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El paciente Inglés (1992)

por Michael Ondaatje

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11,748174569 (3.9)787
Un hombre herido a finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial es atendido por una enfermera en un monasterio de Italia. Su cuerpo est totalmente quemado, pero todava tiene tiempo para contarle la trgica historia de su vida, cuando trabaj como espa alemn.
  1. 90
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    Mosquito por Roma Tearne (christiguc)
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    wandering_star: A diary by a British soldier in Italy around the same time.
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    lucyknows: The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje may be paired with Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson. The film adaptations could also be used.
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Al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en una villa en ruinas de la Toscana, se reúnen cuatro personajes. Un hombre con el cuerpo completamente quemado y un pasado enigmático; una joven enfermera que convierte los cuidados que prodiga al paciente en una excusa para aislarse de un entorno insoportable; un cínico superviviente, viejo amigo del padre de aquélla; y un zapador sij especialista en desactivación de explosivos. Atrapados en un limbo de brumosos claroscuros, estos cuatro extranjeros de sí mismos irán recomponiendo el mosaico de sus respectivas identidades a través de una serie de recuerdos, revelaciones y secretos que discurren paralelamente a una bellísima historia de amor y celos.
  Natt90 | Mar 8, 2023 |
Se lo envío a Martha San Juan a cambio de "Extraños en un tren" de Patricia Highsmith, grupo Facebook - enero 2021
  Tatilake | Jan 23, 2021 |
En una villa en ruinas de la Toscana, confluyen las vidas de cuatro desolados personajes al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una enfermera de carácter fuerte y vitalista, su enigmático y agonizante paciente; un cínico superviviente de la guerra, y un artificiero sij.
  swiltsesa | Jan 29, 2016 |
El final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial alcanza a cuatro personas en una villa italiana. Una joven enfermera que cuida a un enigmático hombre completamente abrasado, un rastreador de explosivos de origen sij y un cínico superviviente de la guerra irán recomponiendo sus propias identidades. Algunos de sus recuerdos viajan hasta el ardiente y desolado desierto africano para desvelarnos una intensa historia de amor.
  kika66 | Dec 19, 2010 |
Mostrando 4 de 4
Ondaatje gibt jedem Charakter die Möglichkeit, sich dem Leser zu präsentieren und die ganz eigene Geschichte zu erzählen. Dabei ergreift er nicht Partei, sondern lässt die Figuren ganz einfach aus ihrem Blickwinkel erzählen. Die Schnittstelle, die sie verbinden, werden durch die Orte, an denen sie sich aufgehalten haben, definiert und dadurch geradezu greifbar. Zufälligkeiten scheinen ursächlich zu sein, dass die Personen in Kontakt treten und wieder voneinander scheiden. Die Schwierigkeit, jeder Figur ihren Platz innerhalb dieser Geschichte zuzuweisen, ohne den Faden zu verlieren, bewältigt Ondaatje meisterhaft.
... the plane must have been drying out under its tarpaulin in the desert for eight years. It is entirely covered with sand. Almasy `digs' it out : with what? ... Having shifted tons of sand ... he moves, single-handed, the plane out on to the level, so it can take off. How, single-handed, does he `swing the prop'? ... sand would have penetrated moving parts of the machinery and would have to be meticulously dusted out. ... Almasy merely pours in his can of petrol -- and the engine starts!
añadido por KayCliff | editarWhere was Rebecca shot?, John Sutherland (Mar 14, 1998)
It is a complex and confusing novel whose readers might easily want to consult the index simply to untangle the threads of the plot ... to clarify events that had another meaning ... in an earlier context.
Una vez oí a una mujer africana decir que no se podía describir África, que África solo se entiende si se ha vivido allí. Hace años ya de aquel momento y, sin embargo, esas palabras se me han quedado grabadas y las recuerdo con frecuencia. Por ejemplo, me han venido a la memoria al leer El paciente inglés, de Michael Ondaatje, y no solo porque hable de lo que supone atravesar el desierto de Libia, algo inimaginable para nuestras cabezas acostumbradas a vidas sencillas, sino porque además transmite el peso de la guerra, un hecho también inconcebible para los que siempre hemos vivido en paz.

» Añade otros autores (27 posibles)

Nombre del autorRolTipo de autor¿Obra?Estado
Ondaatje, Michaelautor principaltodas las edicionesconfirmado
Bekker, Jos denTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
BloomsburyPublisherautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Dormagen, AdelheidTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Fiennes, RalphNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Iyer, PicoIntroducciónautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
KnopfPublisherautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Miller, LeeFotógrafoautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
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"Most of you, I am sure, remember the tragic circumstances of the death of Geoffrey Clifton at Gilf Kebir, followed later by the disappearance of his wife, Katharine Clifton, which took place during the 1939 desert expedition in search of Zerzura.

