Misogynistic violence on the rise

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Misogynistic violence on the rise

mayo 21, 2018, 5:26 pm

I thought there was already a thread on this but maybe I just remembered people posting on the theme--sadly, it does keep cropping up.

So the latest mass killer turns out to have been yet another little loser shit enraged by women or at least one woman whom he pursued unsuccessfully--and in retaliation for her refusal, killed.

Democracy Now video:

Soraya Chemaly on Mass Shootings: “Focus Should Be on Boys & Men Who Can’t Take No for an Answer”

Focus should have been on these men as men long ago--for as long as they focussed on women to maul and kill.

Not sure when one would say this began (the 1989 Montreal massacre is one possible milestone), but I think we can all see these particular events, that are fuelled in greatest part or entirely specifically by misogyny and directed mainly against women (as far as circumstances permit choice of victims to the perpetrators) are accumulating at what looks like increasing pace.

Indeed, when I googled right now to look up and confirm info about some of the past events, I was shocked to discover how many there are I don't remember hearing about at all--for example, this one:


A boy who survived the attack said that Oliveira selectively shot to kill girls while shooting boys only to immobilize them. Ten of the twelve children killed were girls.6

Was 2011 too early to start talking about all the effed-up men? Or 1991, when another "crazy Texan" slaughtered 23 people, of which 14 women, and that bypassing men in order to get at women whom he also swore at and called bitches and vipers as he was killing them?

Are the Asian deficits of women too complicated to talk about as mass murders perpetrated by one gender against another?


And the orphanages are still filled with girls, women are still trafficked like cattle...

Editado: Jul 25, 2019, 1:19 pm


The defence (no matter how pro forma) and the concepts it reveals merit highlighting:

“Both before the investigating magistrate and to me he said repeatedly he was motivated by the desire to have sex,” said Zellios {the defence lawyer}...

What is being described as "having sex" here, the reason I think the mention of this "motivation" is significant, is that it crops up regularly when I happen to read about rape cases in say Croatia or Italy, but not, or not in the same way, in North America. An example burned into my memory was of a case ten years or so ago, when the rapist got leniency because he (said!) he had not had sex in two years. In North America, where rape cases may be prosecuted in no less an appalling and victim-shaming way, you nevertheless don't hear the "well the man wanted to have sex so of course he raped her" actually spelled out in defence of the rapist.

Anecdotally I'd say that's just the attitude anywhere in Southern Europe--men will rape when they "want sex" and this somehow explains everything. But why bring this up in a defence? What does this mention of desire to "have sex" mean, what role does it play in a defence? Let's look at the details of this "having sex" first.

Here is what is understood as such, in this particular instance:

{Yannis Paraskakis, married, father of two} Driving a white sedan – subsequently picked up by road cameras in the area – he admitted ramming into the American twice with the intention of incapacitating her and abducting her. (...)

The woodworker admitted raping the biologist three times outside the cave before throwing her down a ventilation shaft leading down to it.

A coroner ruled the American had died as a result of asphyxiation and was likely to have suffered “a slow and painful death”.

So, "having sex" is; what happens when a man feels "a desire" to "have sex" is:

1. ramming your car into a woman, rendering her (likely) concussed and/or unconscious
2. stuffing her into the car trunk and abducting
3. raping her--not clear whether conscious or not
4. throwing her down the ventilator shaft, breaking her body even more in a vertical fall, and where she will choke to death "slowly and painfully"

The lunatic bizarreness, the downright obscenity of this recurring "defence motif" is particularly salient in examples like these. But it's no less lunatic and obscene no matter what wounds the victim suffers, whether they live or die.

That said, I think there is more to this case than can be gleaned from this article. The sheer rage of the attack, the means and the execution, and--I will claim--the choice of the victim are special. He picked her out as a non-Greek (find me a 59-year old Cretan woman who goes jogging and I'll send you a cake), that's one. And non-Greeks, especially jogging ones, are almost by definition of some other, more privileged class than Greek carpenters.

Quite apart from whatever "feminine charms" this 59-year old woman may have had for a 27-year old married man, the sight of her enjoying herself outdoors was--again I will claim--possibly frustrating to this sad little prick who lately quit his job and spent time cruising around in his car.

The defence puts up "sex" as the motivation, but I have to wonder, just how skilled people get at "merely" incapacitating people by "ramming" their car into them, how could you be sure you didn't kill them on the spot? Sure, maybe he would have fucked a corpse too. But then it seems even odder to call it a "desire to have sex".

