Luke's First 250

Charlas250 book challenge

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Luke's First 250

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Dic 31, 2009, 12:14 am

My son, Luke, was born 9-21-09. Already, he LOVES to be read to, and we spend around an hour a day reading aloud. I tend to read the same favorites over and over...and will continue to do so, but I thought it would be fun to track the first 250 books he's exposed to. I want to offer him a variety of books, and begin building up his own library for when he's a little older. Hopefully we'll reach 250 before his first birthday!

1. Dr. Seuss's ABC
2. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss (He LOVES the pictures in this one)
3. Mr. Brown can Moo, Can You?
4. The Foot Book
5. Go, Dog, Go!
6. I Can Read with my Eyes Shut
7. Silly Brown Monkey, What Do You Wish For?
8. Favorite Things, a Look Baby Book
9. Froggy Goes to Bed
10. I Love You with All My Heart
11. Hounds Around Town
12. Snowmen at Night
13. Little Cricket's Song
14. The Healthkin Food Train-the creepiest book ever; bought it for my nephew as a joke, lol.
15. Countdown to Halloween
16. My Favorite Book
17. The Magic Locket
18. Jamberry
19. Big Red Barn
20. Inside the Haunted House
21. Touch and Feel Wild Animals
22. What Makes a Rainbow?
23. Clifford the Big Red Dog
24. Snappy Little Christmas
25. Snappy Little Farmyard
26. Guess How Much I Love You
27. What Moms Can't Do

Ene 1, 2010, 12:24 pm

This is a great idea! By the end of the year, he will be more well-read than most people :)

Ene 1, 2010, 12:30 pm

He will like both the rhyme and illustrations of "Huron Indian Carol".

Ene 2, 2010, 2:53 am

Thanks for the suggestion WilliamAllen! I'll have to look for that one; I guess I have until next Christmas, at least.

Thanks bucketyell! I'm hoping he'll never outgrow his love of books. I'm a pretty avid reader myself (although I doubt I'll reach my own 250 this year) so he's grown accustomed to seeing Mommy with a book in her hand, and hopefully he'll interpret that as the norm, lol.

Here's a few more we've finished:

28. The Fantastic Funny Finger Book
29. This is Betsy
30. Santa's Toy Shop
31. If I Had a Dog
32. Oscar's Book
33. Love You Forever
34. Baby Bear's Treasury: 25 Stories for the Very, Very Young

Editado: Ene 2, 2010, 12:03 pm

You may need to up your challenge limit. I think you might get in a few more than 250 at this rate. :)

Ene 3, 2010, 10:34 am

35. Hop on Pop
36. If You Take a Mouse to the Movies
37. Spike
38. Scarlet Monster Lives Here
39. Baby Gund: Animals
40. Dog Goes to Nursery School

Wow...we've really got an eclectic mix going on. I didn't realize board books were so expensive, lol. Most of what I've been reading thus far has been a mix of his 12 year old cousin's old books, and books from my own childhood that for whatever reason, I kept around.

Ene 5, 2010, 6:36 pm

41. My Very First Mother Goose-lots and lots of classics in here...took us awhile to get through them all!

42. A Ghost Named Fred
43. Bears in the Night

Ene 7, 2010, 5:52 pm

44. The First Christmas--this is a musical boardbook. It plays songs, reads the text, and includes other sounds, such as the animals, etc. He LOVED this one! Unfortunately, the buttons require a LOT of force, so it was sort of pathetic to see him try to smack at them, and them not work, lol.

45. I Hear--I don't think he liked this little board book too much. The last sound the little boy hears is a baby crying...when we got to that page, Luke grabbed the book and shut it, lol.

46. Harry the Dirty Dog--a favorite of mine when I was little.

47. Good Morning, Sweetie Pie

48. The Pop-Up Book of Nonsense Verse

Ene 11, 2010, 4:57 am

49. The Night Before Christmas and other Christmas Stories and Rhymes

50. Mars Needs Moms

51. Peter Rabbit

We've been reading Hop on Pop and The Cat in the Hat A LOT, plus the Foot Book, which seems to be his new favorite. Hehe, he also sat quietly for an entire chapter of Madame Bovary-not the best subject material for a teeny little boy, but hey, I got in some reading time, and he got a small dose of classic literature!

Editado: Ene 15, 2010, 4:46 pm

I hope you are making progress with your discernment for Luke's books. Young children love books that are well illustrated and this gives great opportunity for dialogue and language development. I suggest that you look at books that have been awarded the Caldecott Award to see which ones might be suitable for his age. See the wesite at

Ene 15, 2010, 4:46 pm

Este mensaje fue borrado por su autor.

Ene 15, 2010, 11:15 pm

It may be too soon for William's Doll by Charlotte
Zolotow but please do look for it at the library. It is about a little boy who wants a doll and everyone finds excuses for buying him one until his grandmother visits. I won't give away the ending. I hope you and Luke like it as much as I do.

