Imagen del autor

Louise Penny

Autor de Naturaleza muerta

38+ Obras 51,193 Miembros 3,166 Reseñas 137 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Louise Penny was born in Toronto, Canada in 1958. She earned a Bachelor of Applied Arts (Radio and Television) from Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (now Ryerson University) in 1979. Before she turned to writing mystery novels in 2004, she was a journalist and radio host for the Canadian mostrar más Broadcasting Corporation in various cities across Canada for 25 years. She writes the Chief Inspector Gamache Novel series. She has won numerous awards including the New Blood Dagger, Arthur Ellis, Barry, Anthony, and Dilys awards for Still Life and the 2007 Agatha Award for Best Novel for A Fatal Grace. Louise's title, The Long Way Home, made the Hot Mystery Title's List for Summer 2014. Her titles The Nature of the Beast made The New York Times best seller list in 2015 and A Great Reckoning made The New York Times best seller list in 2016. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: Taken by Lesa Holstine, March 2008


Obras de Louise Penny

Naturaleza muerta (2005) 6,829 copias, 432 reseñas
A Fatal Grace (2007) 4,112 copias, 232 reseñas
The Cruellest Month (2007) 3,365 copias, 194 reseñas
A Rule Against Murder (2008) 3,103 copias, 165 reseñas
Enterrad a los Muertos (2010) 3,000 copias, 227 reseñas
Un Bello Misterio (2012) 2,855 copias, 200 reseñas
El Juego de la Luz (2011) 2,658 copias, 160 reseñas
Un Destello de Luz (2013) 2,650 copias, 177 reseñas
The Long Way Home (2014) 2,218 copias, 132 reseñas
A Great Reckoning (2016) 2,215 copias, 124 reseñas
Glass Houses (2017) 2,183 copias, 123 reseñas
The Nature of the Beast (2015) 2,140 copias, 124 reseñas
Kingdom of the Blind (2018) 1,980 copias, 105 reseñas
A Better Man (2019) 1,790 copias, 100 reseñas

Obras relacionadas

El asesinato de Rogelio Ackroyd (1926) — Introducción, algunas ediciones10,208 copias, 326 reseñas
Still Life: A Three Pines Mystery [2013 film] (2013) — Original novel — 12 copias
Mysterious Writers: The Many Facets of Mystery Writing (2010) — Contribuidor — 9 copias
State of Terror / Never (2022) — Contribuidor — 1 copia


Conocimiento común

Fecha de nacimiento
Lugar de nacimiento
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lugares de residencia
Québec City, Québec, Canada
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Knowlton, Canada
Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (BA|Radio and Television)
radio host
mystery novelist
Teresa Chris
Biografía breve
I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I was born in Toronto in 1958 and became a journalist and radio host with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, specializing in hard news and current affairs. My first job was in Toronto and then moved to Thunder Bay at the far tip of Lake Superior, in Ontario. It was a great place to learn the art and craft of radio and interviewing, and listening. That was the key. A good interviewer rarely speaks, she listens. Closely and carefully. I think the same is true of writers.

From Thunder Bay I moved to Winnipeg to produce documentaries and host the CBC afternoon show. It was a hugely creative time with amazingly creative people. But I decided I needed to host a morning show, and so accepted a job in Quebec City. The advantage of a morning show is that it has the largest audience, the disadvantage is having to rise at 4am.

But Quebec City offered other advantages that far outweighed the ungodly hour. It's staggeringly beautiful and almost totally French and I wanted to learn. Within weeks I'd called Quebecers 'good pumpkins', ordered flaming mice in a restaurant, for dessert naturally, and asked a taxi driver to 'take me to the war, please.' He turned around and asked 'Which war exactly, Madame?' Fortunately elegant and venerable Quebec City has a very tolerant and gentle nature and simply smiled at me.

From there the job took me to Montreal, where I ended my career on CBC Radio's noon programme.

In my mid-thirties the most remarkable thing happened. I fell in love with Michael, the head of hematology at the Montreal Children's Hospital. He'd go on to hold the first named chair in pediatric hematology in Canada, something I take full credit for, out of his hearing.

It's an amazing and blessed thing to find love later in life. It was my first marriage and his second. He'd lost his first wife to cancer a few years earlier and that had just about killed him. Sad and grieving we met and began a gentle and tentative courtship, both of us slightly fearful, but overcome with the rightness of it. And overcome with gratitude that this should happen to us and deeply grateful to the family and friends who supported us.

Eleven years later we live in an old United Empire Loyalist brick home in the country, surrounded by maple woods and mountains and smelly dogs.

There are times when I'm in tears writing. Not because I'm so moved by my own writing, but out of gratitude that I get to do this. In my life as a journalist I covered deaths and accidents and horrible events, as well as the quieter disasters of despair and poverty. Now, every morning I go to my office, put the coffee on, fire up the computer and visit my imaginary friends, Gamache and Beauvoir and Clara and Peter. What a privilege it is to write. I hope you enjoy reading the books as much as I enjoy writing them.




Me gusto mucho , cortita sin trampas y con un lindo desarrollo, aparece un aparente suicida en 3 pinos y gamache debe investigar.
gneoflavio | 42 reseñas más. | Apr 18, 2024 |
tres tramas en simultáneo muy buenas. Descansando de una herida por un atentado que se va contando al pasar, Gamache en Quebec investiga un asesinato y hasta una desaparición de un cadaver de 400 años. y en el medio en three pines se reabre la investigación de la muerte del ermitaño. muy buena
gneoflavio | 226 reseñas más. | Feb 17, 2024 |
Otro homicidio en Tres pines. Aca se mezclan una serie de temas, muere un desconocido que vive en el bosque, se mezclan celos, costumbres ancestrales y las pequeñas miserias que pueden transformarse en enormes crímenes, aprovecha para hablar algo de las culturas originarias de Canada. No es muy buena pero seguimos conociendo a Gamache, y sus asociados que se comen todo rico
gneoflavio | 280 reseñas más. | Sep 27, 2023 |
De vez en cuando tengo que empezar series de policiacas nuevas porque las de toda la vida, por mucho que las estire, se terminan inevitablemente. Este es un primer intento con el inspector Gamache. Lo conocí en el Ojo de Polisemo, una de sus traductoras al castellano, Patricia Antón, dio una charla y me despertó la curiosidad. No obstante, he optado por leer a Penny en francés por dos razones: porque los autores canadienses anglófonos prefiero leerlos en francés, me parece que están culturalmente más cerca del original, y porque en España es un puto desorden: no han sacado todos los libros (por ejemplo el 2, el 3 y el 4 no están traducidos) y no siempre se pueden encontrar en ebook, así que he optado por la edición de Actes Sud, fácil de encontrar y de adquirir, en versión electrónica y, lo que es más importante, tienen la serie completa. Esta traducción es de Michel Saint-Germain.
No está mal. Me parece un poco simple a veces y no sé si aguantaré toda la serie, pero los personajes son de esos con los que te puedes encariñar (o puedes odiar), así que de momento me conformo, aunque las tramas sean bastante primitivas. Ya veremos si mejora. De todas formas, se lee del tirón y los ambientes están muy bien descritos. Me ha desconcertado un poco que la autora sea tan amiga de Hillary Clinton y se preste a escribir cosas con ella. No me parece buena señal.
… (más)
aliciamartorell | 431 reseñas más. | Sep 23, 2023 |


Canada (1)


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