Nube de autores para lensfire

Ben Aaronovitch(14) Lynn Abbey(1) Mark Acres(1) Douglas Adams(8) Richard Adams(3) Patrick H. Adkins(2) Joan Aiken(4) Kenneth Bulmer(2) Brian W. Aldiss(9) Poul Anderson(26) Piers Anthony(12) Jay Ashton(1) Isaac Asimov(23) Robert Asprin(7) J. G. Ballard(1) Iain M. Banks(1) Clive Barker(7) M. A. R. Barker(1) Michael Dennis Barrett(1) T. J. Bass(1) Stephen Baxter(1) Peter S. Beagle(2) Henry Beard(1) Greg Bear(2) John Bellairs(1) Clare Bell(2) Gregory Benford(3) Gordon Gregory and Eklund Benford(1) Robert Jackson Bennett(1) D. R. Bensen(1) Charles Berlitz(1) Alfred Bester(4) Lloyd Biggle, Jr.(4) Michael J. Bird(1) James P. Blaylock(2) James Blish(18) Johanna M. Bolton(1) Ben Bova(3) Chris Boyce(2) John Boyd(2) Leigh Brackett(1) Ray Bradbury(4) Marion Zimmer Bradley(7) David Brin(2) Terry Brooks(1) John Brunner(17) Lois McMaster Bujold(1) Emma Bull(3) John Frederick Burke(2) Edgar Rice Burroughs(2) Jim Butcher(7) Octavia E. Butler(1) James Branch Cabell(1) L. Sprague de Camp(9) L. Sprague De and Pratt Camp, Fletcher(2) Jacqueline Carey(3) Chris Carlsen(1) Christopher Carpenter(1) Jayge Carr(1) Lewis Carroll(1) Angela Carter(1) Lin Carter(4) Andrew Cartmel(1) Jeffrey A. Carver(1) Jack L. Chalker(3) A. Bertram Chandler(1) Joy Chant(2) Perry A. Chapdelaine(1) Robert N. Charrette(3) C. J. Cherryh(8) Deborah Chester(1) R. Chetwynd-Hayes(1) John Christopher(6) Chris Claremont(1) Arthur C. Clarke(27) Susanna Clarke(1) Jo Clayton(8) Hal Clement(4) Genevieve Cogman(3) Richard Condon(1) Michael G. Coney(2) Glen Cook(6) Edmund Cooper(1) Louise Cooper(12) Susan Cooper(7) Richard Cowper(2) Betty Anne Crawford(1) Michael Crichton(2) Gillian Cross(1) John Crowley(1) Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath(2) Clive Cussler(4) C W Casewit(1) Gordon Dahlquist(1) Brian Daley(1) Peter David(1) Avram Davidson(2) Lindsey Davis(2) John DeChancie(1) Samuel R. Delany(5) Lester del Rey(5) August Derleth(1) Graham Diamond(1) Peter Dickinson(1) Philip K. Dick(9) Gordon R. Dickson(8) Flint Dille(1) Thomas M. Disch(4) Stephen Donaldson(1) Stephen R. Donaldson(5) Carole Nelson Douglas(2) L. Warren Douglas(1) Lord Dunsany(2) Doranna Durgin(2) David Eddings(1) E. R. Eddison(4) Rosemary Edghill(2) Rhiannon Hughes(1) Claudia J. Edwards(3) Doris Egan(1) Phyllis Eisenstein(1) Harlan Ellison(1) Ru Emerson(4) Michael Ende(1) Douglas Enefer(1) Christopher Evans(1) Philip José Farmer(12) John Russell Fearn(1) Arnold Federbush(1) Raymond E. Feist(4) Jasper Fforde(9) Charles G. Finney(1) Catherine Fisher(1) Jude Fisher(2) Ian Fleming(1) John M. Ford(1) Frederick Forsyth(1) Alan Dean Foster(11) Christopher Fowler(1) Esther M. Friesner(3) Maggie Furey(3) Neil Gaiman(4) Steve Gallagher(1) Daniel F. Galouye(1) Leon