Ene 19, 2010, 2:52 pm

55. Eric Carle's ABC...laughed his head off at Mommy making the letter sounds, lol.

56. Froggy Bakes a nephew loved the Froggy books when he was little, so he found this one in a box in his room at our house, and read it to Luke. Personally, I think Froggy is an annoying little brat, lol. Therefore, his cousin can read this series to him.

57. Pat the Cat's Big Book...this is one of those oversized books for classroom use; I come from a family of educators, and taught preschool for a year myself, so we have a whole set of these. There's two little green worms in this book that comment on the story, and he thought they were great; he kept trying to grab them.

58. Active Minds Alphabet...again, was highly amused at Mommy making the sounds of the letters.

59. Is Tomorrow my Birthday? I didn't think too highly of this one, and neither did Luke, lol. I'm pretty sure I got this book free at a reading conference I attending during my preschool teaching days. The only redeeming thing I can say about it is that it teaches the days of the week...but we have a song we like to sing for that!

60. Good Night God...I honestly don't know why we have so many religious books in our house, lol. We're not an especially religious family. I THINK they were presents from my nephew's babysitter. Anyway, the story was sweet, with lots of lyrical rhyming. Plus, it had pictures of animals, which he likes.

And then today, while we had cuddle time, he listened to me read a few short chapters out of I Never Believed in Ghosts Until....

pmarshall...that book sounds great! I read the reviews and got teary-eyed, lol. We'll definitely check it out (as well as some Caldecott winners) as soon as possible. We've been limited these past few months. Luke was born nearly 2 months early and spent almost two weeks in the hospital's NICU. Since he was born right at the beginning of cold and flu season, I haven't really taken him outside in public too much, as his immune system wasn't the strongest. He's quite healthy now, but the weather around here has been kind of atrocious.

As soon as it gets a little warmer, I'm looking forward to taking him to the library on a somewhat regular basis. And...I'm trying to buy him at least one good quality book with each paycheck. Right now, its mainly board books, but as he gets older, he'll get more renowned pieces of work for his library.

Editado: Feb 5, 2010, 3:05 am

61. My First Signs: Bed--we've been working on the signs for "mom" and "milk." He's made the sign for milk a few times, but at weird times, lol. I've read a lot of research about teaching young children to sign, but I think he might be a little TOO immature right now. But, we'll keep working on it.

62. Alexandra, Keeper of Dreams--cute little story about a duck who wants to be a ballet dancer.

63. The January 2010 issue of Baby Bug magazine--its actually in book form, and contains several little short stories.

64. The Pudgy Little Book of Mother Goose--a little easier to digest than the other Mother Goose book we read.

65. Grandmother's Book of Promises

66. Bible Picture Stories from the Old and New Testament---I didn't like the way this was laid out at all. I would think it would be confusing to a child the way it jumps around.

And...he listened to a few more ghost stories from Mommy's book.

Editado: Feb 20, 2010, 7:09 pm

67. Penny and Pup Cute story about friendship.

68. Fox in Socks --This book had me so tongue tied, lol. This will not be read often!

69. Mig the Pig--another in the Pat the Cat series.

He's got a BUNCH of books probably waiting at the post office for him, so next week will be a busy reading week!

ETA: Some of his books came in, and we read:

70.Ten Apples Up on Top
71.Baby Colors

Editado: Feb 24, 2010, 11:02 am

72. The Lap-Time Song and Play Book--cute little ditties, like Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc.

73. Bright Baby First Words

74. Where the Wild Things Are--my baby IS a wild thing, lol. He BIT me (well, gummed I guess, since he doesn't have any teeth) right after the little boy tells his mother he's going to eat her up, lol.

Editado: Mar 5, 2010, 4:47 pm

77. Good Night Moon--classic favorite. When I was little, I loved the part of saying goodnight to the bowl full of mush, lol.

March 5th:
78. Are You My Mother?--another sweet little classic story.

Mar 8, 2010, 3:28 pm

79. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

80. Choo Choo

81. Five Silly Monkeys

The first book we bought today at Walmart. The second two were from Luke's first trip to the library!

Mar 16, 2010, 12:56 pm

84. Moo Moo, What are You?
85. Little Chick
86. Glitter Eggs Counting Book--we were in line at Walmart directly beside the Easter children's book display last night, so we read this one and number 85...and since he wouldn't let go of the Little Chick book, we bought that one!

Abr 1, 2010, 11:54 pm

92. Farm! A big fold-out book about colors.

93. Ocean! A big fold-out concept book.

94. Zoo! A big fold-out counting book.

Luke's MawMaw bought him this set of fold out books at a school book fair today. He's a little young for the interactive 'concept' exercises, but he likes the little rhymes about the animals and the big animal fold-out illustrations.

Abr 13, 2010, 9:02 am

95. Merry Christmas Mom and Dad
96. The Many Faces of Ernie
97. Hattie Rabbit

I've been cleaning out my closets in anticipation of a yard sale, and stumbled on some more of my own books that my sister and I had as children. Hence...the eclectic mix, lol. Luke's favorite was the Little Critter book, Merry Christmas Mom and Dad. He kept grabbing at it and feeling the cover, lol.

