The Ig's list for 2021

Charlas100 Books in 2021 Challenge!

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The Ig's list for 2021

Editado: Ene 3, 2021, 2:13 pm


-l Library
-k Kindle
-r Repeat reading

Close to hitting 3 figures last year although 2 kindle unlimited subscriptions for a few months had me reading a lot of horror/post-apoc trashy quick reads/novellas which no doubt bumped the numbers up.
A lot I enjoyed immensely though; some surprisingly? well written and with better characterization that many 'mainstream' published novels that I've read.

What stood out for me last year ?

Nothing completely blew me away, probably the best novel I read was Fourth of July Creek by Smith Henderson although that could have done with 100 pages being lopped off. The 3 Jess Walter books were also good, and my first William Gay novel was a typically well written bit of Southern Gothic.

From the Kindle Unlimited crew - some of Rich Hawkin's stuff was suitably bleak. Echo's of Cormac's The Road - the last plague series - and The Cold (although a rip off of The Mist by S.King) impressed and being set in the UK helped. Also read all 4 books of 'Spanish Journals - The Posthumous Diary of an Expat' which I got completely sucked into. VERY dry British humour.

Disappointments were the new John Niven, and to a degree Adam Nevill's Wyrd and other - although a brave attempt on a new approach to the horror genre.

Also thought Miss Lonelyhearts was a unpleasant overrated affair - failed to see the plaudits for it. Definitely the only book I didn't enjoy. David Gates ' Jernigan' was ok, but not on a par with Preston Falls.

No plans for this year; been slowly jettisoning books to the local Oxfam as bookcases full, so maybe some re-reads before passing on and also attacking the TBR pile.

Editado: Feb 14, 2021, 2:13 pm


1. The Spread: Book 1 (The Hill) by Iain Rob Wright -k
2. The Spread: Book 2 (The Village) by Iain Rob Wright -k
3. Tar: An apocalyptic horror novella by Iain Rob Wright -k

More trashy horror to start the year as my kindle unlimited subscription runs out - The Spread duo were very readable and had some extremely relatable well observed characters.

4. Wealth Exposed: by MJ DeMarco -k
5. I want to live in Spain by Mark Harrison -k

6. Animal Kingdom: A Horror Survival Novel by Iain Rob Wright -k

Last trashy horror, promise ...

Editado: Feb 14, 2021, 2:14 pm

7. John Barleycorn `Alcoholic Memoirs' by Jack London -k

Like most drinkers, he doesn't half witter on and repeat himself; believing his insight's have some profound knowledge. Very tedious towards the end. Some interesting autobiographical bits, although he's better at sailing/drinking/fishing/studying than anyone else etc etc which gets tiresome.

Editado: Feb 14, 2021, 2:17 pm


8. The Quiet Soldier by Adam Ballinger -r

After a flurry of reading activity at the start of Jan, have slowed down a fair bit. Picked up the above which I've read a couple of times from my shelves for a re-read and it's still as good as ever.

It's his experience from a fair few years back, of trying out for the TA side of the SAS and describing the experience and what he endures. Endures is the optimum word, esp. as he is working FT as well and doing the training alongside this. But No gung ho stuff here - certainly the contrast between this and the majority of those books about trying out for the Navy Seals couldn't be more different.
Ballinger is a well read Oxbridge graduate and the story/language flows at times in an almost hypnotic fashion. There is a side story which confuses a bit and the ending - without spoiling - isn't great or well explained, but maybe that was his intention. Def. worth a read.

9. Born Free ("Rebel Inc")by Laura Hird -k -l
10. 48 by James Herbert -k -l -r

Going through my local library's online collection and pulling out random stuff.

Born free was a book from the 'Rebel inc' publisher that I've never read - grim Scottish family falling apart in the late 90's. Well written from the 4 individual family members perspective but frankly all the characters are rather loathsome in some way.

James Herbert - a post apoc thriller set in 1948 rather than his usual horror fair. Read years ago and an enjoyable easy read again.

Editado: Jul 27, 2021, 4:55 am

11. Shuggie Bain: Winner of the Booker Prize 2020 by Douglas Stuart -k

Grimness personified - not entirely sure how this one won though.

12. Corksucker (Cab Driver Stories from the L.A. Streets) by Dan Fante

Fante out Bukowski'ing (now that's a verb!) Bukowski again.

