Nube de autores para bobfoot

John Paul Adams(1) U.S. Department of Agriculture(1) Richard Stoddard Aldrich(1) Dante. Edited by Kenneth McKenzie. [Dante] Alighie(1) Michael Allen(1) Robert Allen(1) Anonymous(1) Mahadev L. Apte(1) Roland Auguet(1) Jane Austen(1) Simon Baron-Cohen(1) Leonard E. Barrett(1) Dave Barry(1) Pauline B. Bart(1) Dee Danner Barwick(1) Charles Baudelaire(1) Charles A. And Mary R. Beard Beard(1) Daniel M. Berman(1) Martha. trans. by Watkin Bernstein, Ralph Granger,(1) A. K. Bierman(1) Robert Sidney Bigelow(1) Christiane Bird(1) Walter Blair(1) William Blake(1) William Bligh(1) James Boswell(1) Thom Boswell(1) Catherine Drinker Bowen(2) H. W. Brands(1) Richard L. Brengle(1) Robert Briffault(1) Crane Brinton(1) William F. Buckley, Jr.(1) E. A. Wallis Budge(1) Ernest S. Burch(1) James Cobb Burke(1) Terry Burrows(1) Ellis Parker Butler(1) Hezekiah Butterworth(1) editor Cameron Hyde(1) Joseph Campbell(1) Georg Capellanus(1) FitzRoy Carrington(1) Lewis Carroll(1) John Cassidy(1) Winston Churchill(1) Arthur C. Clarke(1) C. Macfarland(1) Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth(1) Alan Copeland Collins(1) Saxe Commins(1) Michael G. Coney(1) Joseph Conrad(1) Richard Hauer Costa(1) Jonathan Cott(1) Thomas Craven(1) John Dominic Crossan(2) Robert Dallek(1) Robert F. Davidson(1) Coningsby Dawson(1) Bernard DeVoto(1) Allen R. Dodd(1) G. William Domhoff(1) Ralph Magoffin and Frederic Duncalf(1) Lord Dunsany(1) Will Durant(1) José Echegaray(1) Umberto Eco(1) Anne Edwards(1) E.E. Fowler(1) Albert Einstein(1) George Eliot(12) M. C. Escher(1) Willard R. Espy(1) Richard P. Feynman(1) Bobby Fischer(1) John Theodore Flanagan(1) James Elroy Flecker(1) Philip Sheldon Foner(1) J. O. Francis(1) C Lovat Fraser(1) Thomas E. French(1) Roland Mushat Frye(1) Foxfire Fund(1) Nora Gallagher(1) John Galt(1) Jeffrey Gantz(1) Robert Garland(1) David Garnett(1) Uri Geller(1) Henry Gillen(1) Carol Gilligan(1) Frank Goodwyn(1) Stephen Jay Gould(1) Lawrence Gowing(1) Kenneth Grahame(2) James Harris Graves(2) Robert Graves, and Riding, Laura.(1) Francis Grierson(3) Sian Griffiths(1) Brothers Grimm(1) Angel Guimerá(1) William Gurstelle(1) Philippe Halsman(1) Charles Hamilton(1) Edith Hamilton(1) W. G. Hardy(1) Frank Harris(1) Paul Harvey(1) Stephen Hawking(1) David Farber; Foreword Walter Cronkite; Preface Tom Hayden(1) Joseph Heller(1) Henry Arthur Jones(1) John Hersey(1) Hermann Hesse(1) Tony Hey(1) Maurice Gerschon Hindus(1) David Hockney(1) Tony Horwitz(1) Hewitt Hanson Howland, collected and Arranged By(1) Ilʹi, a,¡ Ilʹf(1) illus. DICKENS (C). REYNOLDS (F)(1) Foreign Service Language Institute(1) James Harris Graves(1) Marquis James(1) Winifred Lewellin James(1) Charles and Cordingly Johnson, David (ed)(1) Eleanor Harz Jorden(2) Adam Kadmon(1) Joe Kane(1) Immanuel Kant(1) Maurice Keen(1) Helen Keller(1) CR