Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
It's too small and rather dusty.
Sobre mí
Main Entry: Je-si-ca Pronunciation: /Je-si-ka/ Function: Noun (sometimes proper, sometimes incredibly improper) Etymology: US Southern Jessie, from Yankee Jessica - to pick a name that's popular in the 1970's.
Date: 1975

1 a : A young woman who feels old, who is tall in stature and semi-sound of mind who has a talent for inconsistency and enjoys making people laugh.
2 a : A mother of three beautiful but dysfunctional children who loves them completely. b : Abbey's "Ma Dukes". c : Anthony's "But Mommy" d : Claire's "Get me fruitsnaks".
3 a : A wannabe Writer/Artist with severe A.D.D. issues who cannot focus on any on thing for more than an hour at a time. b : Someone with a decent level of creativity, imagination and intelligence who could make something of her self but chooses to become preoccupied with anything that will keep her from her goals and aspirations.
4 a : A woman who's views on love and soul mates has always been fantastical in their content, but steadfast in their lack of ability to settle for something akin to love, but not love.
5 a : Someone who loves to read classic novels, but no longer has time, loves Turner Classic Movies, but can't hear over the screaming toddler, and wants an iPod really bad.
6 : An emotional train wreck who has always had a hard time finding the middle ground and always cares too much or two little, which has resulted in mostly issues of the anxiety variety, but sometimes borders on depression, which sucks, but is usually when she becomes the most creative and is beginning to think she is either actually crazy or is just one of those tortured artist types who isn't technically an artist, but who pretend to be one in her head on frequent occasions, when she's not busy writing run-on sentences.
Pittsfield, MA
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