Imagen del autor

Warren Adler (1927–2019)

Autor de The War of the Roses

69+ Obras 1,039 Miembros 79 Reseñas 1 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Warren Adler was born in Brooklyn, New York on December 16, 1927. He received a bachelor's degree in English literature from New York University. He was a reporter for the New York Daily News, served in the Army during the Korean War, worked as an advisor to President Nixon during his first term, mostrar más owned four radio stations and a TV station, ran an advertising and public relations agency in Washington, D.C., and was one of the founders of the Washington Dossier magazine. He became a full-time writer in 1974. He wrote over 50 novels during his lifetime including The War of the Roses, Private Lies, The Sunset Gang, The Children of the Roses, Random Hearts, and Funny Boys. He wrote short story collections including New York Echoes and plays including Libido. He died of complications from liver cancer on April 15, 2019 at the age of 91. (Publisher Provided) mostrar menos

Incluye los nombres: W. Adler, Adler Warren


Obras de Warren Adler

The War of the Roses (1981) 191 copias
Random Hearts (1984) 110 copias
Trans-Siberian Express (1977) 76 copias
Funny Boys (2008) 47 copias
Private Lies (1990) 44 copias
American Quartet (1967) 39 copias
Mourning Glory (2001) 38 copias
The Serpent's Bite (2012) 35 copias
Immaculate Deception (1991) 34 copias
Senator Love (1991) 25 copias
Madeline's Miracles (1989) 23 copias
The Children of the Roses (2004) 21 copias
The Housewife Blues (1992) 20 copias
The Witch of Watergate (1992) 20 copias
Target Churchill (2013) 19 copias
Twilight Child (1985) 19 copias
Cult (2002) 16 copias
The Sunset Gang (1977) 15 copias
The Henderson Equation (1976) 13 copias
American Sextet (1983) 13 copias
Natural Enemies (1979) 12 copias
Mother Nile (2016) 10 copias
Flanagan's Dolls (2010) 9 copias
The Casanova Embrace (2001) 9 copias
Jackson Hole: Uneasy Eden (1997) 9 copias
Undertow (1974) 8 copias
New York Echoes (2008) 8 copias
Torture Man (2015) 6 copias
Heart of Gold (2017) 5 copias
Banquet Before Dawn (1976) 5 copias
Blood Ties (1979) 5 copias
Treadmill (2014) 5 copias
High Noon in Hollywood (2018) 4 copias
The Womanizer (2010) 4 copias
Last Call (2018) 3 copias
The Norma Conquest (2018) 3 copias
Leyndarleikur 2 copias
The Simple Art Of Murder (2002) 1 copia
A guerra das rosas (1991) 1 copia
Cuori sbandati (1999) 1 copia
Amores Fortuitos (1985) 1 copia
Empty Treasures (2010) 1 copia
Waters of decision (1976) 1 copia
Gone 1 copia
First Rites 1 copia
Trust Me 1 copia
Secret Lovers 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

La guerra de los Rose (1989) — Original book — 90 copias
Random Hearts [1999 film] (1999) — Original novel — 44 copias


Conocimiento común



Previously published in 2010 under the title “The Womanizer”

This reprint is a study of the human mind and its inner working. It delves into the life of Allen Harris, a pillar of the community, a married lawyer who is asked to be president of a conservative university. But first he has to be vetted by the board of Directors. They think he is squeaky clean but it wasn’t really the case...Allen had engaged in a series of extramarital affairs...Will he pull off the deception and keep the sexcapades a secret... you will shake your head in disbelieve.

Mr. Adler has a way with words and his narration proves how he can evoke in us unexpected empathy for his character despise the behavior of infidelity. He paints this despicable man with shades of gray and sends him on a journey from current day reflection to intense and convoluted thoughts flashing back to past relationships. How deeply did he affect the women with whom he had affairs? Did time distort his old fear of exposure? Imagine flagrante delicto in living colour...Mr. Adler gives us a movie picture of the male libido with a partner poised and ready....definitely not a book for everyone.