Editado: Mar 6, 2021, 7:14 am

13. The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel -k

Enjoyable multi-character/time/themed novel which despite the jumping around (which in the hands of some authors can be irritating) did flow. Well created characters.

14. Whatever by Michel Houellebecq -k -r

Was actually looking to find my copy of Station 11 from author above to re-read but found this and obv in a nihilist mood. The first time I read this, I believe I thought it was actually ok but just came across as pretentious on his off-tangential ramblings. Maybe I'm just too stupid too understand/appreciate...

Editado: Mar 6, 2021, 7:14 am


15. Serotonin by Michel Houellebecq -k

Started off promising in a typical Houellebecq fashion but then fell apart, dragged on slowly and spluttered to a halt like an aging car than hasn't been maintained properly. Not as pretentious as some of his earlier works.

Editado: Ago 8, 2021, 9:02 am

16. Tweak: Growing up on Crystal Meth by Nic Sheff -k

Very well written - the boy can certainly string a sentence together but like many of these post-addiction accounts, they don't half witter on. Probably symptomatic typical junkie self absorbed behaviour; believing that they alone deserve to tell their tale, when it's not exactly a rarity in the publishing world.
When you read something like Shuggie Bain which is obv. based on the author's own experience of growing up with an addict, you have very little, if any sympathy at times for the individuals, esp this guy with everyone offering support which he shows such a lack of gratitude for.

The guy is intelligent by all accounts and from a privileged background which for me rankles even more.
The phrase 'utterly spoiled brat' is rather appropriate.

Living in Scotland, I know a lot of drug users ended up abusing to escape the misery of a poverty led existence in constant dreich weather - more a contributing factor than people think. Certainly not applicable here.

I may read his fathers account but that would probably make me dislike him even more. Still, a worthwhile read if you haven't read anything in this field before.

Editado: Mar 15, 2021, 4:03 pm

17. The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx -k

How is that man still alive ? Def. contrast with the Tweak book - a book here filled with a year in the true life of a (amazingly) functioning junkie - and despite the rockstar glamour life; there is no glamour in Nikki's life. Just sordid, sad self-obsessed but thankfully no self-pitying junkie behaviour. A man who craves his bedroom closet (his drug parlour) where he can inject without anyone knowing. Contrasted again with the book above - a childhood of literal abandonment (and we get differing stories from the adults involved here) which does seem to play a part.
Whilst Slash's autobiography was funny in it's excesses, this is just tragic for the most part - which is what Nikki probably wanted. The perfect advertisement not to take hard drugs.
Well written in the diary form with reflections from those involved years later, does also paint the record company/manager as wanting to milk the band as much as possible for money at the expense of their health.

Editado: Mar 29, 2021, 9:47 am

18. Polar Eskimo by Alex Hibbert -k
19. Runt by Niall Griffiths -r

Editado: Abr 8, 2021, 9:02 am

20. Congo Journey by Redmond O'Hanlon

A long difficult book that had sat unread for many, many years on my shelves. Glad I read it, but glad to see the back of it.

The LT review by wa233 sums it up far better than I ever possibly could.

Editado: Abr 13, 2021, 1:09 pm

21.Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2 by Annie Proulx

Great collection. Thinning my TBR pile and equally my library, preparing for a move.
Strange cathartic watching my library go down 1/3 ( around 300 books/maps so far) and deleting them from LT.

Imagine others would see it the other way ....but lots of space now on my bookshelves for the first time in years though.

Abr 18, 2021, 5:55 am

22. Heart Songs by Annie Proulx

Another great collection but whilst Bad Dirt was full of idiosyncratic fun, this is far from it.

Dark tales with damaged characters.

Books don't half take up space when packing do they ? Emptied the smallest of my 4 bookcases and was amazed on how much room they took up and the weight of the boxes ... and this was just full of small pb's and no weighty tomes.

Got even more ruthless when then evaluating my other cases and that is another 25-30 for Oxfam when they re-open.

Editado: mayo 1, 2021, 5:33 am

23. If it Bleeds by Stephen King -k

Usually like his novella's and shorts far more than some of his novels, but nothing here really took my imagination and the title story I was glad to finish - too long and felt forced throughout.

24. Later (Hard Case Crime) by Stephen King -k

OK, but nothing special - compared to Joyland which I really enjoyed.

Editado: mayo 5, 2021, 10:13 am


Tempted by a 6 months 1/2 price kindle unlimited subscription, but must not succumb to questionable post-apoc stuff again ...

