond William H (Ed)(1) Charles Gavan Duffy(1) Richard Louis Dugdale(1) Alexandre Dumas(6) Job Durfee(2) Theodore Dwight(1) Frederick N. Dyer(1) Samuel Dyer(1) Jonathan Dymond(2) Victoria Earle(1) Eastern Coast of Central America Commercial and Agricultural Company.(1) East India Company.,(1) Mrs. C. F. Easton(1) Easton. William Edgar. 1861-(1) Seymour Eaton(1) Georg Ebers(2) Elizabeth F. Ellet(1) Andrew Ellicott(1) James Crawford Embry(1) Ralph Waldo Emerson(1) Nathanael Emmons(1) London Evangelical Alliance., England)(1) Evangelische Landeskirche(1) W.B. Everett(1) Exposition Internationale des Beaux-Arts(1) Sarah E. Farro(1) Louis Fasquelle(1) Blanche Fearing(1) Friedrich Ernst Feller(2) François Fénelon(1) Fanny Fern(3) Ludwig Feuerbach(1) Johann Gottlieb Fichte(2) Henry M. Field(1) Henry Fielding(1) Daniel W. Fish(1) George Fitzhugh(1) James Fletcher(1) John Fletcher(1) B. O. Flower(1) De Francias Folsom(1) José Freire Bezerril Fontenelle(1) Andrew H. Foote(1) Peter Force(2) Sallie R. Ford(1) T. Thomas Fortune(1) Charles Foster(1) Ethan Foster(1) John Foster(1) J. W. Foster(1) Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué(1) George Fox(2) Mass.) Free Religious Association (Boston(1) John Frost(1) Octavius Brooks Frothingham(3) Margaret Fuller(1) John Gamgee(1) William C. Gannett(1) James A. Garfield(1) Giuseppe Garibaldi(1) William Lloyd Garrison(2) John Gast(1) Edward Gibbon(1) Marinne Gibbons(1) Phebe Earle Gibbons(1) John Gibbs(1) Henry Giles(1) Mary Godolphin(2) Benjamin Godwin(1) Morgan Godwyn(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(2) Oliver Goldsmith(1) William Goodell(1) Robert. [from old catalog] Gossip(1) John B. Gough(2) James Grant(1) Jonathas Henri Théodore Granville(1) Horace Greeley(1) Beriah Green(1) Frances H. Green(1) Grace Greenwood(1) James M Gregory(1) J. A. Gridley(1) Julia Griffiths(1) Henry Gréville(1) Joseph John Gurney(1) Axel Gustafson(1) Arnold Guyot(1) Talbot Gwynne(1) Matthew Habershon(1) Haiti(1) Robert Haldane(2) Edward Everett Hale(2) Nathan Hale(1) Salma Hale(1) Sarah Josepha Hale(2) Marshall Hall(1) William A. Hallock(3) Richard Price Hallowell(1) Spencer Timothy Hall(1) James Hamilton(1) Jabez D. Hammond(1) S. H. Hammond(1) Phebe A. Hanaford(1) Thomas W. Handford(1) J. F. Hanks(1) Samuel Harden(1) Arthur Sherburne Hardy(1) Albert Harkness(1) John Marshall Harlan(1) William Burt Harlow(1) John Harris(2) Jonas Hartzel(1) Mrs. Paralee Haskell(1) Frederick Hasted(1) Frances Ridley Havergal(1) Heinrich Andreas Christoph Havernick(2) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) John L. Hayes(1) Levi Hedge(1) Hinton Rowan Helper(1) Maria Remington Hemiup(1) Matthew Henry(1) William Lewis Herndon(1) James Herring(1) John Heywood(1) William L Hickey(1) William Adams Hickman(1) Edward T. Hiscox(1) Elizabeth Hitchener(1) Richard D. Hoblyn(1) Edward Singleton Holden(1) J. G. Holland(2) Marietta Holley(3) Sallie Holley(1) Oliver Wendell Holmes(1) Homer(2) J. W. Hood(1) Thomas Hood(1) Herman Hooker(1) John Hooper(1) Samuel Hopkins(1) Thomas Hartwel Horne(1) William Hosmer(1) Charles E. Houghtaling(1) India House(1) Joseph W. Howe(1) Anna Mary Howitt(1) Mary Howitt(1) Victor Hugo(2) Ill.) Hull House (Chicago(1) Alexander von Humboldt(1) David Hunter(1) Robert Hunter(1) John W. Hutchinson(1) Joshua Hutchinson(1) Lucy Hutchinson(1) Otto Idlethorne(1) Indiana.,(1) Industrial Buildings and Savings Co.