Garfield(1) John Garforth(1) Alan Garner(4) Randall Garrett(3) Jane Gaskell(1) David Gemmell(1) Mary Gentle(3) David Gerrold(1) William Gibson(1) Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1) Don Glut(1) John Gordon(1) Rex Gordon(1) Wilfred Greatorex(1) Andrew M. Greeley(1) Zohra Greenhalgh(1) Terry Greenhough(2) Colin Greenland(1) William Greenleaf(1) Maureen Gregson(1) Ursula K. Le Guin(15) James Gunn(1) Joe Haldeman(3) Barbara Hambly(1) Laurell K. Hamilton(4) Lyndon Hardy(1) Tara K. Harper(1) Harry Harrison(17) M. John Harrison(2) Mark Hayden(1) Robert A. Heinlein(30) Barb Hendee(3) Frank Herbert(6) Jim C. Hines(1) Robin Hobb(4) Edward D. Hoch(1) William Hope Hodgson(2) Robert Holdstock(1) Tom Holt(17) Robert E. Howard(3) Robert E.; De Camp Howard, L. Sprague(2) Fred Hoyle(2) Fred Hoyle en John Elliot(1) FRED & GEOFFREY HOYLE(1) Thomas J. Hubschman(1) Barry Hughart(2) Robert Don Hughes(1) Stephen Hunt(2) Aldous Huxley(1) Benedict Jacka(1) John Jakes(4) David Jarrett(1) Adi-Kent Thomas Jeffrey(1) K. W. Jeter(2) D. F. Jones(1) Diana Wynne Jones(19) J. V. Jones(4) Raymond E. Jones(1) Raymond F. and Lester Del Rey Jones(1) Robert Jordan(1) L. E. Modesitt, Jr.(1) Walter M. Miller, Jr.(1) Raymond Kaminski(1) Jaan Kangilaski(1) Colin Kapp(2) Phyllis Ann Karr(2) Guy Gavriel Kay(5) Leo P. Kelley(1) Paul Kelly(1) Chico Kidd(1) Lee Killough(1) Richard Kirk(5) Rosemary Kirstein(1) Otis Adelbert Kline(1) Damon Knight(3) Frederick Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth(1) Michael Kring(2) Chester Anderson and Michael Kurland(1) Katherine Kurtz(6) Donn Kushner(1) Henry Kuttner(2) Mercedes Lackey(9) Ellen Mercedes; Guon Lackey(1) R. A. Lafferty(2) Noel Langley(1) Michael de Larrabeiti(2) Keith Laumer(5) Louise Lawrence(1) Tanith Lee(10) Fritz Leiber(11) Murray Leinster(4) Madeleine L'Engle(2) C. S. Lewis(4) S. N. Lewitt(2) Holly Lisle(2) Ian Livingstone(2) Alun Llewellyn(1) Edward Llewellyn(1) Syd Logsdon(1) Anne Logston(1) Frank Belknap Long(1) Barry B. Longyear(2) H. P. Lovecraft(5) Andrew Lovesey(1) Brian Lumley(2) Richard A. Lupoff(1) Scott Lynch(2) Elizabeth Lynn(1) Elizabeth A. Lynn(3) R. A. MacAvoy(8) Mary Mackie(1) George Mann(4) Rosemary Manning(1) Jeff Mariotte(1) Stephen Marley(1) George R. R. Martin(5) John Masefield(2) Kathleen Massie-Ferch(1) David I. Masson(1) Ardath Mayhar(1) Julian May(11) Anne McCaffrey(19) Duncan McGeary(1) Vonda N. McIntyre(5) Patricia A. McKillip(5) Robin McKinley(1) Robert Merle(1) A. Merritt(2) China Miéville(2) Craig Mills(1) Naomi Mitchison(1) Donald Moffitt(1) Elizabeth Moon(4) Michael Moorcock(15) Christopher Moore(1) C.L. Moore(2) Patrick Moore(3) John Morressy(4) Janet Morris(3) William Morris(1) Philip K. Dick and Ray Nelson(1) Larry