All this to point out, again, that the fuel here stinks of hatred and rage, of misogyny. There is a background to this--some of it visible. The perpetrator may be married, "a family man", but he's an ugly little shrimp, jobless, worthless. His victim was an athletic woman, an uppity foreign woman exercising her non-Greek foreign woman freedom and advantage under his incel-like nose. Enough Greek men and similar have wanted to teach me a lesson for existing as I do, that I believe I recognise the situation. To bring her down he first had to mow her down with his car. And after he raped her, he killed her, deliberately left to die. Ugly little jobless worthless shrimp, capable of envisaging this attack as the result of "a desire to have sex", are not capable of facing their victims.

Editado: Jul 25, 2019, 2:56 pm

Ah. Of course:

Local media reports that the suspect had a history of attacking women. Action had been taken against him by another woman that stated that the suspect had struck her and injured her with his car at Gerani. Defence lawyer Pantelis Zelios said that his client had admitted to hassling women in the past.


ETA: there are other links with details further confirming the picture of a lifelong misogynist, habitual harasser of women, with a "miserable" (his own word) life.

Jul 25, 2019, 1:43 pm

When will twisting balls become a "rough sex" fad?

The fatal, hateful rise of choking during sex

Jul 25, 2019, 2:54 pm

>4 LolaWalser: As Jian would tell you -- that model of modern masculinity whom all male adolescents should learn from -- the choking is all in fun, isn't it?

In #2 someone overlooked the obvious defence that a 59-year-old women dressed for jogging and out alone is asking for it. Some years ago I was subbing in a grade 9 civics class (I think it was) and left speechless when a boy unabashedly made a similar claim. I realized suddenly that I was living a very sheltered life, believing that some progress was being made.

Jul 25, 2019, 3:16 pm

The stats are shocking--90% rise (of deaths ensuing...) in a decade; a woman strangled "for sex" in the UK every two weeks?! That's a bloody epidemic.

In #2 someone overlooked the obvious defence that a 59-year-old women dressed for jogging and out alone is asking for it.

Sadly, I'm afraid that's pretty much taken for granted in places like that. Women existing in public spaces is still highly problematic. It always floors me--and god knows I've been discussing this crap with them for years--how my familiars still automatically go the "she shouldn't have been doing X, Y or Z" route. Then I remind them of all the times a woman wasn't doing X, Y or Z and still ended up beaten, raped or dead. But it's treading quicksand.

Oct 2, 2019, 1:01 pm

Another likely misogynistic massacre:


"Most victims female"--one dead, and not specified how many among the nine injured.

Mar 21, 2020, 3:29 pm

Terrible. I first noticed reports of this sort of thing two weeks ago in Italy... to think it may continue for months is just unbearable.

Coronavirus is fuelling domestic violence

... Reports from China suggest the coronavirus has already caused a significant spike in domestic violence. Local police stations saw a threefold increase in cases reported in February... “According to our statistics, 90% of the causes of violence are related to the Covid-19 epidemic,” Wan told Sixth Tone, an English-language magazine based in China.

A similar story is playing out in America. A domestic violence hotline in Portland, Oregon, says calls doubled last week. And the national domestic violence hotline is hearing from a growing number of callers whose abusers are using Covid-19 to further control and isolate them. “Perpetrators are threatening to throw their victims out on the street so they get sick,” the hotline’s CEO told Time. “We’ve heard of some withholding financial resources or medical assistance.” ...

Editado: Mar 21, 2020, 4:20 pm

In Austria, too, domestic violence is a rising concern during the Covid-19 crisis. The government has raised the budgets of the hot lines and created more places for women and their children.

Schools here are basically closed right now except for day care for children who can't be cared for at home. Only about 1% are using this. However, they will continue this care through what would have been the Easter holiday. Besides families where the parents are working in health jobs, food stores, this is offered

aber auch Familien, „wo es zu Hause eng wird“, so Faßmann. „Bevor andere Dinge passieren, Stichwort Gewalt in der Familie, ist es natürlich vernünftiger, ein Kind in eine Schule zu bringen, um dort Luft holen zu können.“

also for families 'where it gets too narrow at home' said the education minister. 'Before other things happen such as violence in the family, it is of course more sensible to bring the child to school to catch your breath.'

