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Flash Fiction: 72 Very Short Stories (1992)

por James Thomas (Editor), Tom Hazuka (Editor), Denise Thomas (Editor)

Otros autores: Julia Alvarez (Contribuidor), Kristin Andrychuk (Contribuidor), Margaret Atwood (Contribuidor), Will Baker (Contribuidor), Sheila Barry (Contribuidor)66 más, Heinrich Böll (Contribuidor), Kenneth Bernard (Contribuidor), Richard Brautigan (Contribuidor), William Brohaugh (Contribuidor), Marlene Buono (Contribuidor), Gregory Burnham (Contribuidor), François Camoin (Contribuidor), Raymond Carver (Contribuidor), Kelly Cherry (Contribuidor), Adrienne Clasky (Contribuidor), Bernard Cooper (Contribuidor), Julio Cortazar (Contribuidor), Michael Delp (Contribuidor), Mary Dilworth (Contribuidor), Stuart Dybek (Contribuidor), Bruce Eason (Contribuidor), Carol Edelstein (Contribuidor), Russell Edson (Contribuidor), Larry Fondation (Contribuidor), Carolyn Forché (Contribuidor), KC Frederick (Contribuidor), Larry French (Contribuidor), S. Friedman (Contribuidor), Gary Gildner (Contribuidor), Allan Gurganus (Contribuidor), Mark Halliday (Contribuidor), Tom Hawkins (Contribuidor), William Heyen (Contribuidor), Jim Heynen (Contribuidor), Spencer Holst (Contribuidor), Ellen Hunnicutt (Contribuidor), Rod Kessler (Contribuidor), Jamaica Kincaid (Contribuidor), Fred Leebron (Contribuidor), Gordon Lish (Contribuidor), Paul Lisicky (Contribuidor), Robert Hill Long (Contribuidor), Bret Lott (Contribuidor), Michael Martone (Contribuidor), Kate McCorkle (Contribuidor), Steven Molen (Contribuidor), Mary Morris (Contribuidor), Dan O'Brien (Contribuidor), Tim O'Brien (Contribuidor), Joyce Carol Oates (Contribuidor), Michael Oppenheimer (Contribuidor), Lon Otto (Contribuidor), Pamela Painter (Contribuidor), Pavao Pavlicić (Contribuidor), Francine Prose (Contribuidor), Bruce Holland Rogers (Contribuidor), Chuck Rosenthal (Contribuidor), Scott Russell Sanders (Contribuidor), Jo Sapp (Contribuidor), Don Shea (Contribuidor), Richard Shelton (Contribuidor), Mark Strand (Contribuidor), Roland Topor (Contribuidor), John Updike (Contribuidor), Luisa Valenzuela (Contribuidor), David Foster Wallace (Contribuidor), Ronald Wallace (Contribuidor), Diane Williams (Contribuidor), Lex Williford (Contribuidor), Allen Woodman (Contribuidor), Joanna H. Woś (Contribuidor)

Series: Flash Fiction (1)

MiembrosReseñasPopularidadValoración promediaMenciones
400964,831 (3.79)12
"How short can a story be and still truly be a story? This volume of seventy-two very short fictions, none much more than 750 words in length, demonstrates to our repeated satisfaction that less can be more, small can stand tall, and the diminutive can be dynamically and dramatically complete. Here for enjoyment and study are very short pieces by acknowledged modern masters -- including Raymond Carver, Richard Brautigan, Margaret Atwood, Julio Cortázar and Tim O'Brien -- as well as fiction by newer talents, who have embraced the short form with much gusto and considerable grace. With a rich variety of stories and authors, subjects and styles and sensibilities, these flashes of fiction make for eclectic -- and often electric -- reading. The volume is a must for readers and writers, indeed for anyone interested in the finely sharpened edge of contemporary literature"--Jacket.… (más)