Niven(20) Garth Nix(10) William F. Nolan(2) Andre Norton(60) Warren Norwood(1) Alan E. Nourse(4) Andrew J. Offutt(5) Robert Onopa(1) Jane Palmer(1) Allison Pang(1) Alexei Panshin(1) K. J. Parker(1) Diana L. Paxson(1) Mervyn Peake(3) Kit Pedler(1) Emil / Michael Petaja / Moorcock(1) Ellis Peters(1) H. Beam Piper(2) Edgar Allan Poe(2) Frederik Pohl(9) Viido Polikarpus(1) Jerry Pournelle(1) Tim Powers(6) Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs(1) Terry Pratchett(35) Fletcher Pratt(1) Roger Price(4) Christopher Priest(1) Philip Pullman(3) Glenn Rahman(1) Robert Rankin(2) Trevor Ray(1) Philip Reeve(2) Mack Reynolds(1) Anne Rice(1) Humphrey Richardson(1) Karen Ripley(1) Jennifer Roberson(1) Keith Roberts(3) Nigel Robinson(1) Spider Robinson(2) Gene Roddenberry(1) Michael Scott Rohan(6) Joel Rosenberg(1) Tony Rothman(1) Diana Rowland(1) J. K. Rowling(7) Kristine Kathryn Rusch(1) Eric Frank Russell(7) Joanna Russ(7) Fred Saberhagen(10) Jessica Amanda Salmonson(2) Pamela Sargent(3) James H. Schmitz(6) Michael Scot(1) Jody Scott(2) Melissa Scott(5) Jack D. Shackleford(1) Bob Shaw(4) Michael Shea(2) Lisa Shearin(6) Robert Shea(3) Robert Sheckley(3) Mary Shelley(1) Josepha Sherman(1) Martin Sherwood(1) Will Shetterly(2) Gena Showalter(1) Jan Siegel(2) Robert Sier(1) Robert Silverberg(17) Clifford D. Simak(10) Cordwainer Smith(3) David Smith(1) E. E. Smith(14) E. E. Smith(10) Victor Milan and Melinda Snodgrass(1) Norman Spinrad(4) Aurora Springer(2) Nancy Springer(1) Brian Stableford(13) Robert Stallman(3) Olaf Stapledon(3) Christopher Stasheff(5) Andrew M. Stephenson(1) Caroline Stevermer(2) Mary Stewart(5) Hugh C. Rae(1) James Stoddard(1) Catherine Storr(1) Ronald Story(1) J. Michael Straczynski(1) Noel Streatfeild(1) Arkady Strugatsky(1) Theodore Sturgeon(1) Rosemary Sutcliff(1) Thomas Burnett Swann(12) Jonathan Swift(1) Jodi Taylor(9) Sheri S. Tepper(8) Theodore R Cogswell And Charles A Spanno(1) John Theydon(1) James Tiptree Jr.(7) J. R. R. Tolkien(5) Henry Treece(1) Trevanian(1) E. C. Tubb(6) Harry Turtledove(1) Jack Vance(18) A. E. van Vogt(15) Robert E. Vardeman(4) John Varley(2) Christine Vialls(9) Christine & Kay Collins (editors). Vialls(1) Peter Vialls(4) Joan D. Vinge(2) Vernor Vinge(2) Paula Volsky(1) Karl Edward Wagner(1) Jeffrey M. Wallman(1) Walter Wangerin(1) Ian Watson(8) Lawrence Watt-Evans(1) Steve Wawman(1) Stanley G. Weinbaum(1) H. G. Wells(1) James White(9) Leon Whiteson(1) Andrew Whitmore(1) Cherry Wilder(4) Kate Wilhelm(1) Jack Williamson(10) Philip G. Williamson(1) Robert Moore Williams(1) Tad Williams(11) Colin Wilson(1) F. Paul Wilson(1) Gene Wolfe(2) Chris Wooding BA(1) Patricia C. Wrede(2) Janny Wurts(2) Jonathan Wylie(3) John Wyndham(7) Jane Yolen(3) Roger Zelazny(11)