Editado: Mar 21, 2020, 5:22 pm

(double post)

Mar 21, 2020, 5:21 pm

Women and children first... :(

mayo 20, 2020, 11:56 am

This is posted also in Pro & Con, sorry for the multiple posting but I know many avoid that group:

Published today, by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague, my emphasis in bold:

Male supremacism and the Hanau terrorist attack: between online misogyny and far-right violence


While this connection between white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and anti-feminism is new to the German discussion, it gained increased attention in international media after several recent attacks in North America. Since 2014, a number of attacks have been committed by men motivated by resentment at their lack of romantic or sexual relationships, the core of a misogynist ideology that has developed through online “incel” (“involuntarily celibate”) communities that also tend toward conspiracy theories and nihilism. Earlier in 2019, anti-feminism and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories also played a role in the far-right terrorist attack in Germany targeting a synagogue in Halle. The shooter blamed low birth rates in the West on feminism, intertwining this with a perceived threat from mass immigration, a common conspiracy theory known as the “Great Replacement”.


There is a danger of trivializing the relevance of how misogyny, male entitlement, and white supremacy are deeply linked within a violent belief system.

...the terminology of misogyny and how it shapes online groups is more complex than has been portrayed in various media outlets. ...

Blanket-labelling any violent misogynist as incel does not help when we are trying to understand misogyny and its potentially deadly consequences. Misogyny and sexual entitlement, while present in both incel forums and in the manifesto, are much more far-reaching—both throughout broader society, and online cultures.

A prominent manifestation of this is the so-called ‘Manosphere’. The ‘Manosphere’ is a conglomerate of misogynist blogs, websites, wikis, and forums that currently includes several broader groups: Next to the aforementioned incels and pickup artists (i.e. men who try to manipulate and seduce women), there are also men’s rights activists (who claim to advocate for the rights of fathers, divorced men, and men falsely accused of sexual assault). They are deeply anti-feminist and focus on exposing the ‘evils’ of feminism to justify their misogyny. ...

Lastly, there are also male supremacists who are not associated with one of these organized ideologies; just like “white supremacy”, “male supremacy” is an overarching belief system. ...

...the idea of male entitlement goes far beyond the realms of the ‘manosphere’. In mainstream discourse, ‘Nice Guy’ and ‘friendzone’ narratives feed into this same sense of entitlement. The idea that women owe men sex or a relationship because they were ‘nice’ to women, befriended women, or showed basic human decency towards women speaks to how entrenched entitlement to women is among men. Male anger at women for saying no to a date, sex, or an interaction on the street is something that pervades societies around the globe. This misogynistic sexual entitlement lies not just in the far corners of the internet, or in the manifestos of terrorists, but in our streets and in the daily lives of women. This is evidenced by the testimony shared by survivors of sexual assault and harassment in the wake of #metoo, which detail accounts of many whose careers, mental health, and personal safety had been restricted through unwanted sexual advances. In an even more horrifying vein, this societal tendency is also evident in a continuous occurrence of violent attacks against women who rejected the sexual advances of men. Women have been killed for saying no to a date for the prom, ignoring catcalls, and for not wanting to share their name and phone number.


Following the Toronto attack, incel hubs on platforms such as Reddit almost doubled in subscriber numbers, and recent studies have found migration to more extreme and increasingly violent forums. ...

Second, and potentially more harmful is the media framing of inceldom as simultaneously exotic and ‘weird’ as well as potentially dangerous. The focus on incels as strange outcasts of ‘normal’ society tends to obscure that misogyny and male supremacism do not originate in and are not exclusive to obscure corners of the internet. Misogyny—like racism—has always been a part of our societies. It has always been violent, with misogynist terrorism, rape, and intimate partner violence as just the tip of an iceberg of persistent male entitlement. It goes much deeper into the realms of sexual harassment, gender pay gaps, and daily life practices that still put child rearing, un(der)paid care labor, and household work squarely as the responsibilities of women.

Accurate labelling of the ideologies at stake is one element required for a deeper understanding of the societal dynamics and issues on which the success of extremist groups of all couleur are built. In order to avoid trivializing how deeply misogyny, male entitlement, and white supremacy remain entrenched in our societies, we have to go past any simplistic use of the incel-label. Instead we must continue to ask the hard questions: how and why it seems so intuitive to some young men to connect anti-Semitism, racism, and misogyny into a worldview that—in their view—demands violent activism?

