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Los magos (2009)

por Lev Grossman

Otros autores: Ver la sección otros autores.

Series: The Magicians (1)

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10,409672706 (3.44)1 / 460
Primera entrega de la extraordinaria y absorbente triloga? ?Los Magos en la que la magia se imagina como una actividad practicada por personas de carne y hueso con sus deseos, sus caprichos y sus volubles emociones. Quentin Coldwater es un chico brillante pero desdichado que vive obsesionado con las novelas de fantasa? que ley ?en su infancia y que transcurra?n en un pas? mg?ico llamado Fillory. Cul? no ser ?su sorpresa cuando inesperadamente es admitido en una muy secreta y exclusiva universidad de magia en Nueva York, donde recibir ?una rigurosa educacin? sobre los arcanos de la moderna hechicera? y descubrir ?la amistad, el amor, el sexo, la bebida y el aburrimiento. Porque a pesar de los increb?les descubrimientos que ha hecho a lo largo de estos a?s de universidad, siente que le falta algo. La magia no ha conseguido que Quentin encuentre la felicidad y las aventuras con que haba? so?do. Pero tras graduarse, ? y sus amigos har? un descubrimiento asombroso. Fillory es real, aunque no exactamente como imaginaron en sus sue?s de infancia. Psicolg?icamente penetrante y extraordinariamente absorbente Los magos transita por territorios inexplorados en los que Lev Grossman ha creado un mundo sumamente original en el que el bien y el mal nunca son absolutos, el sexo y el amor no son simples ni inocentes y la ambicin? por el poder tiene un precio terrible.… (más)
  1. 191
    El secreto por Donna Tartt (middled, kraaivrouw, Euryale)
    Euryale: No magic, but I thought the tone and setting were otherwise very similar.
  2. 225
    Las cronicas de Narnia por C. S. Lewis (Jannes)
    Jannes: The Magicians wolud not exist if it wasn't for the Narnia books, and is really a kind of loving deconstruction of Lewis' work. What could be better than giving the books that inspired it a try?
  3. 121
    OBJETOS FRAGILES por Neil Gaiman (catfantastic)
    catfantastic: Read the short story "The Problem of Susan" included in this collection.
  4. 157
    Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte por J. K. Rowling (sonyagreen)
    sonyagreen: It's like HP goes to college, complete with drinking and sex.
  5. 158
    Jonathan Strange y el señor Norrell/ Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell (Narrativa) (Spanish Edition) por Susanna Clarke (Usuario anónimo)
    Usuario anónimo: Magic is real in a world we recognize--Napoleonic England and contemporary New York.
  6. 30
    The Chronicles of Chrestomanci: Charmed Life / The Lives of Christopher Chant por Diana Wynne Jones (Usuario anónimo)
  7. 30
    The Library at Mount Char por Scott Hawkins (TFleet)
    TFleet: Both novels are centered in the modern real world, but with a set of young adults who have magical powers. The novels are different takes on the question, "What would the modern real world be like if there were magic?"
  8. 30
    Pequeño, grande por John Crowley (rarm)
    rarm: Fairy tale worlds that reveal a hidden darkness.
  9. 75
    Harry Potter (Books 1-7) por J. K. Rowling (elleeldritch)
    elleeldritch: An adult version of Harry Potter (and Narnia), albeit with a different (but still interesting) magic scheme.
  10. 31
    Camelot por T. H. White (wandering_star)
    wandering_star: I thought of making this recommendation when reading the magical education section of The Magicians, which reminded me of the first book of The Once and Future King. But the wider idea - that magical powers can't stop us from making stupid human mistakes - is also relevant to both books.… (más)
  11. 31
    El libro de las cosas perdidas por John Connolly (rnmcusic)
  12. 10
    Every Heart a Doorway por Seanan McGuire (Cecrow)
  13. 10
    Shadowland por Peter Straub (Scottneumann)
  14. 10
    A College of Magics por Caroline Stevermer (beyondthefourthwall)
    beyondthefourthwall: Teenagers suddenly plunged into the magical-boarding-school experience and, once their training is behind them, having to figure out who is trustworthy, what they need to do with their lives, whether they are being summoned into leadership roles, and maybe - just maybe - where their reality is coming from in the first place.… (más)
  15. 65
    Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal por J. K. Rowling (kaledrina)
    kaledrina: Older YAs and above. Really for late teens and adults. Potter meets Narnia meet sex drugs and rock n roll.
  16. 00
    The Vanishers por Heidi Julavits (BeckyJG)
  17. 00
    Phantastes por George MacDonald (charlie68)
    charlie68: Similar themes.
  18. 33
    Entre extraños por Jo Walton (Jannes)
    Jannes: Both are fantasy or fantasy-sih books about fantasy readers and how the stories you read hape you and affect your sense of the world.
  19. 00
    Bedtime Story por Robert J. Wiersema (ShelfMonkey)
  20. 11
    How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe por Charles Yu (lobotomy42)
    lobotomy42: Similar combination of a genre setting, an unlikeable protagonist, and an inward-looking plot.

