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Cerulean Sins (2003)

por Laurell K. Hamilton

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Series: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (11)

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5,049592,226 (3.48)30
Fantasy. Fiction. Horror. Romance. HTML:In this audiobook in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, vampire hunter Anita Blake learns what it's like to be at the new end of a centuries-old bloodlineand just how far shell let herself get pushed around.

Once a sworn enemy of all monsters, Anita is now the human consort of both Jean-Claude, the Master Vampire, and Micah, the leopard shapeshifter. Not quite as human as she once was, she is consumed by both their hungersdesires that must be sated time and time again. And when a centuries-old vampire targets Jean-Claude and his clan, Anita finds herself tested as never beforeneeding all the dark forces her passion can muster to save the ones she loves the most...… (más)

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Mostrando 1-5 de 58 (siguiente | mostrar todos)
There was enough good that it got saved from 2 star, but honestly, if I was reading this series instead of listening to it I would have been done with it long ago. Because the bad parts are really frustrating.

I don't know why I keep on going. Maybe I just want to see how low it will go. Maybe it's just easy to listen to when multitasking. Maybe because I know if I stop now, I will never return to it again and I hate leaving series unfinished (not that there is any final book in sight). Maybe because I see some better rated books in the future... ( )
  Levitara | Apr 5, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
In the 11th installment of the Anita Blake series, Belle Morte, a member of the Vampire Council has sent her second in command, Musette, unexpectedly, to scout out the situation in St. Louis. At the same time, a rogue shapeshifter is slaughtering women in the area. Jean Claude and Anita have to deal with Musette and her entourage, while the third member of the triumvirate, the werewolf Ulffric, Richard is on a self destructive downslide. The only question is, will he destroy himself or them all. To make matters worse, the oldest vampire of them all is waking from a thousand year sleep, and noone knows what that will bring.
This is a very intense novel, even more so than the last. The characters become more and more interesting as time goes on. Anita's character is vastly different from the first book, but she has grown in a natural(supernatural) manner with the development of her necromancer powers and just her life experiences in general. There is so much action here that it is difficult to put the novel down and I will definitely read it again very soon. This series keeps getting better and better and the first book was outstanding. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Cerulean Sins
These books are getting predictable and mundane. The same plots or rather non-plots keep repeating over and over again. How many scary vampires or creatures can come to town and mess with Anita’s mind? Okay, some of them were out of town but the theme is the same. The bad guy threatens Anita or her friends in some way. They are awed by Anita’s power so they either want it or want to kill her. Anita always finds a way to overpower the ancient baddy and saves the day but usually not until a lot of people get hurt and killed….oh, don’t forget raped. The author always makes sure to include lots of rape.
Usually, the plot is something like this; Anita meets someone who needs a zombie raised at her zombie raising job. She helps the police solve a murder. Some badass creature messes with the were-animals or vampires. She has problems with all the men in her life. In the end, all of it ties together somehow and Anita saves the day. Mostly though, the plot takes a secondary stage to Anita’s personal life where she has sex with all kinds of men and is overwhelmed by power.
I have always wondered if the author was either a genius by making the readers dislike Anita and then developing her character into someone more likeable or the author was truly ignorant and thought Anita Blake’s character was cool the way she was. I’m really leaning more towards the ignorant side now.
The author took an arrogant, prejudice and rude woman, who had fighting skills and a little bit of a conscience, albeit not much, and started changing her into someone more tolerant of vampires and shape shifters but also made her into a power-hungry sex fiend and a callous killer. I’ve never liked the character but I liked the world that the author created and I liked the secondary characters. I saw a little bit of a change in Anita Blake’s character when she slowly started to realize that vampires and shape shifters weren’t always evil monsters. In the first few books, Anita was a prude when it came to sex, kind of like a repressed Catholic girl. She wanted to wait until marriage to have sex because she had sex in college with her fiancé but he dumped her afterwards because his family didn’t think she was good enough for him since her mom was Mexican and they were white. She said she didn’t want to make the mistake again. Now, Anita has sex with A LOT of men, not because her attitude has changed towards it but because she is always possessed by something that makes her have to have sex.
