Fantasy novel set in medieval period

CharlasName that Book

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Fantasy novel set in medieval period

Editado: mayo 20, 10:56 am

Okay, so I read this book when I was still in primary school which was almost 10 years ago, it is a fantasy book my memory of the plot is quite foggy at this point but from what I remember the protagonist was a young girl who had powers who lived in the poorest part of the kingdom (set in the medieval period). She didn't have any family except her brother/close neighbour/family friend who used to hunt in the woods so they had food. I think her powers were discovered because she tried to hide it and she was captured by huntsmen/soldiers and held captive at this camp. I think there was a head wizard or something I can't remember. I do remember it being a little mature for my age so it is probably a young adult book.

There was also a captain/general who was obsessed with her/her power and was trying to pursue her, a weird guard who tried to assault her a few times I think he was killed by the captain but I don't remember clearly. I read this around 2012/13 so the book was published either a few years before or around that time.

This is the most I can remember about the book, I really hope someone knows the book i'm describing, any suggestions are helpful!!

mayo 20, 4:01 pm

Shadow and bone by Leigh Bardugo?

mayo 20, 4:35 pm

Wheel of Dreams?

FMC has magic that is suppressed related to dreams (read this over thirty years ago). Magic is embraced in the north. She's trying to flee north. The MMC is a mercenary captain with a touch of the same magic that ends up being linked to her.

mayo 20, 5:31 pm

Ive watched the show but not read the book so I am going to check it out!