Editado: mayo 20, 2020, 12:04 pm

Again, the media coverage and the overwhelming sort of public chatter around these attacks bothers me terribly. One, there's the issue of hiding information, and obfuscating information, as in downplaying misogyny as the motive to the point of distracting from the fact that the targets and the vast majority of the victims are women.

Two, there's the issue of the type of "analysis" getting imposed, which is that these are absolutely unique lonely weirdos--this is where labelling them all one handy label comes into play--stick the label--dismiss as special, known problem, with no relevance to the larger context.

It serves to isolate their misogyny as THE misogyny, and thereby actually protect the vast majority, includng Jordan Peterson's millions of followers, as having nothing to do with this.

mayo 21, 2020, 10:43 am

Another link about this precedent-setting case (not just for Canada but North America, I think?)--but note the message of the article in >12 LolaWalser: about the "incel" labelling:

Stabbing attack at North York massage parlour was ‘incel’ terrorism, police say

They mention the Danforth killer from 2018 and as I said before, FINALLY misogyny is getting acknowledged in that case too, my bolding:

Material linked to the Santa Barbara killing was also found within the digital files of Faisal Hussain, who killed Julianna Kozis, 10, and Reese Fallon, 18, and injured 13 others when he opened fire on Danforth Avenue in July 2018, before fatally shooting himself. At the time, Toronto police said Hussain had no affiliation with any radical ideology or terrorist organizations.

This has to change. Toronto saw TWO mass murders targeting women in a SINGLE YEAR, and people still insisted on treating those massacres as "general", direction-less "tragedies" likely to affect any "people" equally.

No. There is a growing population of men (again see >12 LolaWalser:--before Reddit cleaned up its groups a little, memberships in extreme misogynist subreddits more than DOUBLED after every massacre) who would like, or are actually planning, to murder women.

Misogyny isn't just a common element in practically every right-wing ideology and movement one can name; it's a murderous ideology in itself.

Until recently, attacks by people of colour or certain faiths have been more readily dubbed terrorist acts while extreme misogynist violence perpetuated by white men is often attributed to mental health issues, she said. This framing detracts from the reality that extreme anti-woman hate “exists right here, at ‘home’, in North America,” she said.

“By calling these acts ‘terrorism’ we are beginning to shift the narrative and recognize a problem for what it is,” Little said.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which analyzes U.S. crime trends, began tracking incels as a hate ideology in 2018 and considers them part of the “online male supremacist ecosystem.”

Finally. Finally male supremacism enters the space of public discourse, public consciousness. But at what cost.

Jul 21, 2020, 8:16 pm

They actually gave this asshole and his shit a platform on television. Fuck you too, Colbert.

'Anti-feminist' lawyer suspected of murdering US judge's son may have killed before

...In more than 2,000 pages of often misogynistic, racist writings, Den Hollander had criticized Salas’s life story of being abandoned by her father and raised by her poor mother as “the usual effort to blame a man and turn someone into super girl”.

Den Hollander filed multiple lawsuits challenging what he saw as unfair treatment of men. He had brought a series of unsuccessful lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of “ladies’ night” promotions at bars and nightclubs.

The eye-catching litigation, and Den Hollander’s willingness to appear on television, had earned him spots on The Colbert Report and MSNBC. Den Hollander’s body, along with a package addressed to Salas, was found in Sullivan county, New York, after he reportedly shot himself.

Mar 17, 2021, 2:31 pm

Another femicide, and with a racist component--six Asian women murdered, along with a white woman and a man... and the killer, the usual white male, is already getting mansplained as a pitiable victim of sexual frustrations:

County Authorities Suggest Atlanta Shooter Was Simply Too Tempted By Womanly Ways

The massage parlors were “a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate,” Baker told reporters.

Editado: Mar 17, 2021, 5:38 pm

Yes, and that poor boy's whole life has now been destroyed because of it.

Mar 17, 2021, 5:04 pm

"he had a bad day" o_0

Mar 17, 2021, 7:46 pm

I couldn't believe the language. "Fed up" "had a bad day"

I'm fed up with patriarchy. Please tell me who I can murder? Ugh.

Mar 18, 2021, 7:27 am

>19 sparemethecensor: "I'm fed up with patriarchy. Please tell me who I can murder? Ugh."

Surely according to the arguments in the media, you should pre-emptively murder all misogynists to "eliminate" the "temptation" to murder them at some hypothetical future point?

