
children's fantasy (45), theater of the absurd (35), Oz (32), Havel (15), Ionesco (11), Prague (9), math (9), neurology (8), golem (7), Rudolf II (7), paradox (6), Jewish (3), Children's fantasy (2), Rh factor (2), shylock (2), shakespeare (2), probability (2), Trojan War (2), Shakespeare (2), jewish (1), Stoppard (1), midrash (1), Shylock (1), Ancient greek (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Aug 27, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Edward Einhorn
Sobre mí
I am the Artistic Director of Untitled Theater Company #61 (a Theater of Ideas) and the author of a number of plays. With my theater company, I organized and curated the Vaclav Havel Festival (the only complete festival of Havel's plays); the Ionesco festival (Ionesco's complete works); and the NEUROfest (plays on neurological topics).

Books I've written: PARADOX IN OZ and THE LIVING HOUSE OF OZ (two sequels to the Oz series illustrated by Eric Shanower); A VERY IMPROBABLE STORY (a picture book on probability illustrated by Adam Gustavson); THE GOLEM, METHUSELAH, AND SHYLOCK: PLAYS (three plays on Jewish themes); LYSISTRATA (an original adaptation); and THE VELVET ORATORIO (the libretto for a work celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution). Upcoming: THE REDUCER, FRACTIONS IN DISGUISE (a picture book on fractions); IPHIGENIA IN AULIS (in graphic novel form with the illustrations of Eric Shanower).

Plays: FAIRY TALES OF THE ABSURD (an Off-Broadway production including my own work and an adaptation of an Ionesco work); CAT'S CRADLE: A CALYPSO MUSICAL (an adaptation of Vonnegut's novel); DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP (a stage adaptation of Philip K. Dick's novel); RUDOLF II (a play about a 16th century monarch in Prague); DOCTORS JANE AND ALEXANDER (a play about my grandfather, who discovered the Rh factor in blood); STRANGERS (a play about Korsakov's Syndrome); and LINGUISH (a play about aphasia)

I have also translated LYSISTRATA, IPHIGENIA IN AULIS, and Václav Havel's final work, THE PIG OR VACLAV HAVEL'S HUNT FOR A PIG
New York, New York
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