Series de libros para chopper22

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de chopper22

Resumen: 29 Serie

Agnes Browne

The Austen Project


The Belgariad

Belgariad universe

The Cornish Trilogy

The Dublin Saga

Eilis Lacey

Frank McCourt's Memoirs

Glorious Heresies

The Hangman's Daughter

Hinges of History

Histoire de la vie privée

Holroyd's Bernard Shaw

Homer's Epic Cycle

House of Romanov Trilogy

Irish Century

The Last Roundup

Letters of James Joyce

Library of America Special Anthologies

The Liveship Traders

Llywelyn's Ireland

The Lord of the Rings

New Gill History of Ireland

The Once and Future King

Paula Spencer

The Penguin History of Europe

Realm of the Elderlings

Trinity and Redemption