(Ver todas las (33) recomendaciones)


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 FantasyFans: The Magicians - Lev Grossman25 no leídos / 25Jenson_AKA_DL, abril 2019

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Mostrando 1-5 de 669 (siguiente | mostrar todos)
A lot of people seem to be comparing this to Harry Potter. These people completely missed the point. This book is a parody of the fantasy genre as a whole, and specifically the young adult section of it, bringing the gritty realism of modern life to a genre that tends to be much more light-hearted and happy ending oriented. The comparison with Harry Potter is obvious when the book starts off taking place in a magical school, but any fan of young adult fantasy will also see as much reference to Narnia and The Once and Future King, along with smaller allusions to other works of fantasy. Basically imagine a conglomeration of young adult fantasy where the protagonist is a disenfranchised youth (think Holden Caufield but slightly less annoying). ( )
  capincus | Jul 13, 2024 |
Collegiate Harry Potter sans the enchantment and intrigue. I loved the premise, oft looked about for the plot, and detested the cold, embittered narrative. ( )
  LaPhenix | Jul 8, 2024 |
While the writing was inconsistent, really liked the overall coming of age story! The 2nd half was definitely the best part. ( )
  ggulick | May 29, 2024 |

Okay I will be honest, more-or-less halfway through this book I just wanted it to end. When I saw the blurb on the back about how it's supposed to be "Harry Potter and Narnia... for adults!", I will admit, it's what drew me in. I'm always up for a good fantasy that works along the lines of fantasies I've enjoyed in the past. The problem is, Grossman draws mainly off the formulas for fantasies that have worked in the past. When it says "Harry Potter and Narnia for adults," that's just about all it is, you just add sex, drugs, and cussing.
The plot entails one Quentin Coldwater, your typical gloomy, my-life-sucks teenager. Quentin has an obsession with a series of books about the fictional Chatwin children, who travel to the magical land of Fillory by going through a grandfather clock, and help defeat evil (sound familiar?). Quentin would like nothing more than to have magic powers and escape from his dreary New York life into Fillory. Not long after, he by chance gains entrance into Brakebills, a school for magic – a lot like Hogwarts, but in upstate New York. From there on, he makes some friends and becomes a real magician, only to find that the world of magic is much more boundless and dangerous than it seems.
Now, despite the generic-fantasy-formula, the book probably still could have worked, but there are other problems too. For one, the main characters are basically insufferable. Quentin, our hero, is for lack of better words, a whinging, immature idiot. There haven't been a lot of characters out there in the literary world that I've wanted to strangle blue, but Quentin has a special spot in that list. There is not really any kind of personal development for the characters. They don't really seem to learn anything at all from their mistakes and problems. When something bad happens, they whine about it then continue along the same track. Another issue I had with the characters was that they have this amazing world all around them, open to them, and they can only complain about how it doesn't make them instantly happy. They expect a magical cure for the unhappiness to appear out of nowhere. You mean you have to choose to be happy?? Overall, Alice was the one character I actually liked and had some compassion for, then of course she gets killed off.
Now, I'm not saying that there was nothing redeemable about this book, because there were aspects that I really did enjoy. There were moments when Grossman's descriptive and creative abilities really shone through. The only problem is, these moments were short-lived and the story goes back to the old track that wasn't so great. I really enjoyed the moments of magic which he described, and the way the characters did magic – I wish there was more time spent on that then time spent listening to whining. I also think the world of Fillory and Brakebills had a lot of potential. Despite those redeeming qualities, I don't think they're enough to convince me to spend the time required to continue on with this series. Overall, it's a somewhat average book. It's worth trying out, I suppose, if you're someone who enjoys fantasy – you never know, you might like it better than I did – but then again, you might just end up bored and anxious to get it over with. ( )
  escapinginpaper | May 18, 2024 |
This book was Harry Potter without the sense of wonder, hope, and strength -- of course, Harry Potter was a child's book and The Magicians is not...

But I honestly wonder if you can call 'The Magicians' more realistic or not. Sure, it covesr the risks of magic, and a bunch of magical teenagers crammed together with hormones and booze and teenage angst better than Harry Potter did, and certainly, more realistically for a certain segment of the population. But after that it loses realism in exchange for rampant cynicism.

It comes to a certain suspension of disbelief. I can believe in the structure of other fantasy 'heroes' better than I can in The Magicians as opposed to seeing Quentin Coldwater cock everything up and ruin pretty much every good chance he had only to re-embrace everything that had shat on his life at the end of the book. While I am probably intrigued enough to pick up The Magician Kings -- which is a good sign for me -- the major thing holding me back is that Quentin is a fuck up who I cannot really believe is going to do anything but fuck up.

