Fun - What interesting reading themes/trajectories can you suggest from the 1001 Books list?

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Fun - What interesting reading themes/trajectories can you suggest from the 1001 Books list?

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Editado: Nov 23, 2012, 3:15 am

I thought of this thread because often I pick up two books from the list randomly and they somehow connect. For example, On Beauty and White Noise both deal with the domestic lives of university professors. Drop City and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test both explore hippie culture in America.

What are some parallels and trajectories you've found in your reading and collecting of the list? They might range from the bizarre to the obvious ("books about India")? ps - more extensive comparisons and considered literary critique than what I've offered here are most welcome.


Nov 29, 2012, 2:14 am

Further to this ... some books from the list that are largely based on other books from the list:

The Hours ... based on Mrs. Dalloway
Wide Sargasso Sea ... written as a prequel for Jane Eyre
On Beauty ... a reinterpretation of Howard's End

Rachel (running-gal)

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