Why can’t the author let someone in the book have regular apple-pie type sex? The sex in these books is always twisted and involves pain or weird powers. Anita always feels guilty about it too…at least, she used to feel guilty. Now, she acts like she deserves it and everyone wants her so badly that she is doing them a favor by having sex with them. She even gets mad at them afterwards even if she begged for it. She tells them that they knew she was possessed and shouldn’t have done it. She strings everyone along. Oh, and she gets to have sex with all these men but she refuses to allow them to have sex with anyone else. They have to be true to her or she cuts them off. I loved a part in this book (which makes me think the author does knows what she is doing) where Asher tells her, “If it’s not this, it will be something else. I have watched you with Richard, Jean-Claude, and now Micah. Micah wins his way through your maze by simply agreeing to everything you ask. Jean-Claude wins his place on the edges of your labyrinth by cutting himself off from unbelievable pleasure. Richard will not walk your maze, because he has his own, and only one person can be this confusing in a relationship at one time. Someone has to be willing to compromise, and neither you nor Richard will compromise enough.” He went on to say more but it is too much to write here. I was so happy that someone finally told her the truth. He didn’t include how she messes with Nathaniel and keeps him on a leash but I think he didn’t want to be distasteful or vengeful just truthful.
He said this because Anita had sex with Jean-Claude and Asher to save Asher from the bad vampires. If Asher didn’t belong to someone or wasn’t having sex with Jean-Claude, the bad vampires would be able to have sex with him. It sounds a lot like rape to me but for some reason, the vampire council allows it because Jean-Claude and Asher come from a line of vampires who are a sort of succubus and/or incubus and therefore have to have sex to live. Asher, who is in love with Jean-Claude, told Anita and Jean-Claude that it would kill him if he was invited into their bed just for one night so he refused until Anita assured him that it wouldn’t be just for one night. During the act, Anita was having intercourse with Jean-Claude and asked Asher to enter her also. Jean-Claude said not to enter the only other orifice available and Anita was begging so Asher bit her. Even though she agreed, she later cried foul which made Asher say that he was leaving them because she had given him hope then ripped it away. Anita is good at that.
What was the plot of this book? Anita is still possessed by the ardeur. In the last book, Jean-Claude had to give her the third mark (there are a total of four marks) in order to make her more powerful to defeat a bad guy. Since Jean-Claude descends from a line of vampires that are basically succubae/incubate, he passed it on to her. It’s called ardeur and it has to be fed by sex to keep her from going crazy. She has to feed from sex twice a day. She has actual intercourse with Micah in the mornings but Micah is being weakened from it so she switches off days and feeds on Nathaniel on the days she doesn’t feed on Micah but she doesn’t actually have intercourse with Nathaniel. Jean-Claude is sleeping or dead during the day so she can’t have sex with him. Now, she needs to choose one or two other men to have sex with because she is making everyone weak. She has sex with Jason, a were-wolf.
Jean-Claude and Asher have been making arrangements for an emissary from the head (the vampire who created them) of Jean-Claude’s line of vampires to come for a visit. The emissary and entourage arrives months early and is there to cause trouble and play weird vampire games.
A murderer is killing and raping women. He rips the women apart so he is probably not human. Dolph, the head of the police squad for preternatural investigations, hates shifters and vampires. His son has recently decided to marry a vampire and he can’t handle it. Because Anita is sleeping with vampires and shifters, he is angry with her. He is starting to lose control of his anger and flips out in front of everyone.
Two men are tailing Anita. She has them arrested but they aren’t talking. She thinks they are trying to recruit her to raise zombies. Some people may want her skills for nefarious means.
Richard is still super angry with Anita. At one point, he needed her help. He was almost dying so his bodyguards brought him to use her bathtub to warm him up. She refuses to even turn the water on for them. She leaves the house while his body guards try to save him. When she has needed Richard, even when he has been mad at her, he has helped her. She just left him there for others to take care of him. And then she wonders why he is so bitter.
That’s basically what the book was about. It’s a good thing I bought and downloaded a bunch of the books and already have them or this would have been my last book in this series.