25. Young Blood (Young Blood Trilogy Book 1) by Andrew Barrer -k

My review says it all:

I succumbed .....

26. The Snow: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller (The Exodus Plague Book 1)by Huw Collingbourne -k

27. The Plague Stones by James Brogden -k

Editado: mayo 30, 2021, 5:54 am

28. So the Wind Won't Blow it All Away by Richard Brautigan -k -r

Fancied a re-read of some Brautigan and was easily downloaded to being on Kindle Unlimited. Def. one of his more melancholic works and the language isn't as playful.

29. Candy by Luke Davies -k

In the words of Mr Garrison 'don't do drugs, cause drugs are bad'.

30. King Carrion by Rich Hawkins -k

Well written with Rich's usual mournful air and backstory but I find vampire stuff a bit mickey... says the man who has read more zombie books than I care to mention ;)

31. The End of Everything: Book 1 by Christopher Artinian -k

I know, I know. More post-apoc zombie stuff from KU - set initially in Edinburgh so curious on that front and not badly written. Two main characters are bickering teenage sisters which does make a change and seems to work so far - although one is far more clued up than any 15 year old I know or certainly was at that age.

32. The End of Everything: Book 2 by Christopher Artinian -k
33. The End of Everything: Book 3 by Christopher Artinian -k
34. The End of Everything: Book 4 by Christopher Artinian -k
35. The End of Everything: Book 5 by Christopher Artinian -k

Getting sucked into this - but not sure if I'll go all the way to part 9.

36. The End of Everything: Book 6 by Christopher Artinian -k

Needed a break ....

37. Gwendy's button box by Stephen King -k -r
38. The Man in the Tent: My Life under Canvas - The First Four Years -k

Editado: Nov 8, 2021, 8:11 am


39. Different Parts of Everywhere: Cycling the World, Part Three: Mori to by Chris Pountney -k

End of an epic ROW (more than once) cycle. Well written.

40. This Rotten World by Jacy Morris -k
41. This Rotten World - 2 by Jacy Morris -k
42. No Half Measures - Alan Jones -k

43. Life And Limb: A true story of tragedy and survival by Jamie Andrew -k

Very inspiring account from a climber who loses all 4 limbs to frostbite and needs to re-learn how to live. Very interesting in the practicalities of how this was achieved and the work from those in this field.

44. This Rotten World: Let It Burn by Jacy Morris -k
45. This Rotten World: Winter of Blood by Jacy Morris -k

Another Zombie post-apoc number, better than most and quite happy to kill off major characters without issue.

Entire physical library packed now, so going to purely kindle reads for the foreseeable future.

Editado: Jul 12, 2021, 10:08 am


46. I Swear I'll Make It Up to You: A Life on the Low Road by Mishka Shubaly -k

Druggie alcoholic waster to ultramarathaon runner - well written but goes on a bit.

47. The Helicopter Pilot - A Novel by Darcy Hoover - k Review to follow

48. May Day (NP Novella) by Emma Coleman -k
49. Cold Hands - John Niven -k -r

Editado: Jul 23, 2021, 12:23 pm

50. The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Jacy Morris -k

Started promisingly with a decent historical background to the Black Death and slow air of impending doom building up, but kind of lost it's way with a bit of a plot twist that added nothing to the narrative. The end then dragged considerably and I found myself rushing through bits to finish. Disappointing as this had showed lots of promise earlier - added a supernatural air that along with the plague didn't really work for me.

51. Kill Your Friends by John Niven -k -r

Still as brutal (and funny) as ever.

52. American Rust by Philipp Meyer -k -r

Reread as was sitting in my kindle folder but not as good as I remembered.
Some of the characters action towards the end are a bit implausible.

Editado: Dic 24, 2021, 12:06 pm

New living location and back to my old local library.

53. Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops by Shaun Bythell -l

OK and amusing in places - but he's kind of milking it now - I would have actually preferred a vol 3 of his diary series, but considering the events of the last 18 months, might have been a bit sparse ..

54. That Old Country Music by Kevin Barry -l

Despite the quality of the writing, where KB can conjure up a simile that other authors would lose limbs for; there's a still a hit and miss feel to this. The swearing seems forced for some reason and the last story I found irritating and not fitting with this collection. The theme is here is love, mostly lost love and being set in Ireland, rain plays a major part too and a linking at times to the land itself.
He's still a author whose command of language puts in a league of his own but I still don't think he's ever re-hit the heights of 'beer trip to Llandulo' which is for me, one of the most perfect short stories ever written. Still worth checking out though, the fact that all reviews on here mention different tales as their favourite shows how subjective the short story format is. Roma Kid was incredibly poignant.