(1) Jean Ingelow(1) Robert G. Ingersoll(2) Thomas Ingoldsby(1) International Council of Women(2) Pierre Munroe Irving(1) Washington Irving(8) Augustus Jacobson(1) G. P. R. James(1) Henry James(1) William Jay(1) William Jay(2) William Jay(1) John Jefferson(1) John P Jeffries(1) J.T. Jenifer(1) Thornton A. Jenkins(1) J. H. Bunnell & Co.(1) F.H. Johnson(1) James H.A. Johnson(1) J. F. Johnson(1) Oliver Johnson(1) Samuel Johnson(1) Elizabeth Bryant Johnston(1) George Jones(1) J. Elizabeth Jones(1) Jenkin Lloyd Jones(1) Sylvester Judd(2) George Washington Julian(1) Kansas.(1) Kansas State Historical Society(1) John Keats(1) William D. Kelley(1) Edward Kellogg(1) Denis Kelly(1) Fanny Kemble(1) Asahel C. Kendrick(2) Elizabeth King(1) John Kirk(1) H. C. Knight(1) J. Proctor Knott(1) James Sheridan Knowles(1) Alphonse de Lamartine(1) Charles Lamb(1) Letitia Elizabeth Landon(1) Melville D. Landon(1) John Dunmore Lang(1) Charles Lanman(1) Dionysius Lardner(1) Larive(1) R. G. Latham(3) Lewis Howard Latimer(1) John Lawrence(1) William Law(1) Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee(1) Frederic Richard Lees(1) Alain-René Le Sage(1) C. Edwards Lester(1) M de Levizac(1) Rena B. Lewis(1) Grace Lintner(1) S. E. Linton(1) David Livingstone(1) S.A. Lofstrom(1) W. J. Loftie(1) John A. Logan(1) Lafayette Charles Loomis(1) George Bailey Loring(1) Benson J. Lossing(1) Thomas lounsbury(1) Joseph C. Lovejoy(1) James Russell Lowell(1) Robert Lowth(1) Benjamin Lundy(1) Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton Lytton(1) Arthur MacArthur(1) Thomas Babington Macaulay(2) William Maccall(1) John R. Macduff(1) H. T. J. Macnamara(1) Richard Robert Madden(2) Thomas Madiou(1) Rev. William Magee(1) William Magee(1) Asa Mahan(1) Monroe A. Majors(1) Cesar Malan(1) Conrad Malte-Brun(1) Horace Mann(1) Samuel Manning(1) Juan Francisco Manzano(1) Orison Swett Marden(1) William Mariner(1) M. Roland Markham(1) Frederick Marryat(2) Charles Marshall(1) Emma Marshall(1) Frederic Marshall(1) J. B. T. Marsh(1) Jenny Marsh(1) Henry Martyn(1) Lewis Masquerier(1) Massachusetts.,(1) Massachusetts.(1) Benjamin Mathias(1) Graham. [from old catalog] McAdam(1) John McClintock(3) J.B. McClure(1) William McCombie(1) Thomas Hudson McKee(1) John V. L. McMahon(1) Rand McNally(1) F.C. Meadows(1) Nathaniel Meeres(1) Henry Melvill(1) Miss Mendell(1) Charles D. Michael(1) William Henry Michael(1) Michigan.,(1) Hugh Miller(2) Joseph Milner(1) Thomas Milner(1) Milwaukee Real Estate Board(1) Robert Mimpriss(1) F. Max Muller(1) John Jamison Moore(1) morganat(1) James Morgan(1) Lewis Henry Morgan(1) James Morison(1) Caspar Morris(1) Jedidiah Morse(1) Nathaniel Morton(1) John Lothrop Motley(1) Frederick T. Mott(1) William Mountford(1) Prosper Mérimée(1) Theodore Thornton Munger(1) Francis Murphy(1) Amelia M. Murray(1) John Murray(1) Lindley Murray(1) Museum of Fine Arts(1) William Myles(1) Joaquim Nabuco(1) Elias Nason(1) Washington National American Woman Suffrage Association, D.C.(1) National Woman's Christian Temperance Union(1) Cornelius Neff(1) Thomas Nelson(1) New Hampshire.(1) John Henry Newman(1) New South Church (Boston)(1) New York (State).