( )
  dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Synopsis: 'Cerulean Sins apparently takes place some time after the events of the previous novel, Narcissus in Chains. Anita is happily living with Micah and Nathaniel and dating Micah and Jean-Claude. However, as usual, Anita is confronted by a series of simultaneous problems.
First, she appears to be attracting the attention of a number of spies, including Leo Harlan, a professional assassin who claims to want Anita to reanimate one of his ancestors to assist in genealogical research and two mercenaries who Anita arrests via her Federal Marshal status after noticing them following her.
Second, Jean-Claude is unpleasantly surprised by an early visit from Musette and her entourage, all of whom are representatives of the founder of Jean-Claude's bloodline, Belle Morte and represent an attempt by Belle Morte to test and possibly punish or capture Jean-Claude and his followers.
Third, Anita learns of a series of shockingly brutal rapes and murders, apparently committed by a shapeshifter serial killer. However, because of her deteriorating relationship with Dolph, Anita is unable to get cooperation from the police in solving the crimes.
As usual, Anita resolves each of these conflicts with a combination of ruthlessness, magical power, and the loyalty of her friends and lovers.
Anita ultimately learns that the mercenaries have been spying on her to consider recruiting her for a secret mission overseas. (As Agent Bradford warned Anita in Obsidian Butterfly, Anita has come to the attention of one or more secret agencies within the US government). Luckily for Anita, at her mentor Marianne's insistence, Anita had stopped using animal sacrifices to raise zombies. Without the additional power granted by an animal sacrifice, Anita's zombies were sufficiently "zombie-looking" to convince the mercenaries that she would not be able to perform the job, arguably validating Marianne's belief that the animal sacrifices would result in bad karma.
Anita confronts, outmaneuvers, or defeats Belle Morte several times. First, she and Jean-Claude take Asher to their (cerulean) bed in a menage a trois, making Asher their lover and therefore immune to most of Belle Morte's advances. Second, Anita, with help from Richard, Jean-Claude, and her wereleopards, is able to block Belle Morte's attempts to make Anita her human servant. Third, Anita is ultimately able to trap Musette in their game of courtly politics, proving that Belle Morte and her proxy Musette has violated the terms of her invitation and forcing Musette and her people to leave.
More alarmingly, Anita begins to believe that Belle Morte is planning a war against the Mother of Darkness, the oldest and most powerful of the world's vampires. Although Anita and Jean-Claude do their best to avoid that conflict, the Mother of Darkness is beginning to awaken from a millennia-long sleep, and seems interested in Anita.
Finally, Anita helps Zerbrowski track down the shapeshifting serial killer, who turns out to be a werewolf member of the mercenary team sent to observe Anita herself. After a confrontation in which several police officers are killed, Anita tracks down the werewolf a second time and executes him.
In the epilogue, Anita explains that she is continuing to date Micah and Jean-Claude, and that she has also added Asher to her list of lovers. She and Richard are still broken up, but Richard appears to be overcoming his death wish. Two of Belle Morte's vampires have received permission to remain in St. Louis, both to repair the damage done by their visit and to attempt to stay out of the way of any conflict between Belle Morte and the Mother of Darkness.'
Review: While Belle Morte is annoying, the Mother of Darkness is scary. Belle Morte's vampires are creepy, as well. ( )
  DrLed | Dec 25, 2021 |
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Laurell K. Hamiltonautor principaltodas las edicionescalculado
Holloway, CynthiaNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Lagerman, JudithDiseñador de cubiertaautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
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To J., who says yes more than he says no; who never makes me feel like a freak, and who came up with the title for this book.
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It was early September, a busy time of year for raising the dead.
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Wikipedia en inglés (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. Horror. Romance. HTML:In this audiobook in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, vampire hunter Anita Blake learns what it's like to be at the new end of a centuries-old bloodlineand just how far shell let herself get pushed around.

Once a sworn enemy of all monsters, Anita is now the human consort of both Jean-Claude, the Master Vampire, and Micah, the leopard shapeshifter. Not quite as human as she once was, she is consumed by both their hungersdesires that must be sated time and time again. And when a centuries-old vampire targets Jean-Claude and his clan, Anita finds herself tested as never beforeneeding all the dark forces her passion can muster to save the ones she loves the most...

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