Nube de autores para JxLib

Edward Albee(1) Christopher Andrew(1) Max Arthur(1) Geoffrey Ashe(1) Michael Baigent(1) Alan Ball(1) Pat Barker(1) Peter Barnes(1) J. M. Barrie(2) Cecil Beaton(1) Ingmar Bergman(1) G and Priestley Billam, JB(1) William Peter Blatty(1) Jenni Calder(1) Matt Charman(1) Ethan Coen(1) Joel Coen(1) Noël Coward(7) Martin Crimp(3) Cameron Crowe(1) John Drinkwater(1) David Edgar(1) Will Eno(1) Walter Ferris(1) Mike Figgis(1) Tim Fountain(1) Scott Frank(1) Christopher Fry(1) S. R. Gibbons(1) Simon Gray(1) Graham Greene(1) Jennifer Haley(1) Peter Handke(1) Ernest Hemingway(14) Ronald L Bruce; Mallett Henderson(1) Christopher Hill(1) Heinrich Hoffmann(1) Vyvyan Holland(1) Nick Hornby(1) Aldous Huxley(27) H. Montgomery Hyde(1) Terry Johnson(3) Sarah Kane(2) Jack Kerouac(1) Neil LaBute(1) John Laffin(1) D. H. Lawrence(4) Ernest Lehman(1) Ira Levin(1) Edward Frederick Langley Russell, Baron Russell of Liverpool(1) Lyn Macdonald(1) Thomas Mann(5) Patrick Marber(2) Martin McDonagh(1) Shane Meadows(1) Arthur Miller(1) Anthony Minghella(1) Nancy Mitford(1) Charles Morgan(1) Janet Munsil(1) Vladimir Nabokov(1) David Newman(1) Gary Oldman(1) Eugene O'Neill(1) Joe Orton(2) John Osborne(2) Harry Patch(1) Harold Pinter(9) Stephen Poliakoff(1) Dennis Potter(2) J. B. Priestley(19) Terence Sir Rattigan(1) Yasmina Reza(2) Nicolas; Scott Roeg, Allan; Bryant, Chris(1) Siegfried Sassoon(1) Paul Schrader(1) Peter Shaffer(2) George Bernard Shaw(2) Gary Sheffield(1) R. C. Sherriff(1) Jon Silkin(1) Sophocles(1) Diana Souhami(1) Jon Stallworthy(1) Polly Stenham(4) Oliver Stone(1) Tom Stoppard(1) Quentin Tarantino(5) Walter Tevis(1) Ernst Toller(1) Robert Towne(1) Ben Travers(1) Hugo Vickers(1) Evelyn Waugh(16) Oscar Wilde(2) David Williamson(1) Tennessee Williams(2) Florian Zeller(1) N/A(1)