Christianity Today Book Awards1994

Dado por Christianity Today

58 Obras 27,912 Libros 141 Reseñas ½ 4.0
Todos, Apologetics & Evangelism (2), Apologetics/Evangelism (21), Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year (3), Bible & Devotional (2), Biblical Studies (27), Biblical studies (2), Biography and History and Critics' Choice (1), Biography and History, No. 1, Critics' Choice (1), Biography and History, No. 2, Critics' Choice (1), Biography and History, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie (2), Biography and History, No. 5, Critics' Choice (1), Biography/History and Critics' Choice (1), Biography/History, No. 1, tie, Critics' Choice (1), Biography/History, No. 2, and Critics' Choice (1), Biography/History, No. 3, Critics' Choice (1), Libro del año (6), Book of the Year and Readers' Choice (2), Book of the Year, Reference, and Critics' Choice (1), Book of the year (1), CT Women (5), Children (2), Children & Youth (4), Children and Youth (2), Christian Living (16), Christian Living & Discipleship (1), Christian Living & Spiritual Formation (1), Christian Living and Spirituality and Critics' Choice (1), Christian Living and Spirituality, No. 2, Critics' Choice (1), Christian Living and Spirituality, No. 3, Critics' Choice (1), Christian Living and Spirituality, No. 5, Critics' Choice, tie (2), Christian Living/Discipleship (7), Christian Living/Spiritual Formation (1), Christian living/Discipleship (1), Christianity and Culture (16), Christianity and Culture, tie (2), Church /Pastoral Leadership (1), Church/Pastoral Leadership (3), Commentaries and Critics' Choice (1), Commentaries, 4, Critics' Choice, tie (1), Commentaries, Critics' Choice, No. 2 (1), Commentaries, Critics' Choice, set, No. 4 - tie (2), Commentaries, No. 1, Critics' Choice (1), Commentaries, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie (2), Commentaries, No. 5, Critics' Choice (1), Contemporary Issues and Critics' Choice (1), Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, No. 1 (1), Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, No. 2 (1), Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, No. 3 - tie (1), Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, tie, No. 4 (1), Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, tie, No. 5 (1), Contemporary Issues, No. 2, Critics' Choice (1), Contemporary Issues, No. 3, Critics' Choice (1), Contemporary Issues, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie (2), Contemporary Issues, No. 4, Critics' Choice (1), Contemporary Issues, No. 4, Critics' Choice, tie (1), Contemporary Issues, No. 5, Critics' Choice, tie (1), Contemporary Issues, No. 5, tie, Critics' Choice (2), Critics' Choice, set, Reference, No. 5 - tie (1), Culture & the Arts (5), Culture and the Arts (4), Ficción (24), Fiction and Critics' Choice (1), Fiction, Critics' Choice, No. 5 - tie (1), Fiction, No. 1, Critics' Choice (1), Fiction, No. 2, Critics' Choice (1), Fiction, No. 4, Critics' Choice (1), Fiction, No. 5 - tie, Critics' Choice (2), Fiction, No. 5, Critics' Choice, tie (1), Her.meneutics (3), History & Biography (2), History/Biography (24), Marriage & Family (2), Marriage and Family (1), Missions & Global Church (2), Missions/Global Affairs (15), Missions/Global Affairs, tie (2), Missions/Global Church (5), Missions/Global church (1), Missions/The Global Church (1), No. 1 and Readers' Choice (1), No. 1, Book of the Year (4), No. 1, Readers' Choice (1), No. 10 - tie (8), No. 10, Readers' Choice (1), No. 10, tie (4), No. 11 - tie (5), No. 11, tie (4), No. 12 - tie (8), No. 13 - tie (2), No. 13, tie (2), No. 14 - tie (2), No. 14, tie (2), No. 15 - tie (2), No. 15, tie (3), No. 17 - tie (3), No. 18 - tie (1), No. 18, tie (3), No. 2, Readers' Choice (2), No. 20 - tie (5), No. 20, tie (2), No. 22 - tie (3), No. 22, tie (3), No. 3, tie (2), No. 4 - tie (2), No. 4, Readers' Choice (2), No. 5 - tie (1), No. 5 and Readers' Choice (1), No. 5, Readers' Choice (1), No. 5, tie (1), No. 6 - tie (3), No. 6, Readers' Choice (1), No. 6, tie (4), No. 7 - tie (3), No. 7, Readers' Choice (1), No. 7, Readers' Choice, tie (1), No. 7, tie (2), No. 8 - tie (2), No. 8, Readers' Choice (1), No. 8, tie (2), No. 9 - tie (7), No. 9, Readers' Choice (2), No. 9, tie (1), Politics & Public Life (2), Politics and Public Life (5), Politics/Public life (1), Reference and Critics' Choice (1), Reference, Critics' Choice, No. 3 (1), Reference, Critics' Choice, set, No. 5 - tie (1), Reference, No. 1, Critics' Choice (1), Reference, No. 2, Critics' Choice (1), Reference, No. 3, Critics' Choice (1), Reference, No. 4, Critics' Choice (2), Reference, No. 5, Critics' Choice (1), Spiritual Formation (6), Spiritual formation (1), Spirituality (16), The Church & Pastoral Leadership (2), The Church/Pastoral Leadership (15), The Church/Pastoral Leadership - tie (2), The Church/Pastoral Leadership, tie (2), The Church/Pastoral leadership (1), Theology & Ethics (1), Theology (academic) (2), Theology (popular) (2), Theology and Biblical Studies, Critics' Choice, No. 4 - tie (1), Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 1, Critics' Choice (1), Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 2, Critics' Choice (1), Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 3, Critics' Choice (1), Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 4, Critics' Choice, tie (1), Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 5, Critics' Choice (1), Theology/Biblical Studies, No. 1, and Critics' Choice (1), Theology/Biblical Studies, No. 2, Critics' Choice (1), Theology/Biblical Studies, No. 3, Critics' Choice (1), Theology/Biblical Studies, No. 4 - tie, and Critics' Choice (1), Theology/Biblical Studies, No. 4, tie, Critics' Choice (1), Theology/Ethics (22), Theology/Ethics, tie (1), Young Adults (2), Sin Categoría (32)
Todos, 2024 (16), 2023 (16), 2022 (14), 2021 (14), 2020 (15), 2019 (13), 2018 (13), 2017 (13), 2016 (16), 2015 (11), 2014 (11), 2013 (10), 2012 (12), 2011 (11), 2010 (12), 2009 (8), 2008 (10), 2007 (10), 2006 (10), 2005 (10), 2004 (10), 2003 (10), 2002 (11), 2001 (12), 2000 (10), 1999 (26), 1998 (25), 1997 (25), 1996 (27), 1995 (26), 1994 (58), 1993 (28)
Dorothy L. Sayers: Her Life and Soul por Barbara Reynolds
Biography and History and Critics' Choice1994
El don de dolor por Paul Brand
Biography and History, No. 1, Critics' Choice1994
A History of Christianity in Asia: Beginnings to 1500 por Samuel Hugh Moffett
Biography and History, No. 2, Critics' Choice1994
For the Soul of the People: Protestant Protest Against Hitler por Victoria Barnett
Biography and History, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie1994
Solzhenitsyn & the Modern World por Edward E. Ericson Jr.
Biography and History, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie1994
The Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian History and Thought por Robert Louis Wilken
Biography and History, No. 5, Critics' Choice1994
Descending Into Greatness por Bill Hybels
Christian Living and Spirituality and Critics' Choice1994
Tú eres mi amado la vida espiritual en un mundo secular por Henri J. M. Nouwen
Christian Living and Spirituality, No. 2, Critics' Choice1994
Shame and Grace: Healing the Shame We Don't Deserve por Lewis B. Smedes
Christian Living and Spirituality, No. 3, Critics' Choice1994
How & When to Tell Your Kids About Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child's Sexual Character por Stanton L. Jones
Christian Living and Spirituality, No. 5, Critics' Choice, tie1994
Flying Closer to the Flame: A Passion for the Holy Spirit por Charles R. Swindoll
Christian Living and Spirituality, No. 5, Critics' Choice, tie1994
The Epistle to the Hebrews: A Commentary on the Greek Text (New International Greek Testament Commentary) por Paul Ellingworth
Commentaries and Critics' Choice1994
John (Life Application Bible Commentary) por Grant R. Osborne
Commentaries, 4, Critics' Choice, tie1994
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 35B: Luke 9:21-18:34 por John Nolland
Commentaries, Critics' Choice, No. 21994
Hebrews: An Anchor for the Soul, Volume 1 (Preaching the Word) por R. Kent Hughes
Commentaries, Critics' Choice, set, No. 4 - tie1994
Hebrews: An Anchor for the Soul, Volume 2 (Preaching the Word) por R. Kent Hughes
Commentaries, Critics' Choice, set, No. 4 - tie1994
Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross por Robert H. Gundry
Commentaries, No. 1, Critics' Choice1994
The Law of Perfect Freedom por Michael Horton
Commentaries, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie1994
The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary por J. Alec Motyer
Commentaries, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie1994
James (IVP New Testament Commentary Series) por George M. Stulac
Commentaries, No. 5, Critics' Choice1994
Christianity in the Twenty-first Century: Reflections on the Challenges Ahead por Robert Wuthnow
Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, No. 11994
Taking the Word to Heart: Self and Others in an Age of Therapies por Robert C. Roberts
Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, No. 21994
Who Are God's People in the Middle East? por Gary M. Burge
Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, No. 3 - tie1994
A Church for the 21st Century por Leith Anderson
Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, tie, No. 41994
The Fall of the Prison: Biblical Perspectives on Prison Abolition por Lee Griffith
Contemporary Issues, Critics' Choice, tie, No. 51994
More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel por Spencer Perkins
Contemporary Issues, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie1994
A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation por Wade Clark Roof
Contemporary Issues, No. 3, Critics' Choice, tie1994
Exit Interviews: Revealing Stories of Why People are Leaving the Church por William D. Hendricks
Contemporary Issues, No. 4, Critics' Choice, tie1994
Reckoning with Apocalypse: Terminal Politics & Christian Hope por Dale Aukerman
Contemporary Issues, No. 5, Critics' Choice, tie1994
Complete Bible Discussion Guide: New Testament por Mack Thomas
Critics' Choice, set, Reference, No. 5 - tie1994
Day of the East Wind por Julia Shuken
Fiction and Critics' Choice1994
Sons of an Ancient Glory por B. J. Hoff
Fiction, Critics' Choice, No. 5 - tie1994
The Son of Laughter por Frederick Buechner
Fiction, No. 1, Critics' Choice1994
The Shining Face: A Novel por Harold Myra
Fiction, No. 2, Critics' Choice1994
Bitter Roots: A Novel por John L. Moore
Fiction, No. 4, Critics' Choice1994
Streiker's Bride por Robin Hardy
Fiction, No. 5 - tie, Critics' Choice1994
Stolen Identity por Brian Regrut
Fiction, No. 5 - tie, Critics' Choice1994
When the Almond Tree Blossoms por David Aikman
Fiction, No. 5, Critics' Choice, tie1994
EL CUERPO (2L) (ESTANTE 18 / F2) por Charles Colson
No. 1 and Readers' Choice1994
Cuando lo que Dios hace no tiene sentido (Spanish Edition) por James Dobson
No. 10, Readers' Choice1994
The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary Language por Eugene H. Peterson
No. 2, Readers' Choice1994
Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World por John MacArthur
No. 4, Readers' Choice1994
Christianity in Crisis por Hank Hanegraaff
No. 5, Readers' Choice1994
Finding God por Larry Crabb
No. 6, Readers' Choice1994
He Still Moves Stones por Max Lucado
No. 7, Readers' Choice, tie1994
El Cristiano Contemporaneo = The Contemporary Christian (Spanish Edition) por John R. W. Stott
No. 8, Readers' Choice1994
The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life por Charles Stanley
No. 9, Readers' Choice1994
A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible por Leland Ryken
Reference, Critics' Choice, No. 31994
Complete Bible Discussion Guide: Old Testament por Mack Thomas
Reference, Critics' Choice, set, No. 5 - tie1994
The Oxford Companion to the Bible por Bruce M. Metzger
Reference, No. 1, Critics' Choice1994
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Vol. 3 por Horst Balz
Reference, No. 2, Critics' Choice1994
Ethics for a Brave New World por John S. Feinberg
Reference, No. 4, Critics' Choice1994
Suspicion and Faith: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism por Merold Westphal
Theology and Biblical Studies, Critics' Choice, No. 4 - tie1994
No Place for Truth or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology? por David F. Wells
Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 1, Critics' Choice1994
Introduction to Biblical Interpretation por William W. Klein
Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 2, Critics' Choice1994
A Theology of Word & Spirit: Authority & Method in Theology (Christian Foundations) por Donald G. Bloesch
Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 3, Critics' Choice1994
Revisioning Evangelical Theology: A Fresh Agenda for the 21st Century por Stanley J. Grenz
Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 4, Critics' Choice, tie1994
The Evangelical Mind and Heart: Perspectives on Theological and Practical Issues por Millard Erickson
Theology and Biblical Studies, No. 5, Critics' Choice1994


Apologetics(2,796) Bible(2,104) Bible Study(603) Biblical Studies(1,044) biography(1,778) Christian(2,844) Christian fiction(668) Christian living(5,175) Christianity(4,525) church(983) Church History(1,269) Commentary(1,685) culture(1,020) Discipleship(816) ebook(501) Ecclesiology(574) ethics(752) Evangelicalism(536) Evangelism(539) evolution(538) faith(1,018) fiction(4,397) God(516) Grace(519) Hermeneutics(624) history(1,349) Jesus(999) Kindle(802) literature(687) Logos(550) New Testament(2,305) non-fiction(3,199) novel(578) nt(538) Old Testament(563) philosophy(1,683) prayer(1,152) read(762) reference(1,381) religion(4,583) Romans(509) Russian literature(541) science(903) Spiritual Formation(708) Spiritual Growth(648) spirituality(1,798) Theology(6,701) to-read(5,440) unread(505) worldview(629)

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