Mar 18, 2021, 7:38 am

The coverage of this mass shooting is enraging me. It is all focusing on the fact that 6 of the women were Asian and nowhere at all on the fact that this attack was grounded in misogyny and dehumanization of women. Perhaps the shooter was targeting women of Asian descent, or perhaps Asian women just happened to work in greater numbers at the places he was targeting. Regardless, this was still a hate crime: a hate crime against women. And nowhere in the coverage is that mentioned. The assumption is that of course he would shoot women. It is so normal for women to be the target of men's hatred and violence that it doesn't even bear mentioning. Would there even be news coverage if there had been no racist angle?

Mar 18, 2021, 8:50 am

>21 sturlington: There's a witness who claims the murderer shouted "I am going to kill all the Asians".

Personally, I find intersectionality a more useful feminist concept than divide and rule. It was a hate crime that targeted Asian women who are both Asian and women. Understanding intersectional violence allows us to see both racism and misogyny and support victims of both. The media, and the powers that be, prefer divide and rule but we don't have to surrender to their tactics.

Mar 18, 2021, 11:35 am

To no one's surprise, they found that the cop who said the murderer had "a bad day" had a social media profile full of anti-Asian racist slurs. At this point every cop, every DA, every prison guard needs to be evaluated for racism before they're allowed to continue in their job. Or we could just defund the police & fire people like that bastard before he even had the chance to open his racist mouth.

Mar 18, 2021, 11:40 am

>22 spiralsheep: I agree. It appears that the victims were targeted because they were both Asian AND women. I feel like in the media coverage, the fact that they were also targeted because they were women is being completely erased.

Mar 18, 2021, 1:30 pm

>24 sturlington:

And there's also the sex work aspect...

I had seen, even before this massacre, a datum that in anti-Asian crimes the targets are mostly women--there's a refreshed version for example here:

There were 3,800 anti-Asian racist incidents, mostly against women, in past year (NBC News)

... It’s a significantly higher number than last year's count of about 2,800 hate incidents nationwide over the span of five months. Women made up a far higher share of the reports, at 68 percent, compared to men, who made up 29 percent of respondents. The nonprofit does not report incidents to police. ...

According to the data, Asian women report hate incidents 2.3 times more than men. A further examination of the submitted reports showed that in many cases, the verbal harassment that women received reflected the very intersection of racism and sexism.

One Chinese American woman reported that a “man on the subway slapped my hands, threatened to throw his lighter at me, then called me a ‘c---- b----.’ He then said to ‘get the f--- out of NYC.’” Another woman, who’s Filipino American, reported that while in a Washington, D.C., metro station with her boyfriend, a man shouted "Chinese b----" at her, coughed at the couple and physically threatened them.

Jeung emphasized that women have always dealt with harassment from men and public safety issues more broadly. But the pandemic, he said, has provided another “excuse” for people to target Asian women. ...

Editado: Mar 18, 2021, 6:39 pm

>25 LolaWalser: "And there's also the sex work aspect... "

Red Canary Song have a statement here:


Mar 21, 2021, 12:17 am

Spare me the excuses for the latest Angry White Guy's killing spree (Guardian)

When police tell us the man who confessed to killing eight people around Atlanta was having ‘a bad day’ it goes way beyond one cop making an idiotic comment...

Mar 23, 2021, 8:34 am

It comes as no surprise that Jessica Valenti is the author of the first op-ed I've seen explicitly connecting misogyny, racism and hypersexualization of women of color, and religious fundamentalism's teachings about women and sex in the wake of the Atlanta shootings. This is on NY Times, so may be behind a paywall for you.


Mar 23, 2021, 8:41 am

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Mar 23, 2021, 2:46 pm

>28 sturlington: I can't read Jessica Valenti's NYT op-d over here but it's always good to hear a mainstream white feminist is using her platform to promote the voices of marginalised women instead of building her personal brand and career on the bodies of dead women of colour. So which Asian and Asian American feminists whose work Valenti is recycling did she mention by name?

Mar 24, 2021, 8:44 am

>31 southernbooklady: Thank you! I'm always looking to expand my reading list.

Mar 24, 2021, 9:01 am

>31 southernbooklady: And Tanya Chen's article leads to academic papers available online.

