Series de libros para april_in_ca

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de april_in_ca

Resumen: 139 Serie

The Abbotts

Alice's Adventures

The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman

American Baby

American Girls

American Girls: Addy

American Girls: Molly

American Girls: Samantha


Animorphs • Publication Order

Annotated Alice

Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag

Babies, Inc.

Baby To Be

Bachelor Brothers

Bantam Book Gift Edition

Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companions

Blossom Street

The Boggart

Books that Changed the World

The Brides of Holly Springs

The Bridesmaid Chronicles

The Cabbage Patch

Cannery Row

Charles Valley trilogy

Cherry Ames

Christmas in Mitford

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order

The Circle Trilogy

Cold Sassy

Countess Karitska

Crime Files: Palgrave Macmillan

Desert Rogues


The Divine Comedy

DK Visual Dictionaries

Donna Parker

Dragonriders of Pern: Chronological Order

Dragonriders of Pern: Publication Order

Dream Trilogy

Durdane Trilogy

Father Tim's Notebooks

FBI Thrillers

Forty & Fabulous

Frank McCourt's Memoirs

Full Series

Genre Writing Series

Greek Tycoons

Harry Potter

Harry Potter's Schoolbooks


Hercule Poirot

Holiday Hearts

Holmes Crossing

In the Family

Inspector Chen

Inspector Morse

Intrigue's Ultimate Heroes

Jane Austen Addict

Jane Jeffry

Janie Marshall

John Mortimer's autobiography

The Journals of James Boswell

Judge Dee: Chronological order

Judge Dee: Publication order

Judy Bolton Mystery

Jungle Books

Kinsey Millhone

Lady Julia Grey

Last Man Standing

Like Water For Chocolate

The Little Colonel

The Lord of the Rings

Love Unexpected

Lynley & Havers

Magic Charm Books

Maya Angelou's Autobiographies

The McCabes: Next Generation

The McKaslin Clan

The McKaslin Clan Series 2

McNulty Family

A Mediterranean Marriage

The Mellow Years


Mills & Boon Intrigue

Miss Julia

Miss Maple

Miss Silver

Mitford Series

Mitford Years

Montana Mavericks

Montana Mavericks: Gold Rush Grooms

Mrs. Miracle

Mrs. Pollifax

My Father's Dragon Series

Nancy Drew

Nero Wolfe

Nero Wolfe: Arnold Zeck Trilogy

No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

Notre Dame

Old Filth

Patterns in Literary Art

Pern: Renegades of Pern

Petra / Calder Art Mysteries

The Phoebe Dunn Collection

The Prophet

Rebecca of Sunnybrook

Return to Silver Creek

Rumpole of the Bailey

Sally Lockhart Mysteries

Sarton Journals

Shakespeare Graphics

Shakespeare's Sonnets


Sisters of the Heart Trilogy

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney)

Sudha and Anju

Sunset Gardening

Swallows and Amazons (chronological order)

Tea Shop Mysteries

Temple Drake

Texas Outlaws

Three Men

Tiny Blessings

Tom Quest

A Treasury of Great Mysteries

Tschai, Planet of Adventure



Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories

V.I. Warshawski

Whitehorse, Montana

William Monk

The Wind's Twelve Quarters

Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne Original)

YOU: The Owner's Manual

Young Wizards