It's not a bad book. But it is a difficult book, if you don't want to essentially watch people ruin their lives with too little sense and not enough foresight. Which is fine if you enjoy that, but I see people do that enough in my daily life without having to add it to my reading. I'm honestly hoping he'll learn something from his experiences and the next book he'll grow a little, but... I don't know if I can hold too much hope there. ( )
  crowsandprose | May 15, 2024 |
Mostrando 1-5 de 669 (siguiente | mostrar todos)
”Magikerna” marknadsförs som ”Harry Potter för vuxna”, men i själva verket är det en ovanligt vacker sorgesång över hur det är att lämna barndomen. Det var faktiskt bättre förr, när man kunde uppslukas helt av leken.
añadido por Jannes | editarDagens nyheter, Lotta Olsson (Feb 4, 2013)
This isn't just an exercise in exploring what we love about fantasy and the lies we tell ourselves about it -- it's a shit-kicking, gripping, tightly plotted novel that makes you want to take the afternoon off work to finish it.
añadido por lampbane | editarBoing Boing, Cory Doctorow (Oct 20, 2009)
It’s the original magic — storytelling — that occasionally trips Grossman up. Though the plot turns new tricks by the chapter, the characters have a fixed, “Not Another Teen Movie” quality. There’s the punk, the aesthete, the party girl, the fat slacker, the soon-to-be-hot nerd, the shy, angry, yet inexplicably irresistible narrator. Believable characters form the foundation for flights of fantasy. Before Grossman can make us care about, say, the multiverse, we need to intuit more about Quentin’s interior universe.
Somewhat familiar, albeit entertaining... Grossman's writing is intelligent, but don't give this one to the kids—it's a dark tale that suggests our childhood fantasies are no fun after all.
añadido por Shortride | editarPeople, Sue Corbett (Aug 31, 2009)
Grossman has written both an adult coming-of-age tale—rife with vivid scenes of sex, drugs, and heartbreak—and a whimsical yarn about forest creatures. The subjects aren’t mutually exclusive, and yet when stirred together so haphazardly, the effect is jarring. More damaging still is the plot, which takes about 150 pages to gain any steam, surges dramatically in the book’s final third, and then peters out with a couple chapters left to go.
añadido por Shortride | editarBookforum, Michael Shaer (Aug 14, 2009)

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Nombre del autorRolTipo de autor¿Obra?Estado
Lev Grossmanautor principaltodas las edicionescalculado
Bramhall, MarkNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Kaminski, StefanNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Sámi, LászlóTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Schäfer, StefanieÜbersetzerautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
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I'll break my staff,
Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,
And deeper than did ever plummet sound
I'll drown my book.

--William Shakespeare, The Tempest
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For Lily
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Quentin did a magic trick. Nobody noticed.
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That guy was a mystery wrapped in an enigma and crudely stapled to a ticking fucking time bomb. He was either going to hit somebody or start a blog.
Space was full of angry little particles.
He had no interest in TV anymore - it looked like an electronic puppet show to him, an artificial version of an imitation world that meant nothing to him anyway. Real life - or was it a fantasy life? whichever one Brakebills was - that was what mattered, and that was happening somewhere else.
No one would come right out and say it, but the worldwide magical ecology was suffering from a serious imbalance: too many magicians, not enough monsters.
"Never cook with a wine you wouldn't drink," he said. "Though I guess that presupposes that there is a wine I wouldn't drink."
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Primera entrega de la extraordinaria y absorbente triloga? ?Los Magos en la que la magia se imagina como una actividad practicada por personas de carne y hueso con sus deseos, sus caprichos y sus volubles emociones. Quentin Coldwater es un chico brillante pero desdichado que vive obsesionado con las novelas de fantasa? que ley ?en su infancia y que transcurra?n en un pas? mg?ico llamado Fillory. Cul? no ser ?su sorpresa cuando inesperadamente es admitido en una muy secreta y exclusiva universidad de magia en Nueva York, donde recibir ?una rigurosa educacin? sobre los arcanos de la moderna hechicera? y descubrir ?la amistad, el amor, el sexo, la bebida y el aburrimiento. Porque a pesar de los increb?les descubrimientos que ha hecho a lo largo de estos a?s de universidad, siente que le falta algo. La magia no ha conseguido que Quentin encuentre la felicidad y las aventuras con que haba? so?do. Pero tras graduarse, ? y sus amigos har? un descubrimiento asombroso. Fillory es real, aunque no exactamente como imaginaron en sus sue?s de infancia. Psicolg?icamente penetrante y extraordinariamente absorbente Los magos transita por territorios inexplorados en los que Lev Grossman ha creado un mundo sumamente original en el que el bien y el mal nunca son absolutos, el sexo y el amor no son simples ni inocentes y la ambicin? por el poder tiene un precio terrible.

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