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Mary Stewart (1) (1916–2014)

Autor de La Cueva de cristal

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52+ Obras 37,381 Miembros 690 Reseñas 163 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Mary Stewart was born on September 17, 1916 in Sunderland, County Durham, England. She received a First Class Honours B.A. in English from Durham University in 1938 and a teaching certificate in 1939. She taught in elementary school until 1941 when she was offered a post at Durham University. She mostrar más taught there until 1945 and received a M.A. in English during that time. Her first book, Madam, Will You Talk?, was published in 1955. Her other works included My Brother Michael, Touch Not the Cat, This Rough Magic, Nine Coaches Waiting, Thornyhold, Rose Cottage, and the Merlin Trilogy. She also wrote children's books including Ludo and the Star Horse and A Walk in Wolf Wood. She died on May 9, 2014 at the age of 97. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos


Obras de Mary Stewart

La Cueva de cristal (1970) 5,895 copias, 111 reseñas
Las Colinas huecas (1973) 4,181 copias, 54 reseñas
El Ultimo Encantamiento (1979) 3,815 copias, 36 reseñas
The Wicked Day (1983) 2,740 copias, 22 reseñas
Nine Coaches Waiting (1958) 1,630 copias, 46 reseñas
Thornyhold (1988) 1,609 copias, 47 reseñas
No toquen el gato (1976) 1,554 copias, 32 reseñas
Las hilanderas de la luna (1962) 1,530 copias, 27 reseñas
Magia negra (1964) 1,407 copias, 38 reseñas
The Ivy Tree (1961) 1,353 copias, 35 reseñas
Airs Above the Ground (1965) 1,294 copias, 24 reseñas
Madam, Will You Talk? (1955) 1,110 copias, 29 reseñas
The Gabriel Hounds (1967) 1,103 copias, 18 reseñas
My Brother Michael (1959) 1,044 copias, 21 reseñas
Wildfire at Midnight (1956) 971 copias, 22 reseñas
Mary Stewart's Merlin Trilogy (1980) 948 copias, 14 reseñas
Rose Cottage (1997) 891 copias, 15 reseñas
The Prince and the Pilgrim (1995) 829 copias, 11 reseñas
Thunder on the Right (1957) 806 copias, 17 reseñas
The Stormy Petrel (1991) 788 copias, 14 reseñas
A Walk In Wolf Wood (1980) 611 copias, 11 reseñas
The Little Broomstick (1971) 304 copias, 14 reseñas
The Wind Off the Small Isles (1968) 140 copias, 7 reseñas
Ludo and the Star Horse (1975) 127 copias, 4 reseñas
The Wind Off the Small Isles and The Lost One (2017) 59 copias, 6 reseñas
Frost on the Window: Poems (1990) 24 copias, 1 reseña
Rose Cottage / Stormy Petrel / Thornyhold (2001) 13 copias, 1 reseña
The Castle of Danger (1981) 6 copias
Dark Towers: Three Romantic Mysteries (1960) 6 copias, 1 reseña
The Lost One (2019) 5 copias
Thornywood (abridged) (1988) 2 copias

Obras relacionadas

The Moon-Spinners [1964 film] (1964) — Original novel — 72 copias
Mary and the Witch's Flower [2017 film] (2017) — Original novel — 55 copias
Reader's Digest Condensed Books 1989 v02 (1989) 33 copias, 1 reseña
Writing Mystery and Crime Fiction (1985) — Contribuidor — 9 copias, 1 reseña


Conocimiento común

Nombre legal
Stewart, Mary Florence Elinor Rainbow (Lady)
Otros nombres
Stewart, Mary
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
País (para mapa)
England, UK
Lugar de nacimiento
Sunderland, Durham, England, UK
Lugar de fallecimiento
Lochawe, Scotland, UK
Lugares de residencia
Sunderland, Durham, England, UK
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Durham University (BA|1938)
lecturer (English language and literature)
Stewart, Sir Frederick (husband)
Durham University
Premios y honores
Romance Writers of America (Lifetime Achievement Award ∙ 1992)
Malice Domestic Award for Lifetime Achievement (1996)
Royal Society of Arts (Fellow)
Durham University (D.Litt.) (2009)
Biografía breve
Mary Florence Elinor Rainbow was born on 12 September 1916 in Sunderland, England, the United Kingdom. She graduated from Durham University, from where she received an honorary D.Litt in 2009. She was a lecturer in English Language and Literature there until her marriage in 1945 to Sir Frederick Stewart, former chairman of the Geology Department of Edinburgh University, who died in 2001.

Lady Mary Stewart was author of twenty novels, a volume of poetry, and three books for young readers, she is admired for both her contemporary stories of romantic suspense and her historical novels. Her finest and most original achievement was Merlin Trilogy, an Arthurian saga: The Crystal Cave (1970), The Hollow Hills (1973) and The Last Enchantment (1979). The first of these was turned into a children’s television series in 1991. During years she resided in Scotland, where she died on 9 May 2014.



Found: Telepathy in English country manor en Name that Book (marzo 2023)
Mary STewart Merlin Trilogy en Book talk (octubre 2014)
Group Read: NINE COACHES WAITING by Mary Stewart en 2013 Category Challenge (agosto 2013)
Arthurian Theme read w/**SPOILERS** en The Green Dragon (marzo 2008)


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El mago Merlín sigue siendo el principal consejero del joven rey Arturo, quien acaba de gestar un hijo con su media hermana Morcadés. El monarca se dedica a pacificar las tierras conquistadas, a fijar alianzas con reyes menores y a protegerse de Morcadés. Además, se casa con una princesa que muere en un parto y con otra que es estéril. Merlín decide entonces alejarse de las intrigas cortesanas, para sumirse en una profunda paz.
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Debido a las condiciones dramáticas en que fue engendrado, el príncipe Arturo creció bajo la tutela de Merlín. El futuro rey tuvo que iniciar desde muy joven un largo y complicado aprendizaje para poder distinguir a sus amigos de sus enemigos y seguir con fidelidad su propio destino. Por su parte, el sabio Merlín se vio obligado a soportar la angustia que le producía una nación en guerra, con sus intrigas y traiciones entre reyes y cortesanos.
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1980s (1)
1950s (3)
1960s (4)
1970s (6)


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