Abr 21, 2010, 10:35 am

98. Santa Mouse
99. Baby Farm Animals
100. Something Queer is Going On
101. The Big Enough Helper
102. Bunny Tales

Doing some more cleaning of the closets, lol. We're gonna have to step up the pace; we're five months away from Luke's 1st birthday, and we're not even at the halfway mark! I see a library trip this afternoon!

mayo 9, 2010, 10:39 pm

103. Something Queer at the Haunted School
104. Spot's Toy Box
105. Little Duckling's Surprise

Jul 5, 2010, 9:29 am

106. Oh, the Places You'll Go!

107. Five Little Monkeys---we've read about the monkeys jumping on the bed. This book features another five monkeys swinging from a tree, teasing Mr. Alligator.

108. My Friends Tigger and Pooh: On the Case!

109. My Friends Tigger and Pooh: ABC

Jul 12, 2010, 12:08 pm

110. Curious George...the first one, lol.

111. The Tooth Book

112. Monkey's Surprise

113. The Shape of Me and Other Stuff

114. Six Creepy Sheep--A Halloween book, but I was intrigued by the title and read a little bit to him while at the library. He seemed to like it, so we checked it out.

115. Curious George Takes a Job

Jul 15, 2010, 4:51 pm

116. Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble--we read this one at the doctor's office today, and I don't care to ever read it again, lol.

117. Curious George Flies a Kite

Jul 22, 2010, 2:24 pm

118. McElligot's Pool--I had no idea this book ever existed.

119. The Runaway Bunny

120. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Jul 29, 2010, 11:20 am

121. All About Chimps--not a fan; we read this one at the library and left it there. The pictures are downright frightening, lol.

122. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?

123. Night-Night, Baby!

124. My Puppy Friends

125. The Cat in the Hat Comes Back

126. Miss Spider's Tea Party

127. Oh Say Can You Say?

128. Bunny My Honey

Editado: Ago 3, 2010, 4:48 pm

129. Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul: Nature--cute lil' board book.

130. My Friends Tigger and Pooh: All Year Long--another interactive problem-solving book from one of my son's favorite shows.

We raided the Dollar Tree. Not a huge quality selection, but he loves the My Friends Tigger and Pooh show on Disney, and Chicken Soup stuff is always popular.

Ago 3, 2010, 4:46 pm

131. The Cuddly Beasties Over and Under Opposite Book

132. Scruffy Teddy Likes to Play

133. Peas and Thank You

134. Everyday Town

135. Flip Up Shapes

...and apparently none of those have a working touch-stone at the moment, lol.

Editado: Ago 8, 2010, 1:35 pm

136. Bunny Reads Back: Old MacDonald
137. First Numbers
138. The Very Busy Spider
139. Touch the Bunny
140. The Grouchy Lady Bug--Luke cackled at my grouchy ladybug voice, hehe.
141. Barnyard Sounds--soft, squeaky book, a present from Luke's Aunt.

Ago 9, 2010, 4:31 am

Forgot to add:

142. Everyday Garden--we had read this one AT the library but didn't take it home as Luke didn't seem as interested in it as some of his other books. We had previously checked out another in the series, and it was okay, but not one of my favorites.

Ago 24, 2010, 3:07 pm

143. The Greatest Wall of All

144. If I Only had a Green Nose

145. Dinosaur Fold-Out Book

146. King Midas

147. Native American Wisdom--forgot that I had read this out loud in its entirety to him.

And...he listened to a few pages of the Encyclopedia of Haunted Places.

I don't think I'm gonna get 250 different books, but we've definitely read way over that amount, counting re-reads. Even though Luke is in a book-EATING stage right now, making library loans harrowing, we're still trying to get in at least 30 minutes to an hour of reading time in every day.

Editado: Sep 5, 2010, 2:13 pm

148. How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors?

149. Ten Timid Ghosts

150. Puppy--A Busy Baby touch and feel board book

151. Spooky--A bright baby touch and feel Halloween book.

Sept. 5th:
152. 13 Rooms of Halloween

Sep 17, 2010, 9:14 am

153. Five Little Pumpkins

154. Little One Step

155. Boo!--cheap lil' Halloween book

Editado: Dic 10, 2010, 1:04 am

156. The Ginger Bread little Walmart Christmas book
157. little book picked up at Walmart
158. How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends?
159. In the Backyard (or just Backyard) Eric Carle book that came in a Chick-Fil-A meal, hehe.
160. A Sesame Street pop up Christmas book, not sure of the name
161. The Night Before Christmas pop up book
162. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
163. Julius
164. I'll Teach My Dog a Lot of Words
165. Untitled snowman gift from WIC

I believe I'm missing quite a few. We've had a few trips to the library, and have picked up lots of little books here and there and I just haven't really had time to keep track. With working so many hours a day, its hard to find time to make sure he still gets READ to every day, lol.

But...of course, he reads The Five Little Pumpkins at least 5 times a day, lol. He's at a stage where he'd rather EAT books and pull out their pages, so we haven't hit the library too often the past month or two. He's also just not that in to reading right now. The pumpkin book is the ONLY book he'll actually sit and pay attention to all the way through, so we're taking advantage of that.