I have mix feeling about this one, although nicely written and at times grabbed my attention I felt 3 affairs and what came about was too much to read...I contemplated dropping it many times. Definitely not my cup of tea, the story dabbles too much on sexual activities for my taste. One thing for sure you will know what goes through a man’s mind while cheating on his wife....Thank goodness not all men are like Allen....

My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.
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Tigerpaw70 | Apr 14, 2023 |
É uma comédia humor negro sobre um jovem casal que aparenta ter um casamento perfeito. Ele é um advogado bem sucedido e sua esposa está inciando o seu próprio negócio de alimentação. Quando seu casamento começa a desmoronar, bens materiais se tornam o centro de uma escandalosa e amarga batalha pelo divórcio.
bibliotecapresmil | Sep 2, 2022 |
Ha esetleg kocsmai verekedésbe keverednénk, semmiképpen se William Shakespeare-t kérjük meg, hogy tanúskodjon mellettünk, pláne ellenünk. Mert még a végén az jönne ki, hogy „York szép városa lángokban áll! Letépett fülek és karok a kőbányais rekeszek szörnyű halmai alatt! Mindenki meghalt véresen, kínok között, csak Fortinbras nem: ő monologizál.” Szerencsére a Történelem, ez a nett, őszes barkójú úr szólásra emelkedik, és korrigálja, amit a kelekótya irodalom nagy lelkesülten kiszínezett.

Gillingham monográfiája a Rózsák háborújának történetét meséli el, ami így röviden összefoglalva arról szólt, hogy egy rakás Edward, Henrik meg Richard egymás torkának ugrott, mert nagyon szerettek volna római számot biggyeszteni a nevük elé. Ez az eseménysor a XV. század második felében zajlott le, és leginkább Shakespeare királydrámáinak interpretálásában lehet nekünk ismerős. Csak hát a jó öreg Lándzsarázó Vilmos nem oknyomozó riporter volt, hanem protohollywoodi forgatókönyveket írt, amelyek sikere nagyban függött attól, hány vödör vért locsoltak szét bennük a színpadon*. Gillingham fő ambíciója az, hogy lekaparja a mítoszokat az eseményekről. Rámutat, hogy bár azt hihetnénk, akkoriban gyakorlatilag egész Anglia egy merő káosz volt, a lakosság pedig belemakkant a vég nélküli gyilkolásba, valójában a Rózsák háborúja meglepően kevéssé, sőt, semennyire sem hátráltatta a szigetországot a fejlődésben. A városok továbbra is virágoztak, a kereskedelem szintúgy, és bár valóban fel-fellángoltak mindenféle csatározások, de összességében a korszak jelentős részében a béke uralkodott. Hogy lehet ez? Egyfelől azért, mert a Lancesterek és a Yorkok dinasztikus villongásai** az arisztokrácia „magánügyei” voltak, és mindegyik fél nagyon ügyelt arra, hogy a közemberek és az infrastruktúra ne sérüljön. Naná, hisz királyok akartak lenni – és mihez kezdtek volna egy olyan királysággal, amit előtte alaposan kifiléztek? Ugyanezen okból ódzkodtak attól is, hogy hatalmas adóterhekkel nehezítsék meg a lakosság életét, következésképpen seregeiket sosem tudták sokáig egyben tartani – ez pedig jótékonyan korlátozta a harci cselekmények időtartamát. Akkor miért terjedt el mégis, hogy ez egy vérben tocsogó korszak volt? Nos, paradox módon azért, mert nem volt az: ugyanis ekkoriban már annyira rendezettek voltak a viszonyok, hogy volt idejük a hivataloknak feljegyzéseket készíteni, míg az ezt megelőző századokban nem. Pedig hát ott is akadt csihipuhi rendesen. Csak lehet, senkinek nem volt ideje és energiája beszélni róluk.

Remek kötet, helyenként fanyar humorral megírt történelmi értekezés, amelyet áthat a (néha meddő) igyekezet, hogy forrásainak hiteléről meggyőződjön. (Mellesleg pont ez – a rigorózus forráskritika –, ami azok számára is érdekessé teszi, akik nem konkrétan a XV. század, hanem úgy általában a történelemtudomány működése iránt érdeklődnek.) Tanulsága is vagyon: sose higgy az irodalmárnak. Akkor se, ha Shakespeare. Sőt, akkor legkevésbé.