Jul 31, 2021, 8:07 am

55. The Diary of a Bookseller - Shaun Bythell -l -r

After being disappointed with his latest (bit of cash in) book, got this back out and enjoyed it even more on a re-read than the first time. An awful lot of melancholy which I didn't pick up previously; the passing of time in a way is a bit of a subtext throughout.
There is a very poignant scene where he visits the decript flat of an elderly spinster who has passed away to evaluate her books on the request of a relative.

Editado: Ago 9, 2021, 2:05 pm


56. Zone One by Colson Whitehead -l -r

Wanted to re-read this for some reason; it's good, well written but not as good as I remember - although maybe was expecting more typical Zombie post-apoc fare.

57. Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption and Hollywood by Danny Trejo -k

Great autobiography from a man seeking redemption for his early wrong doings.

58 . Hired: Six Months Undercover in Low-Wage Britain by James Bloodworth -k

Some irony here getting a book on kindle about poor conditions working in Amazon amongst others (those being Uber/Care homes).
Book could have been quite insightful but it's let down by a naive at times and outdated (certainly in the preface) of the author's (old-skool) left leanings. Whilst he would probalby be labelled a Guardian reading type - he's actualy more of Daily Express one with things should be like there were in the 50's/60's. Maybe not wrong in at lot of aspects ....

59. Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops by Jen Campbell -l

Editado: Ago 14, 2021, 11:33 am

60. The Cold Millions by Jess Walter -l

Best book I've read in a long time - review to follow.

61. Full Throttle by Joe Hill -l

Editado: Ago 25, 2021, 6:22 am

62. Broken Ghost by Niall Griffiths -l

Reminiscnet of Grits as opposed to his more recent works, this takes us back to drugs/counter-culture/dole existing on the fringes of society in Wales.

I like NG's stuff but felt it was a bit 'lazy' from him in the subject matter and belonged to his earlier writing. Still has the somewhat OTT adjective laden sections that feel forced at times. Some of the scenes I think also were for pure shock value and didn't do anything for the narrative.

63. This Rotten World: Choking on the Ashes by Jacy Morris -k

Had read the other 4 parts earlier this year and enjoyed, so when the finale was just published a bit ago, had to read before I forgot the various characters.
Good but a few too many Deus ex machina devices that came into play. Characters were very well devleoped although the actions of one weren't particulary realistic I thought (no plot spoiler) and didn't really make sense in some ways.

Editado: Ago 28, 2021, 10:13 am

64. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe -l

I imagine this caused quite a furrow amongst many when it was first published over 50 years ago. Strangely ? relevant in some ways - Arthur's stance on work - although though rather misogynistic even taking into account that era's attitude. There is no love for the Arthur throughout the novel and when he sort of gets his comuppence you wish he'd got it harder. His attitude towards work/life must have been seemed excessivily contrarian for that time esp. amongst his working class peers.

I do wish I'd read this though when I was the protanganists age, and really would have liked to read this as at that age when it first came out; had I been born in that era. I suspect it would have both validated my world view and changed my life in some aspects, although certainly not all.

65. Blood Med: (Max Cámara 4) by Jason Webster -l

Enjoyable easy read - not usually a massive crime fiction fan - the odd Rebus on holiday for some reason, but I like Jason Webster's non-fiction about Spain and his Max Camara series do take immerse you in Valencia where the series is set.

Editado: Sep 7, 2021, 3:38 pm


66. Hope And Other Stories by Laura Hird -l

Well written and easily read but ultimately forgettable - I'm struggling less than a week to remember any of them, apart from the title story which doesn't go anywhere with a ending purely for shock value. Entertaining but no filler. The characters are not likeable and hard to associate with.

67. 101 Things I have Learned by vernon coleman -k

Surprisingly good - esp. the financial stuff. For an ex-GP though I would take some of his medical/nutritional advice with a spoonful of the proverbial. Some valid points though although you would expect that I hope.

Editado: Sep 25, 2021, 12:18 pm

68. Any Human Heart by William Boyd -l

As good as everyone says.

