Imagen del autor

Elizabeth Enright (1907–1968)

Autor de Gone-Away Lake

24+ Obras 10,858 Miembros 150 Reseñas 25 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor


Obras de Elizabeth Enright

Gone-Away Lake (1957) 2,573 copias, 32 reseñas
Thimble Summer (1938) 2,189 copias, 27 reseñas
The Saturdays (1941) 1,788 copias, 30 reseñas
The Four-Story Mistake (1942) 1,143 copias, 19 reseñas
Return to Gone-Away (1961) 1,095 copias, 8 reseñas
Then There Were Five (1944) 919 copias, 13 reseñas
Spiderweb for Two: A Melendy Maze (1951) 793 copias, 12 reseñas
Tatsinda (1963) 147 copias, 2 reseñas
The Melendy Family (1944) 52 copias, 1 reseña
Zeee (1965) 46 copias
The Sea Is All Around (1940) 30 copias
Doublefields: Memories and Stories (1966) 13 copias, 3 reseñas
The Moment Before the Rain (1951) 11 copias
Borrowed Summer (1946) 10 copias, 1 reseña
Kintu: A Congo Adventure (1935) 8 copias
A Christmas Tree for Lydia (1951) 8 copias, 1 reseña
I.S.A.A.C. (1963) 5 copias
Kees and Kleintje (1934) — Ilustrador — 5 copias
Kees (1930) — Ilustrador — 4 copias
The Crystal Locket 1 copia, 1 reseña

Obras relacionadas

Ten Tales of Christmas (1972) — Contribuidor — 155 copias, 3 reseñas
Best in Children's Books 23 (1959) 66 copias
Point of Departure (1967) — Contribuidor — 49 copias, 1 reseña
Spring World, Awake: Stories, Poems, and Essays (1970) — Contribuidor — 9 copias
The Best American Short Stories 1951 (1951) — Contribuidor — 6 copias
The Best American Short Stories 1952 (1952) — Contribuidor — 5 copias
Twenty-Three Modern Stories (1963) — Contribuidor — 4 copias
The Best American Short Stories 1954 (1954) — Contribuidor — 4 copias
Sails Set for Treasure Land (1953) — Ilustrador — 2 copias


Conocimiento común

Nombre legal
Gillham, Elizabeth Wright Enright
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
Lugar de sepultura
Wainscott Cemetery, Suffolk County, New York, USA
Lugar de nacimiento
Oak Park, Illinois, USA
Lugar de fallecimiento
Wainscott, New York, USA
Lugares de residencia
New York, New York, USA
Art Students League of New York
Parsons School of Design
teacher (Barnard College ∙ creative writing)
children's book author
children's book illustrator
short story writer
book critic
Wright, Frank Lloyd (uncle)
Barney, Maginel Wright (mother)
Enright, Walter J. (father)
Biografía breve
Elizabeth Enright's mother, Maginel Wright Enright, was a popular magazine and children's book illustrator, and her father, Walter J. Enright, was a political cartoonist. The couple divorced when Elizabeth was 11 years old, and she was sent to a boarding school in Connecticut. She spent summers on Nantucket and on her uncle Frank Lloyd Wright's farm in Wisconsin, locations she later used in some of her works. She studied dancing for time under Martha Graham, and attended the Art Students League of New York, Parsons School of Design, and studied art in Paris. In 1930, she married Robert Gillham, an advertising executive, with whom she had three sons. She created her first book, Kintu: A Congo Adventure, in 1935. Among her beloved children's books are those featuring the Melendy family, including The Saturdays (1941). Elizabeth Enright also wrote short stories for adults, and her work was published in national publications such as The New Yorker, Ladies Home Journal, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s, and The Saturday Evening Post. She also taught creative writing at Barnard College and reviewed children's literature for The New York Times. writing. She won many awards in her career, including the 1939 Newbery Medal for Thimble Summer and a 1958 Newbery Honor for Gone-Away Lake.



Help with two books! en Name that Book (mayo 2016)
Unknown title en Name that Book (agosto 2010)


With Father in Washington and Cuffy, their housekeeper, away visiting a sick cousin, almost anything might happen to the Melendy kids left behind at the Four-Story Mistake. In the Melendy family, adventures are inevitable: Mr. Titus and the catfish; the villainy of the DeLacey brothers; Rush's composition of Opus 3; Mona's first rhubarb pie and all the canning; Randy's arrowhead; the auction and fair for the Red Cross. But best of all is the friendship with Mark Herron, which begins with a scrap-collection mission and comes to a grand climax on Oliver's birthday.

Here is Elizabeth Enright's classic story of a long and glorious summer in the country with the resourceful, endearing Melendy bunch.
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1 vota
PlumfieldCH | 12 reseñas más. | Jul 18, 2024 |
Winner of the 1939 Newbery Medal, I think books like [b:Charlotte's Web|24178|Charlotte's Web (full color)|E.B. White||987048] and [b:The Penderwicks|1838166|The Penderwicks on Gardam Street (The Penderwicks, #2)|Jeanne Birdsall||3328784] owe something to Thimble Summer. It's a wholesome tale of a farm gilr who has random summer adventures that are fun to read and just a little bit magical. Garnet's summer is filled with small bursts of excitement that she attributes to a silver thimble she discovers. She gets trapped in the library at night, trapped on an amusement park ride, her pig wins a prize the county fair, her family adopts a young runaway boy, and she runs away to the city when she feels rejected by her family. Garnet reminded me of a less tragic May Amelia. A great pick for second or third graders reading above grade level, or third and fourth graders who want a gentle, amusing story.… (más)
LibrarianDest | 26 reseñas más. | Jan 3, 2024 |
Eleven-year-old Portia is taking the train with her younger brother Foster to their Aunt & Uncle's farm for their usual summer vacation. Her cousin Julian shares her interest in exploring outdoors, and knows quite a lot of natural history. They come across a swamp, and meet some elderly siblings living an old-fashioned existence, without electricity or running water, in their former family lake homes. They are fascinating characters, and sometimes an entire chapter consists of one of the elders telling a story about their childhood. Mrs. Cheever shares her knowledge of swamp plants, "Pin" Peyton lets them help with the goats and chickens, and they let the 2 youngsters make a clubhouse out of another lake home. Portia and Julian keep their activities a secret, but Foster follows them one day and gets stuck in the swamp.
Portia starts out as a strong character, but by the end of the book she is devoting her time to play housekeeping and an interest in dolls, having fallen into stereotyped roles once another neighbor girl joins them. In general, though, I think this book presents a summer vacation that most kids would be envious of, and would enjoy reading about.
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juniperSun | 31 reseñas más. | Oct 22, 2023 |
A few hours after nine-year-old Garnet Linden finds a silver thimble in the dried-up riverbed, the rains come and end the long drought on the farm. The rains bring safety for the crops and the livestock, and money for Garnet's father. Garnet can't help feeling that the thimble is a magic talisman, for the summer proves to be interesting and exciting in so many different ways.

There is the arrival of Eric, an orphan who becomes a member of the Linden family; the building of a new barn; and the county fair at which Garnet's carefully tended pig, Timmy, wins a blue ribbon. Every day brings adventure of some kind to Garnet and her best friend, Citronella. As far as Garnet is concerned, the thimble is responsible for each good thing that happens during this magic summer--her thimble summer.… (más)
PlumfieldCH | 26 reseñas más. | Sep 23, 2023 |



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