Robin Zheng paper:


Audrey Yap links:


mayo 3, 2021, 7:33 am

The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa has just reported a second case of a girl murdered by a close family member. I can't link to it as it is an e-mail alert, not a website, but it begins, "For the second time in one month, a girl in Sudan has been killed by an immediate family member. On April 3, 2021, Aida Al-Mahdi, 19 years old, was killed by her brother Al-Nour, who stabbed her 6 times and slashed at her until her head was separated from her body, according to sources close to the family in the village of Tawal, Raheid Al-Bardi, South Darfur." It then gives a link to the story below about the previous murder.

'Ugliest crime': Outcry in Sudan over lack of justice for killing of teenage girl (Guardian)

Death of Samah el-Hadi, allegedly shot by her father, has led to outpouring of women sharing own stories of domestic violence...

mayo 3, 2021, 8:25 am

Austria has had nine women killed so far this year. In several cases the men were known to the police as violent.

mayo 3, 2021, 8:35 am

Sorry to go backwards, but I live very close to the Atlanta massage parlor shootings and work for a local county government. We had several media outlets reach out to us re: possible prostitution at several Asian-owned massage parlors in our area. Of course, none had been reported. I was disgusted.

And yes, people are (were?) definitely falling for the addiction line.

mayo 3, 2021, 8:55 am

>34 John5918: I'm trying to understand how a 13 year old, after shooting herself three times, could still climb in a car and drive over herself. Or at least how the police could even pretend to believe that that was what happened.

mayo 6, 2021, 12:26 am

Sudan's women flogged in public by young men 'inspired by’ violent social media campaign

Incidents of women being assaulted in Khartoum are on the rise. A number of attacks, including ones where women are whipped, slapped in the face and beaten in public by young men, have been recorded as a violent social media campaign seeking to “punish the immodestly dressed,” takes to the streets...

The attacks kicked off after a hashtag promoting the crackdown on women's freedom went viral on social media... “This heinous campaign was launched by a group of misogynistic, insecure and radical men who can’t tolerate seeing women taking their places in society after the December revolution,” {said} Enass Muzamel, a Sudanese human rights activist...

Editado: mayo 6, 2021, 1:43 pm

>35 MarthaJeanne: That makes 11. This was a 50 year old and her 76 year old mother. It was done by her ex-boyfriend.

mayo 27, 2021, 6:58 am

#JUSTICEFORHAMDI: DECISION REACHED BY THE COURT (Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa)

The late Hamdi Mohamed Farah was a student who was murdered in September 2020. She was invited to the site of the crime by a man who, according to local media reports, she thought to be her friend. Upon reaching the site, a group of assailants brutally gangraped Hamdi and pushed her off a six-floor building in Mogadishu's Wabari district...

Following the #JusticeforHamdi advocacy event on the 20th of March, and the social media outcry that followed, the Chief of Banadir Regional Court, Hon. Abdikhadar Mohamed Hassan, called one of the lawyers who had taken part in the campaign, asking him to bring the family to the court. Both Hamdi’s father and her sister were taken to court to meet the Chief who briefed them about the status of their case, while also assuring them that justice would be seriously pursued, and that the perpetrators would be held accountable. This was first time the family members were allowed to physically meet with court officials and raise their concerns, at which point, they were assured that, “your case is still under process and we will ensure that it we be justly and fairly prosecuted, we are waiting for further evidence to be submitted especially with the medical papers and witness testimonies,” by Abdikhadar Mohamed Hassan, Chief of Banadir Regional Court...

Ago 19, 2021, 6:18 pm

Normally there would be little point in noting every new such incident in places like Pakistan, but it seems important that they think the violence is getting worse:

Hundreds of men in Pakistan investigated over mass sexual assault on woman

In broad daylight, the men picked up the young woman and tossed her between them, tearing her clothes and assaulting and groping her.

The woman registered a case against 300 to 400 unidentified persons with Lahore police, according to the case report seen by the Guardian.

Ago 19, 2021, 10:11 pm

>42 LolaWalser: Wow! that is amazing! Also what the Prime Minister said is just — well — so crazy...

Oct 2, 2021, 3:08 am

UK far right promoting sexual violence against women, report finds (GUardian)

Sexual violence is increasingly being promoted by the British far right, according to new analysis documenting how misogyny is used to steer individuals towards adopting racist and antisemitic views. Investigators found that pro-rape comments were “not uncommon” among the UK extreme right and that a culture has taken root that endorses sexual violence. Analysing misogyny and anti-feminist channels on the messaging app Telegram, a key online platform for the far right, they found sexual assault was a “prominent theme”...

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