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Overall, this is a very good collection of short stories. As with most short story collections though, there were a few short stories that were nearly impossible to finish. Luckily, the editors did a pretty good job selecting stories for this collection, so those bad stories are few and far between. The stories are the perfect length to take this book with you on the go. ( )
  Borrows-N-Wants | Sep 22, 2018 |
Apparently this was the anthology that coined the term 'flash fiction'. Which is defined here as shorter than 'sudden fiction'. The stories included are mostly from the 80's and 90's. There were 3 names I recognized: Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates, and... drat, some white guy I forget. The rest of the names were unknown to me, but this was a clearly literary anthology and I am not a literary reader. A few of the stories were English translations.I had the notion that I should take some short stories, distill the plot, and rewrite them. I figured the shorter the better for this exercise. So when I searched the library catalog, this is the best option that turned up. I did not do the exercise I had invented for myself. But I did read all the way through this in about a day.Short short stories (as I came to know them, having been first exposed to them from Asimov anthologies) are pretty awesome. Get in, get out. It works particularly well for science fiction idea stories. Which these were not.The first couple of stories were okay. Somewhat interesting. The first one was even sf/f-ish (gasp! don't tell them that!) But then I started to hit some real duds.Why duds? Because I didn't sharding understand them. Did it mean this? Did it mean something else? Does the story mean exactly what it seems to mean and nothing else? Ie, rather trite. Does the story mean what I've guessed it means? I'm not sure. Does the story mean something else entirely and I'm just too dumb to get it? Or does the story not really mean anything at all?I'm not so keen on uncertainty when it comes to stories. I'm fine with 'engaging' with the text and trying to work out what is meant. I just like to know I'm right! Or know that I'm probably not thinking what the author was thinking, and that's okay, because my idea is better.But too many of these stories left me with a sense of 'wha? huh?' and an utter vagueness about the whole thing.Still, there is something about the shortness and the sheer quantity of them that makes my brain start sparking. The problem is, to keep that up, you need more and more and more! ( )
  Jellyn | Jul 23, 2012 |
When they say very short, they mean it: 72 stories are packed into these 215 pages (and the spacing is generous). Sometimes this format works for me; usually I just feel like the story ends before I can get anything out of it.

"Deportation at Breakfast" by Larry Fondation is one of my favorites; in googling it, I've learned that others must like it too, because a lot of students seem to have to write term papers on it. I could list other favorites, but honestly it would serve no one: these are so short that giving any more than the title would spoil the whole thing!

One interesting thing is there are not a lot of big names in this collection. Looking through the authors, I recognized the names of only seven.
  hayleyscomet | Oct 20, 2010 |
As one might expect, a collection of stories by 72 different authors is rather a mixed bag, but Flash Fiction will surely have something for everyone. And because the stories are so short (none longer than four pages), it was a great way to get introduced to some styles and writers that I otherwise might never have read. A few familiar, regularly anthologized stories are included, like Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl" and Julia Alvarez's "Snow." But I also enjoyed "Mandy Shupe," Kristin Andrychuk's tale of a Mennonite girl gone bad, Pamela Painter's quirky "I Get Smart," about a woman who gets three "new" cats by renaming the ones she already has, and Mary Morris's melancholy "The Haircut," in which a wife finds evidence that her husband is cheating again. Overall, an interesting collection, and I found some authors whose longer works of fiction I will be seeking out. ( )
1 vota Cariola | Feb 24, 2010 |
Flash fiction has become, in recent years, a craze among writers. Partly because of the internet era and the dwindling attention spans of readers, flash fiction, as James Thomas writes in the introduction, is a product of the times. For example, there are hundreds of literary magazines dedicated to the genre, including SmokeLong Quarterly, QuickFiciton, and the Vestal Review. There are also more (some more credible than others) on the internet. Flash fiction is a phenomenon of the current era. But is it lasting fiction? Flash fiction, among more serious writers and beginning writers alike, has always been seen as easy publication. Admittedly, beginning writers seek to publish flash fiction due to it's seemingly relative ease and the fact that some publishers eagerly accept it due to the amount of space it takes (very little).

But as James Thomas shows in this 1992 anthology, flash fiction can be a respectable genre that is not only daring, but stories in the same way longer stories are, with affect and the ability to leave an imprint on the reader's mind. Overall, the anthology shows that flash stories--these stories with less than 1000 words--can be full stories, all the same, and maybe perhaps more.

The anthology includes many stories that are considered by now modern classics by authors who have made footprints in the literary sands. Among them are Francine Prose, Raymond Carver, and Maragret Atwood, just to name a few outstanding pieces. These stories in particular show writers of short prose taking chances with shorter forms, with the results not unlike their masterpieces. FOr example, Raymond Carver's "The Father" shows the king of minimalism at his most minimalist, in a story about adultry and distrust--all of which implied--in a matter of three pages (only one of which is full).