* Igaz, Shakespeare is csak hozott anyagból dolgozott: abból állította össze drámáit, amit elődei átpolitizált írásaikban ráhagyományoztak.
** Jegyezzük meg: a Rózsák háborúja valójában három jól elkülöníthető összeütközésből állt, amelyek közül csak az első színtiszta Lancester-York villongás. A többi már ennél jóval kacifántosabb belpolitikai katyvasz volt, amely elsősorban az uralomra jutott Yorkok berkein belül zajlott.
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Kuszma | 9 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2022 |
Real Rating: 3.75* of five, rounded up because I got good chuckles

The Publisher Says: In America, where "old" is a dirty word, people over sixty-five are often shut out as if growing old were some kind of contagious disease. But you cannot shut the Sunset Gang out of your heart.

With time running short, these intrepid residents of Sunset Village in Florida continue to thirst for life and love.

"The Sunset Gang" is as lively, fun, and courageous a group as you'll find anywhere this side of the Last Reward. The fact that you'll find them at Sunset Village, a condominium retirement community in Florida - where an ambulance siren is the theme song and cycling at a stately pace is strenuous exercise - does not mean that they are ready to pack it all in. Not by a long shot.

Sex and romantic love keep Sunset Village bubbling with activity.

If you were to walk down one of its well-tended paths, you might spot Jenny and Bill sitting on a bench, acting like young lovers, and never suspect that they are married - to other people! And at the pool, Max Bernstein, with an expertise that comes from five decades of skirt chasing, is singling out attractive widows.

But the true beating heart of Sunset Village is the love of family and friends. Widowed Molly Berkowitz learns that although her son and daughter may be failures in the eyes of the world, they are well worth bragging about, and Isaac Kramer begins to feel truly at home when the gray-haired boys down at the Laundromat start calling him by his old neighborhood nickname, "Itch."

This short story series about aging in America that inspired the PBS American Playhouse TV trilogy produced by Linda Lavin and starring Uta Hagen, Harold Gould, Dori Brenner and Jerry Stiller, garnering Doris Roberts an Emmy nomination for 'Best Supporting Actress' in a mini-series.


My Review
: Waitaminnit waitaminnit whereinahell's the Bryce Method, you ask...I hear you, don't front! I'll tell you the truth: much as I say "blahblah isn't a novel, it's a récit or braided stories or a syncretism of Egyptian death-spells with upanishads or whatever," I am equally likely to say this is a novel when told it's stories.

Just that the chapters are a funny length.

For funny old Jewish people, that shouldn't be a problem. And honestly it isn't. This is a comfort read. I got lots and lots of laughs, and as I live in a building full of old Jewish folk, I was frequently trying not to read chunks of it aloud one in particular (it says here). The late Warren Adler knew exactly what he was doing writing this entertaining chronicle of aging and its indignities hidden behind a very slippery figleaf. Laughing at people is frowned on, rightly so, in today's world. But laughing at yourself, and with your friends, is the way to stay sane in a world that won't listen to you, doesn't much want you, but still has your heart walking around in it.

That's everyone in here. While the author first published it in 1977, when a lot of the world's prejudices were different, the list of concerns of the Greatest-Generation cast of Jewish folks sounds exactly the way my neighbors sound. It's a little odd, when I think about it, that the immigrants raised in the 1930s on the Lower East Side and Brownsville who mostly populate the book are darn near clones of the Long Island facility I occupy. But I think it shows cultural continuity is very much a feature of Jewish identity. I know several of my friends here are children of Auschwitz and other camp survivors...only recently, early in COVID, did our last survivor resident die. (Vale Arthur, quit nagging Yhwh about what she needs to do better.)

Oh, okay. I can't resist the power of Tradition in this context. Bryce, your method lives...but only on my blog!
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richardderus | otra reseña | May 22, 2022 |


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