Help with two books!

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Help with two books!

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Nov 5, 2007, 11:59 am

I'm looking for two books. The first dealt with a girl and her little brother going to visit their cousin and his family. While there they encounter an old couple (brother and sister) who dress in the style of thelate 1800's I believe. They live in the house they grew up in.

The second book in the series has in its title, "Return To" where the girl and boys family as bought the house next to the old couple and thus begins the clean-up and the mystery.

The boy cousin was a bit of a brain, loves insects and I think the cover showed him with a butterfly net. Freckly.

I loved these books as a child and would love to find them again!

Nov 5, 2007, 12:46 pm

Definitely Gone Away Lake and Return to Gone Away by Elizabeth Enright. Here's a plot description from wikipedia:

Gone-Away Lake starts on a train, traveling through the countryside. Portia and her brother Foster are coming to see their favorite cousin, Julian Blake. Once there, Portia and Julian are walking in the forest when they discover an old Victorian resort community next to a bog. Elderly siblings Minnehaha and Pindar, the town's only inhabitants, soon become friends with the children, who set up a club in an abandoned house. Stories of the days when the bog was a lake are interspersed with the modern-day adventures of Portia, Julian, and Foster. Eventually, Portia and Julian introduce Gone-Away to their family and friends.

Enright also wrote a series about the Melendy family "The Saturdays", "Four Story Mistake", "Then there were Five" and "Spiderweb for Two" which are very popular and remembered fondly by many.

Nov 5, 2007, 1:00 pm

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Nov 5, 2007, 2:49 pm

That's it! Thanks so much! I got hours of enjoyment from those books and intend to buy them again!

mayo 31, 2016, 10:20 pm

Absolutely. Love the Gone-Away books and the Melendy books. Elizabeth Enright also wrote Thimble Summer