
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
The "My Shelf List" collection shows what's actually on my shelves just now, while "My Library" includes in addition the titles I've borrowed from libraries since 1980. Year tags show my reading log, and they're complete except for a few years when I didn't keep track. So if you're interested in my reading habits, make sure you're displaying "My Library" before clicking on a year tag.

Sobre mí

I'm a retired high school teacher and teacher-librarian. My reading splits about half-and-half between fiction and non-fiction. Non-fiction choices are whatever strikes my fancy, and that tends to be philosophy, theology, sexuality and gender, and — broadly speaking — science.

Actualmente leyendo
Favoritos del sitio

Librerías: Ben McNally Books, Book City (Annex), Glad Day Bookshop, St. John's College Bookstore, The Bob Miller Book Room

Bibliotecas: St. John's College - Greenfield Library, Toronto Public Library - Toronto Reference Library

Conexiones de miembros

Biblioteca interesante