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Melanie Benjamin

Autor de The Aviator's Wife

13 Obras 6,823 Miembros 753 Reseñas 8 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Melanie Benjamin was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and attended college there. She has been an avid reader all her life and firmly believes that a lifetime of reading is the best education a writer can have. After college Melanie married and moved to the Chicago area to raise her children, but the mostrar más desire to write was always there in the background. Soon she began writing for local magazines and newspapers before venturing into fiction. As Melanie Hauser she published two contemporary novels. Now writing as Melanie Benjamin, she's incorporated her passion for history and biography into ALICE I HAVE BEEN her first historical novel; THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MRS. TOM THUMB is her second, and was published July 2011. Her book,The Aviator's Wife, made the New York Times bestseller list in 2013. The Swans of Fifth Avenue made the iBooks best seller list in 2016. Melanie and her family still live in the Chicago area where she enjoys writing, taking long walks, and gardening. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: credit Todd Rennels


Obras de Melanie Benjamin

The Aviator's Wife (2013) 1,816 copias, 168 reseñas
Alice I Have Been: A Novel (2010) 1,586 copias, 149 reseñas
The Swans of Fifth Avenue (2016) 1,060 copias, 116 reseñas
The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb: A Novel (2011) 788 copias, 107 reseñas
The Girls in the Picture (2018) 488 copias, 82 reseñas
The Children's Blizzard (2021) 418 copias, 42 reseñas
Mistress of the Ritz (2019) 406 copias, 65 reseñas
Grand Central: Original Stories of Postwar Love and Reunion (2014) — Contribuidor — 131 copias, 9 reseñas
California Golden (2023) 110 copias, 12 reseñas
Hollywood Boulevard (2018) 3 copias
Żona lotnika (2013) 1 copia


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The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin en Early Reviewers (abril 2013)


What a wonderful piece of historical fiction. Everyone should read this book about Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh's life. He was just too possessive for my liking and Anne lapped it up when he gave her compliments that she was his only co-pilot (literally even though she had her pilots license too). She was a strong woman herself in some ways but catered to him. He always got his way it seems. I guess you can say she was starry eyed.

She never wanted to leave Charles, Jr. especially when they left for 6 months travel when he was 1. Everyone knows the history of the Lindbergh baby, and a tragic one. I wanted to skip over that part since it was hard to read but it's part of reality and I only knew the basics and really never delved into it.

Rich in details but a little too long for my liking.
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sweetbabyjane58 | 167 reseñas más. | Jun 5, 2024 |
DNF @ 23%

As Kenny Rogers famously sang, "You got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run."

This book seemed like something that should have been right up by alley (two strong women making their way in the early days of Hollywood -- sign me up!), but it was just such a slog to read. It felt like I had been reading for at least 30 mins, but I'd only covered a page or two. The siren song of my mountainous TBR is calling, so I'm calling it quits on this one.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a galley in exchange for an honest review.
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jj24 | 81 reseñas más. | May 27, 2024 |
Tell me -- What is your greatest fear?

There was a long silence. No sounds but the low hum of the pool filter, the faraway grazing of a lawn mower, and the determined "clip clip" of a gardener on the other side of some tall azalea bushes, trimming away.

"That someone will see," Babe whispered, while at the same time, Truman murmured, "That someone will find me out."

"That no one will love me," Truman added after another moment. While at the same time, Babe admitted, "And that I'll never be loved, truly."

In her latest novel, Melanie Benjamin peeks behind the curtain of the famous friendships (and infamous exploits) of Truman Capote and his "Swans" -- the best-known New York socialites of the early and mid 1960's, including Babe Paley, Slim Keith and others. For years Capote and his Swans, particularly Babe, were inseparable, until Capote published a scathing short fiction piece in Esquire magazine that was a thinly-disguised portrait of the most embarrassing aspect of the Swans' lives. After publication, a schism developed between Capote and the group, and he was ostracized from their circle for good.

I found this book to be fascinating. On one level, it could just be read as a story of the glitterati gallivanting around the big city (and the world) doing nothing more than spending money and being "fabulous." But I looked at it as more as a character study -- both of the individuals involved and of personality types in general -- and a tale of love and friendship.

I know a bit about Truman Capote, but I haven't read about him extensively or seen any of the biopics about his life. Benjamin describes for us a man who is simultaneously overconfident about his talent and importance, yet still desperately longing for approval and acceptance.

"If he only told the best stories, dished the most delicious gossip, dropped the grandest of names.

Then, perhaps. Then. Would he truly belong?"

Why would Capote, who seemed to find pure (though platonic) love with Babe Paley, turn around and betray her in such a public way? Was it hubris? Did he think that they were so close she'd forgive him? Did he think he was so smart that no one would know who he was writing about? I don't know. It's a question as old as time -- why does any friend betray another?

I knew nothing about the famous 1960's socialites, but their worries and concerns are the same the world over, particularly for women obsessed with beauty, who think they're going to be "traded in" for a newer model when their husbands get bored.

"Blond, brunette, tall, short, European or Californian, they were still the same; only the exteriors were different. And they devoted their lives to maintaining this difference, striving to shine, be the one jewel who stood out. Yet at night, they took off the diamonds, and gowns and went to empty beds resigned to the fact that they were just women, after all. Women with a shelf life."

4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Delacorte Press for a galley of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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jj24 | 115 reseñas más. | May 27, 2024 |
There are two perfectly suited readers for this audio book that I got from the library’s Overdrive collection, Paul Boehmer and Cassandra Campbell.
Listening to this book, I could just hear my Mom, back in the day when we watched old movies together, responding to the many names of yesteryear in that nostalgic way, “Oh Noel Coward, I wonder what became of him.” And then she would relay some personal tidbit like, “His sister was my best friend Anne’s frequent lunch companion when we were in college.” (I’m making that up, but you get the gist.) That’s not the only reason I enjoyed this book. I had not heard of many of these people and found their pride and their vulnerabilities all very human and compelling. And yes, it did make me sad that the glamour, elegance, and standards of earlier decades have been so thoroughly supplanted by the informalities of subsequent generations.
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TraSea | 115 reseñas más. | Apr 29, 2024 |



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