"I cannot begin this meeting tonight without referring very sympathetically to those tragic occurrences.
"The lecture this evening . . . "
~ From the minutes of the Geographical Society meeting of November 194-, London
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In memory of
Skip and Mary Dickinson

For Quintin and Griffin

And for Louise Dennys,
with thanks
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She stands up in the garden where she has been working and looks into the distance.
“Why are you not smarter? It's only the rich who can't afford to be smart. They're compromised. They got locked years ago into privilege. They have to protect their belongings. No one is meaner than the rich. Trust me. But they have to follow the rules of their shitty civilised world. They declare war, they have honour, and they can't leave. But you two. We three. We're free.”
― Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
“There is a whirlwind in southern Morocco, the aajej, against which the fellahin defend themselves with knives. There is the africo, which has at times reached into the city of Rome. The alm, a fall wind out of Yugoslavia. The arifi, also christened aref or rifi, which scorches with numerous tongues. These are permanent winds that live in the present tense.
There are other, less constant winds that change direction, that can knock down horse and rider and realign themselves anticlockwise. The bist roz leaps into Afghanistan for 170 days--burying villages. There is the hot, dry ghibli from Tunis, which rolls and rolls and produces a nervous condition. The haboob--a Sudan dust storm that dresses in bright yellow walls a thousand metres high and is followed by rain. The harmattan, which blows and eventually drowns itself into the Atlantic. Imbat, a sea breeze in North Africa. Some winds that just sigh towards the sky. Night dust storms that come with the cold. The khamsin, a dust in Egypt from March to May, named after the Arabic word for 'fifty,' blooming for fifty days--the ninth plague of Egypt. The datoo out of Gibraltar, which carries fragrance.
There is also the ------, the secret wind of the desert, whose name was erased by a king after his son died within it. And the nafhat--a blast out of Arabia. The mezzar-ifoullousen--a violent and cold southwesterly known to Berbers as 'that which plucks the fowls.' The beshabar, a black and dry northeasterly out of the Caucasus, 'black wind.' The Samiel from Turkey, 'poison and wind,' used often in battle. As well as the other 'poison winds,' the simoom, of North Africa, and the solano, whose dust plucks off rare petals, causing giddiness.
Other, private winds.
Travelling along the ground like a flood. Blasting off paint, throwing down telephone poles, transporting stones and statue heads. The harmattan blows across the Sahara filled with red dust, dust as fire, as flour, entering and coagulating in the locks of rifles. Mariners called this red wind the 'sea of darkness.' Red sand fogs out of the Sahara were deposited as far north as Cornwall and Devon, producing showers of mud so great this was also mistaken for blood. 'Blood rains were widely reported in Portugal and Spain in 1901.'
There are always millions of tons of dust in the air, just as there are millions of cubes of air in the earth and more living flesh in the soil (worms, beetles, underground creatures) than there is grazing and existing on it. Herodotus records the death of various armies engulfed in the simoom who were never seen again. One nation was 'so enraged by this evil wind that they declared war on it and marched out in full battle array, only to be rapidly and completely interred.”
― Michael Ondaatje
“All I desired was to walk upon such an earth that had no maps.”
― Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
“The desert could not be claimed or owned — it was a piece of cloth carried by winds, never held down by stones, and given a hundred shifting names before Canterbury existed, long before battles and treaties quilted Europe and the East ... All of us, even those with European homes and children in the distance, wished to remove the clothing of our countries. It was a place of faith. We disappeared into landscape.”
― Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
“We die containing a richness of lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have plunged into and swam up as if rivers of wisdom, characters we have climbed into as if trees, fears we have hidden in as if cares... I believe in such cartography - to be marked by nature, not just to label ourselves on a map like the names of rich men and women on buildings. We are communal histories, communal books. WE are not owned or monogamous in our taste or experience. All I desired was to walk upon such an earth that had no maps.”
― Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
“To rest was to receive all aspects of the world without judgement.”
― Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
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Wikipedia en inglés (1)

Un hombre herido a finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial es atendido por una enfermera en un monasterio de Italia. Su cuerpo est totalmente quemado, pero todava tiene tiempo para contarle la trgica historia de su vida, cuando trabaj como espa alemn.

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The English Patient is a 1992 novel by Sri Lankan-Canadian novelist Michael Ondaatje. The story deals with the gradually revealed histories of a critically burned English accented Hungarian man, his Canadian nurse, a Canadian-Italian thief, and an Indian sapper in the British Army as they live out the end of World War II in an Italian villa.
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