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Olive Ann Burns (1924–1990)

Autor de Cold Sassy Tree

5 Obras 5,012 Miembros 102 Reseñas 9 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Olive Ann Burns was born July 17, 1924, on a farm in Banks County, Georgia, and attended school in Commerce, Georgia. She received a degree in journalism from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1946. Between 1947 and 1957, Burns wrote for the Sunday magazine of the Atlanta Journal mostrar más and Constitution. In 1956 she married the magazine's editor, Andrew H. Sparks. From 1960 to 1967 Burns wrote under the pseudonym Amy Larkin for the advice column "Ask Amy." In 1975, after being diagnosed with cancer, Burns began her best-known work, Cold Sassy Tree (1984). An entertaining story about a family living in rural Georgia around the turn of the century, it is loosely based on stories told to Burns by her own family members. Burns explained that her previous experience as a journalist was helpful to her in writing the novel, but that she never intended for it to be published. Three years into her writing Burns had recovered from the cancer but was determined to finish the novel. It would take several more years to complete. Cold Sassy Tree was so successful that Burns began a sequel when her cancer returned. In the final days of her life, she left instructions for the completion of the book. Leaving Cold Sassy was published according to her wishes. Burns died in July 1990. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos


Obras de Olive Ann Burns

Cold Sassy Tree (1984) 4,180 copias, 87 reseñas
Leaving Cold Sassy (1992) 809 copias, 15 reseñas


Conocimiento común

Nombre canónico
Burns, Olive Ann
Nombre legal
Sparks, Olive Ann Burns
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
Lugar de sepultura
Grey Hill Cemetery, Commerce, Jackson County, Georgia, USA
Lugar de nacimiento
Banks County, Georgia
Lugar de fallecimiento
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Causa de fallecimiento
heart failure
Lugares de residencia
Banks County, Georgia, USA
Commerce, Georgia, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Mercer University
Burns, William (brother)
Sparks, John A. (son)
Sparks, Becky (daughter)
Turn, Margaret (sister)
LeGrand, Jean (sister)
Atlanta Journal
Biografía breve
Olive Ann Burns was a professional writer, journalist, and columnist for most of her life. For many years, she was a staff writer for Atlanta newspapers and the Atlanta Journal Magazine. She

was motivated to write her first novel, ''Cold Sassy Tree'' (1984), when she became ill with lymphoma. The book was an instant success and in 1985 it was added to the list of books recommended for teenagers by the American Library Association and the New York Public Library.



Family dramedy told from the perspective of the 14-year-old grandson. Story takes place in a small town in Georgia in the early 1900s. I listened to the audiobook - which was well done. The story gets better as you go along - it does take a bit to get all the characters established. The story is humorous, but it is interwoven around the themes of death, mourning, and social taboos. With those topics and the memorable characters, there's enough depth to this one that I suspect I'll be chewing on some aspects for awhile.… (más)
DocHobbs | 86 reseñas más. | May 27, 2024 |
This book was very good. I would compare it to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
DKnight0918 | 86 reseñas más. | Dec 23, 2023 |
I liked it. It's a shame that it wasn't finished before the author passed away. :/
DKnight0918 | 14 reseñas más. | Dec 23, 2023 |
Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns is a 1984 Mariner Books publication.

Occasionally, this book will pop up on my radar and I’ve always been curious about it. It sounds like a sort of like a folksy southern family drama, which is something I tend to enjoy most of the time. The book generally continues to garner positive ratings, though I had noticed a few more recent reviews mentioned some issues with race and classism in the book.

As with any book published this far back, one is faced with the possibility- if not the probability- of encountering those issues. So, I decided that now was just as good as time as any to see what has given this book the staying power it has, especially as it is the only completed novel by this author.

I ended up with some mixed feelings about the novel. I can't say I agree that it is 'timeless', due to the aforementioned issues some recent reviews mentioned. It was a conflict, that is for sure. I felt pulled in different directions while reading the book.

I can see why many people were pulled in by the drama, and the 'folksy' charm, the coming of age elements, and the shocking revelations that come late in the story. There are some hilarious moments, some poignant moments, and it is ultimately a bittersweet, coming of age tale.

But, for me, personally, it fell flat for the most part. There are some difficult passages of abuse, animal cruelty, and even some of Will's comical shenanigans seemed a little mean spirited- then after all that, the ending wasn't exactly a happy one- but there is a suggestion of hope, so while it is sad, it also points to better times ahead for all concerned.

Overall, I have satisfied my curiosity. The story wasn't exactly what I was expecting, which can be a good thing, but maybe not so much in this instance. The story moves a bit too slow, only to have several huge developments take place all in the last quarter of the book, and the ending left me feeling a bit frustrated after having held on that long. All, that said, I've waffled about the rating. I liked parts of the book, while the rest of it was just okay....

So- 2.5 stars. It didn't have enough 'folksy charm' to round it up to a three- for me, at least.

3 somewhat reluctant stars
… (más)
gpangel | 86 reseñas más. | Jul 18, 2023 |



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