(5) Robert Nicoll(1) Solomon Northup(1) Ellen M. O'Connor(1) T. P. O'Connor(1) Ernst Otto Innocenz Odeleben(1) Edmond O'Donovan(1) Osborn H. Oldroyd(1) Laurence Oliphant(1) Margaret Oliphant(1) H. G. Ollendorff(2) Frederick Law Olmsted(3) E. P. W. Packard(1) Lewis R. Packard(1) F. V. N. Painter(1) William Paley(1) Ivan Panin(1) Henry Parker(1) Jenny Marsh Parker(3) Richard Green Parker(1) Theodore Parker(1) Horatio A. Parsons(1) James Parton(1) Félix Pascalis-Ouvière(1) Charles Eyre Pascoe(2) Howard Patterson(1) Cornelius H. Patton(1) Daniel Alexander Payne(1) George Payson(1) W. C. Pearce(1) Elias Peissner(1) George Pellew(1) Pennsylvania.,(2) Elbert Perce(1) Thomas Percy(1) Samuel Perkins(1) Charles Perry(1) Matthew Calbraith Perry(1) Eber M. Pettit(1) Robert Philip(1) William Henry Phipps(1) Samuel T. Pickard(1) Eugène Pierre(1) Parker Pillsbury(1) Anna W. Ford Piper(1) Timothy Pitkin(1) Marie J. Davis Pitman(1) John Playfair(1) Edward Albert Pollard(1) Robert Pollok(1) Isaac Post(1) Ray Potter(1) Edward Payson Powell(1) J.C. Powell(1) John Wesley Powell(1) John Carroll Power(1) Daniel William Powers(1) Alice Edwards Pratt(1) Thomas Prendergast(1) George L. Prentiss(1) William H. Prescott(1) James Cowles Prichard(1) Richard B. Pullan(1) Thomas Pumphrey(1) T. T. Purvis(1) Edmund Quincy(2) Josiah Quincy(1) Edgar Quinet(1) Georg M'Ilvaine Ramsay(1) H.J. Ramsdell(1) J.W. Randolph(1) Jeremiah Eames Rankin(4) Charles Rau(2) F.T. Ray(2) John H. Raymond(1) James Redpath(1) Edwin Reed(2) Moritz Retzsch(1) Charles B. Reynolds(1) Albert Rhodes(1) Allen T. Rice(1) Allen Thorndike Rice(1) Laura E. Richards(1) Hiram Ricker & Sons(1) A. G. Riddle(2) Alfred Rimmer(1) George Ripley(1) John C. Rives(6) Frederick William Robertson(1) John Roby(1) Theo. F. Rodenbough(1) James Rodway(1) William H. Rogers(2) Romola(1) Joseph Mosley Root(1) Moses Roper(1) William Roscoe(1) Lewis Rosenthall(1) Richard S. Rosenthal(1) F. A. (Frederick Augustus) Ross(1) Sir John Ross(1) Jean-Jacques Rousseau(1) George Clinton Rowe(1) Samuel Royce(1) John Ruskin(4) William Clark Russell(1) William S. Russell(1) Agnes Sadier(1) Percy Sadler(1) Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre(1) Sallust(1) Samuel Samuels(1) George Sand(1) Ira David Sankey(1) Epes Sargent(1) William S. Scarborough(1) Friedrich Schiller(1) Leonhard Schmitz(1) Anna M Scott(1) Sir Walter Scott(16) Horace Elisha Scudder(1) E. Searle(1) Sir John Robert Seeley(1) Moses Severance(1) Madame de Sévigné(1) William H. Seward(2) Charles C. B. Seymour(1) William Shakespeare(5) Charles Shakspeare(1) R. Shaw(1) E. S. Sheldon(1) James W. Shepp(1) William Sherlock(1) J.A. Sherman(1) Joel Shew(1) B. P. Shillaber(2) Winfield Scott Shley(1) F.B. Short(1) William Siborne(1) Lydia Huntley Sigourney(1) Sir George Simpson(1) Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de Sismondi(1) T.W. Slaughter(1) Charles Hamilton Smith(1) Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith(2) Emeline Sherman Smith(1) Gerrit Smith(2) John Smith(1) Mayo G. Smith(1) Moses Smith(1) Smithsonian(14) Sydney Smith(1) William Smith(1) Denton Jaques Snider(1) Société antiesclavagiste de Belgique.(1) Alexander Somerville(1) Caroline Anne Southey(1) Sarah H Southwick(1) Herbert Spencer(2) Lysander Spooner(1) Zilpha H. Spooner(1) Arthur Penrhyn Stanley(1) Elizabeth Cady Stanton(2) Henry B. (Henry Brewster) Stanton(1) William H. Starkey(1) Giles Badger Stebbins(4) Sir George Stephen(1) John Stevenson(1) Austin Steward(1) T. G. Steward(1) T.G. (Theophilus Gould) Steward(1) G. C Stewart(1) John Stewart(1) Albert Stickney(1) J. H Stocqueler(1) Charles Warren Stoddard(1) Harriet Beecher Stowe(4) Volney Streamer(1) Agnes Strickland(1) Josiah Strong(1) Moses Stuart(1) Joseph Sturge(2) John