Also of note here are the writers who are not so well known. These are really the treasure pieces of the book. Among them are Carol Edelstein, Richard Shelton, Jo Sapp, as well as foregin authors such as Pavo Pavlicic and Luisa Valenzuela. These are especially prizes since some of these works are no longer in print.

The collection as a whole is something to be cherished, for it is one of the few in its genre. Yet for one of the few, it does a splendid job: gathered here are short, short stories, but full stories nonetheless that capture perfectly the power of language to linger in the head. The only complaint is that this collection is too old, yet can we say: classic? Jame Thomas's anthology, is indeed a classic in the genre, and needs to be read as soon as possible for anyone thinking of writing flash fiction, especially those seeing it as an easy way to get published. The collection shows that flash fiction can be just as complex and spellbinding.

The publishing scene needs more books like this. ( )
  ericnguyen09 | Feb 7, 2010 |
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» Añade otros autores

Nombre del autorRolTipo de autor¿Obra?Estado
Thomas, JamesEditorautor principaltodas las edicionesconfirmado
Hazuka, TomEditorautor principaltodas las edicionesconfirmado
Thomas, DeniseEditorautor principaltodas las edicionesconfirmado
Alvarez, JuliaContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Andrychuk, KristinContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Atwood, MargaretContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Baker, WillContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Barry, SheilaContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Böll, HeinrichContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Bernard, KennethContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Brautigan, RichardContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Brohaugh, WilliamContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Buono, MarleneContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Burnham, GregoryContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Camoin, FrançoisContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Carver, RaymondContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Cherry, KellyContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Clasky, AdrienneContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Cooper, BernardContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Cortazar, JulioContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Delp, MichaelContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Dilworth, MaryContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Dybek, StuartContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Eason, BruceContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Edelstein, CarolContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Edson, RussellContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Fondation, LarryContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Forché, CarolynContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Frederick, KCContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
French, LarryContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Friedman, S.Contribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Gildner, GaryContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Gurganus, AllanContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Halliday, MarkContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Hawkins, TomContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Heyen, WilliamContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Heynen, JimContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Holst, SpencerContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Hunnicutt, EllenContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Kessler, RodContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Kincaid, JamaicaContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Leebron, FredContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Lish, GordonContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Lisicky, PaulContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Long, Robert HillContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Lott, BretContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Martone, MichaelContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
McCorkle, KateContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Molen, StevenContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Morris, MaryContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
O'Brien, DanContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
O'Brien, TimContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Oates, Joyce CarolContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Oppenheimer, MichaelContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Otto, LonContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Painter, PamelaContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Pavlicić, PavaoContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Prose, FrancineContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Rogers, Bruce HollandContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Rosenthal, ChuckContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Sanders, Scott RussellContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Sapp, JoContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Shea, DonContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Shelton, RichardContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Strand, MarkContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Topor, RolandContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Updike, JohnContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Valenzuela, LuisaContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Wallace, David FosterContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Wallace, RonaldContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Williams, DianeContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Williford, LexContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Woodman, AllenContribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
Woś, Joanna H.Contribuidorautor secundariotodas las edicionesconfirmado
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For Steve Molen, In Memoriam. His life story was far too short.
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"How short can a story be and still truly be a story? This volume of seventy-two very short fictions, none much more than 750 words in length, demonstrates to our repeated satisfaction that less can be more, small can stand tall, and the diminutive can be dynamically and dramatically complete. Here for enjoyment and study are very short pieces by acknowledged modern masters -- including Raymond Carver, Richard Brautigan, Margaret Atwood, Julio Cortázar and Tim O'Brien -- as well as fiction by newer talents, who have embraced the short form with much gusto and considerable grace. With a rich variety of stories and authors, subjects and styles and sensibilities, these flashes of fiction make for eclectic -- and often electric -- reading. The volume is a must for readers and writers, indeed for anyone interested in the finely sharpened edge of contemporary literature"--Jacket.

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