Series de libros para polymnia

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de polymnia

Resumen: 75 Serie

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The Aeneid

African Trilogy

All My Friends Are Dead

Cambridge Illustrated History

Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo Trilogy

Career Guides

The Chronicles of Arianthem

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order

The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams

Complete Idiot's Guide


Dark-Hunter Universe

The Earthsea Cycle

The Essential Religious Series

The Extraordinary Voyages

The Giver

Goethe's Faust

Gun Club trilogy

The Happy Prince and Other Tales

Harry Potter

Harry Potter's Schoolbooks


Hercule Poirot

Hermes Books

Hinges of History

The History of Middle-Earth

History of Rome

The Hunger Games

The Last Unicorn

The Lord of the Rings

The Magical World of

Milton's Paradise

New Mexico Trilogy

The Night Trilogy

Norton Anthologies

The Norton Anthology of English Literature

The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces

Oedipus Cycle

The Oresteia

Oxford Histories

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Remarque's Great War Duology

Rich Dad

The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel, French Publication Order

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Shatner/Reeves-Stevens series (Star Trek)

A Song of Ice and Fire

Song of the Lioness Quartet

Space Trilogy

Star Trek

Star Trek (novels)

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Wars Legends/ EU (non-canon)

Star Wars Novels

Star Wars Universe

Star Wars: Clone Wars

Star Wars: Clone Wars novels

Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice

Star Wars: MedStar

Star Wars: Movie Novelizations

Star Wars: The Dark Lord Trilogy

Star Wars: The Rise of the Empire era

Tales of Middle Earth

To Kill a Mockingbird

Tortall Universe

The Twelve Caesars

Twilight Saga

Uczeń Jedi

The Vampire Chronicles

When Women Were Warriors