Premios de literatura para YorkinTransition

Premios otorgados a libros en la biblioteca de YorkinTransition

Resumen: 21 Awards and Honors

The Age Book of the Year Award

ALA Outstanding Books for the College Bound

Andre Simon Award

Australian Book Industry Awards

Best books :experts choose their favourites

Books of the Decade: The 50 books that defined the decade

Chronicle of Higher Education Most Influential Book of the Last 20 Years

Corine – Internationaler Buchpreis

The Economist Best Books

The Hundred Most Influential Books Since the War

International Sociological Association: 1000 most influential books in Sociology

Jan Michalski Prize for Literature

Nautilus Book Award

New South Wales Premier's Literary Award

New York Public Library's Books of the Century

Notable Books List

Prix Européen de l'Essai Charles Veillon

Royal Society Trivedi Science Book Prize

San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year

Walter P. Kistler Book Award

Wissensbuch des Jahres