Kenyon(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Henry Kissinger(1) Kodak(1) Mark Kurlansky(1) Charles Lamb(1) Harold Lamb(1) Andrew Lang(1) Gary Larson(1) Elsworth Lawson(1) Josh Leventhal(1) Ira Levin(1) Ted Libbey(1) Joseph Crosby Lincoln(1) Frances Little(1) Sir Robert Bruce Lockart(1) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1) Emil Ludwig(1) Natalia Lusin(1) Staughton Lynd(1) Arthur Machen(1) Maurice Maeterlinck(1) Dumas Malone(1) Frederick Marryat(1) Edison Marshall(1) Steve Martin(1) John Masefield(1) Mary Lockwood Matthews(1) Ralph Mayer(1) Frank McCourt(1) Larry McMurtry(1) Herman Melville(1) G. Merdith(1) George Meredith(2) James A. Michener(2) Barry Miles(1) William Vaughn Moody(1) Samuel Eliot Morison(1) John Morreall(1) Desmond Morris(1) Louise Chandler Moulton(1) Max Muller(1) Carolyn Naifeh(1) David Nasaw(1) Gilles Néret(1) Harold Nicolson(1) Stephen Nissenbaum(1) Henry Davenport Northrop(1) Charles O'Connell(1) Jura Oliveira(1) Charles A. Owen(1) Eileen Palestine(1) Bruce Pandolfini(1) Louis N. Parker(2) Edward Abbott Parry, Sir(1) Mario Pei(1) Sidney Perkowitz(1) Joanna Pitman(1) Edgar Allan Poe(3) Jane Porter(2) William Poundstone(1) David Prebenna(1) Alice-Boyd Proudfoot(1) Marcel Proust(1) Howard Pyle(1) George K. Reid(1) Fred Reinfeld(2) Dorothy Richardson(1) Dorothy M. Richardson(1) Grace S. Richmond(1) James Whitcomb Riley(1) Robert Blackwood Robertson(1) Thom Roberts(1) W. Roberts(2) Paul Robeson(1) Andrew Robinson(1) James Harvey Robinson(1) Lennox Robinson(1) Will Rogers(1) Alexander Roob(1) Arch Ruport(1) John Ruskin(1) A. P. Russell(2) Hans Alexander Mueller (illustr) Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra(1) Chuck Sambuchino(1) Victorien Sardou(1) Sue Savage-Rumbaugh(1) Wilbur M. Savidge(1) Isidor Schneider(1) Eckehard Schulz(1) Albert Schweitzer(1) Sir Walter Scott(1) Walter Scott(1) Pete Seeger(1) Karl Shapiro(1) Charlie W. Shedd(1) John D. Sheridan(1) William L. Shirer(1) Max Shulman(1) Hampton Sides(2) Sarah Simblet(1) Lacey Baldwin Smith(2) Lemony Snicket(1) Sherry Sontag(1) Murray R. Spiegel(1) Rodney Stark(1) Geoffrey Steadman(1) Richard Poate Lucy Poate; Stebbins Stebbins(1) John Steinbeck(1) Alan Stern(1) Laurence Sterne(1) Alan Stillson(1) Arthur Symons(1) Studs Terkel(1) The Westerners.(2) A. E. Thomas(1) Henry Thomas(1) Lowell Thomas(1) Jerry Thompson(1) Henry David Thoreau(1) Arnold J. Toynbee(1) Josip Trampetic(1) Anthony Trollope(2) Harlow Giles Unger(1) Robert R. Updegraff(1) Leonardo da Vinci(1) Max Wade-Matthews(1) Lew Wallace(1) Peter D. Ward(1) James D. Watson(1) Colin Wheildon(1) David S. Whitley(1) Eliot Wigginton(3) Virginia Lee Wilcox(1) Sean Wilentz(1) James A. Williamson(1) T. Harry Williams(1) Frank Wing(1) Jay Winik(1) Ernst Würthwein(1) Zappler(1) Adam Zeman(1) H. Zim(1) Howard Zinn(1) Émile Zola(1) Isaac] [Disraeli(1)