Series de libros para shewolfreads

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de shewolfreads

Resumen: 33 Serie

Abby Sinclair

All Souls

Arcadia Bell


Chicagoland Vampires

The Confederacy Treaty

Dante Walker

The Devil's Duology


Generation V

Glamourist Histories

The Hallowed Ones

Hearts in Darkness Duet


Jane Jameson

Jane Yellowrock

Jessica McClain

London Steampunk

Memoirs of a Gothic Soul

Midnight Magic Mysteries - Chronological

Midnight Magic Mysteries - Published

My Immortals

Omega Force

The Penton Vampire Legacy

Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator

Princess of Twilight and Dawn

Sentinels of New Orleans

Shifted World


The St. Croix Chronicles

Vamp City

The Walker Papers

Weird Girls