Styles(1) John T. Sullivan(1) B. Sunderland(1) Superior Court of Cincinnati (Ohio)(1) Emanuel Swedenborg(1) M. F. Sweetser(1) John R. Sweney(1) William Swinton(1) Thomas Noon Talfourd(1) Charles Tallyrand-Perigord(1) T. De Witt Talmage(1) Lewis Tappan(1) Bayard Taylor(1) Charles Edwin Taylor(1) Daniel T. Taylor(1) Isaac Taylor(2) J. Sidney Taylor(1) W.B. Taylor(1) William Tebb(1) Alfred Lord Tennyson(2) William Makepeace Thackeray(5) William M. Thayer(1) The Religion Tract Society(2) Augustin Thierry(1) Franz L.J. Thimm(1) Isaac Lemuel Thomas(1) J. J. Thomas(1) Theodore Thomas(1) James A. Thome(1) John Hamilton Thom(1) George Thompson(2) T. Perronet Thompson(1) Richard Thomson(1) W. Thorn(2) Thomas Bangs Thorpe(1) Thos. Cook & Son. (firm)(1) Joel Tiffany(1) Wililam P. Tilden(1) William Phillips Tilden(1) L. Tilmon(1) Theodore Tilton(2) John Timbs(1) Frances W. Titus(1) Leo Tolstoy(1) f. g. tomlins(1) Albion W. Tourgée(3) Sinclair Tousey(1) George Alfred Townsend(2) T. P. C.(1) Tract Society(1) Richard Chenevix Trench(1) William Henry Trescot(1) Alonzo Tripp(1) Trollope(1) James M. Trotter(1) Joaquín Telesforo Trueba y Cosío(2) Sojourner Truth(2) Bayard Tuckerman(1) Martin Tupper(1) Robert Turnbull(1) Lucina Tuttle(1) Martha E. Tyson(1) C. Ullmann(1) Hermann Ulrici(1) American Sunday School Union(1) Union League Club of Brooklyn(1) United States(46) United States(13) unitedstates-10(2) United States.(2) United States (Commissioners of Railroads)(1) United States(2) United States.(19) United States(1) United States(37) United States.(3) United States (Treasury Department)(4) unitedstates-37(14) United States (Commissioner of Patents)(2) United States(2) United States.,(1) United States Civil Service Commission(2) United States Coast Survey(1) Charles Wentworth Upham(1) Thomas Cogswell Upham(1) Van Cleve. Charlotte Ouisconsin (Clark). Mrs.. 181(1) ROBERT J. VAN DE WATER(1) I. D. Van Duzee(1) William Johnson Vandyne(1) Walter Raleigh Vaughan(1) Giuseppe Verdi(1) Queen Victoria(1) Virgil(1) C. F. Volney(1) Voltaire(2) Charles T. Walker(1) J. Bradshawe Walker(1) Jonathan Walker(2) Alexander Stewart Walsh(1) Nicolas Wanostrocht(1) Ward Lock & Co. Ltd(1) Mrs. Humphry Ward(1) Ward's Natural Science Establishment(1) John F.W. Ware(1) William Ware(1) Lelia H. Waterhouse(1) R. C. Waterston(1) Maria Webb(1) Mary Webb(1) William Weir(1) Theodore Dwight Weld(1) Margaretha Weppner(1) George M. Weston(1) Francis Wharton(1) Jacob D. Wheeler(1) Andrew Dickson White(1) Armenia Smith Aldrich White(1) Charles A. White(1) John Whitehead(1) William Whiting(1) Albery Whitman(1) John Greenleaf Whittier(4) Samuel Adams Wiggin(1) Hannah Maria Wigham(1) Robert Isaac Wilberforce(1) Ottilie Wildermuth(1) T. Wilkins(1) FREEMAN OTIS WILLEY(1) David Williamson(1) Passmore Williamson(1) Anson Willis(1) Nathaniel Parker Willis(1) Beckles Willson(1) Henry Wilson(2) James Wilson(1) James Grant Wilson(1) J. Leighton Wilson(1) John Wilson(1) John Wilson(1) John Wilson(1) Joseph M. Wilson(1) Lewis Wingfield(1) Octavius Winslow(2) John Winthrop(1) Alphonso Wood(1) W.H. Woodbury(1) Margaret L. Woods(1) Francis C Woodworth(1) John Woolman(3) Joseph Worcester(1) William Wordsworth(1) World's Columbian Exposition(1) London World's Temperance Convention, England)(1) James H. Worman(1) Elizur Wright(1) Henry Clarke Wright(1) Henry S. Wyer(1) Charlotte M. Yonge(2) Andrew W. Young(1) Claiborne Addison Young(1) Helen Zimmern(1)