69. Zenslacker: 101 things to bear in mind when you're doing nothing by Robert Twigger -k

Zen thoughts almost meet Viz style top tips .... enjoyable.

70. The Sound of My Voice by Ron Butlin -l

Written in the 2nd person; this little known short novel by a poet describes an almost functioning alcoholic who works as a biscuit executive. There is humour at times but of the tragic sort. My partner felt sorry for him after reading it, I felt sorry for his wife and children. Made me re-asses some of the nonsense I've heard in meetings and wondering now whether some of my colleagues are similar afflicted ? The prose at times is captivating and I re-read to savour some of descriptions. Really surprised (as noted by IWelsh in the forward), that this isn't mentioned up there with the rest of the contemporary Scottish novels. Certainly deserves to be.

Editado: Nov 8, 2021, 8:06 am

71. The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead -l

72. Toxic Stress: And the 21st Century Blues by Vernon Coleman -k

An old book but with advice that is even more relevant today and often repeated by modern commentators. Had this been published by someone like Ryan Holiday etc, would probably have been a No.1 best seller.

73. The Trick Is To Keep Breathing by Janice Galloway -l

A lot of plaudits for this; some deserved, but hard work at times due to subject matter/style of writing and being 50 pages too long.

Editado: Oct 4, 2021, 11:40 am

74. Ask an Adventurer by Alastair Humphreys -k

Realistic (esp. for da yoof ..) and good info on starting up a podcast/blog, self promotion. Not of interest to me personally on that front but freebie on Kindle Unlimited and a fan of his other works. Some reflective points as well worth reading.

75. Waterline by Ross Raisin -l -r

Re-read - just as good, just as sad.

76. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho -l

Failed to see what all the fuss is about personally.

Oct 10, 2021, 7:51 am

77. The Earth Beneath My Feet: A 7,000-Mile Walk of Discovery into the Heart… by Andrew Terrill -k

Before the era of self publishing and 'I've just done something that 100's of other folk have done but it's all about me, and even though I can't write, I'll still clog up Kindle Unlimited with my poor written and uninspiring claptrap' (cynical me, never ..) there were a handful of writers that did epic walks and could make them interesting (Chris Townsend , Nick Crane in particular).

This wholeheartedly deserves to stand along side them. I wish it had been written or published before the era of Kindles as sadly it may get lost in the drivel out there. This stands out above the pack for many reasons - the author's genuine love of nature/solitude/wild places and communicated across, bringing the reader into his world and for want of a better word 'quest'. It would be a challenging undertaking now, but back then before internet access and GPS, you could understand his parents concern about the dangers involved.

The starting of his journey - in the South of Italy - is particularly impressive for various reasons, the reader will need to discover these for themselves. This is the first half and it's still a long book, but only at times - towards the end - did I wish it to hurry along. However the Appenines section is travel/nature writing at it's best and I don't say that lightly.

Editado: Nov 8, 2021, 8:03 am

78. Lost in Europe: A Hitchhiking Adventure by Chris Pountney -k

and this perfectly sums up my 1st paragraph above in the above post - I only read this due being on K Unlimited, and wanting something quick to read.

I did really enjoy Chris's around the world series which was well written. This however just reeks of cash, pretty poorly written and there's nothing special about what he did - I could publish a genuinely eventful similar hitchhiking story that I did in the 90's which would raise a few eyebrows but why ? It's just what people do (well my generation did), no need to make such a bit deal out of it . Rant (of sorts) over.

79. No Wrong Turns: Cycling the World, Part One: Paris to Sydney by Chris Pountney -k

Opposite of above - I'd read this as a series of blog posts on CGOAB and was very entertained by it.

He's done very well to make it into a book and for non-mainstream author, I would put this as one of the best cycle travelogue's I've ever read (and I've read a few). Some dry self-deprecating quite at times unique humour with a steel reserve as a cyclist. Enjoyed re-reading his travels. This is by far the best of the series of 3, if nothing else due to all at times amusing/at times desperate events that unfold.

80. Cunning Folk by Adam Nevill -k

Always look forward to the latest AN book and whilst this was good, there was bit too much of a hint of the Reddening at times here.

Editado: Mar 6, 2022, 12:54 pm


81. Their Lips Talk of Mischief by Alan Warner -l

82. The Insanity of Gambling by Christopher Raddings -k

83. The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, by Michael Easter -k

84. The Lifetime Learner's Guide to Reading and Learning by Gary Hoover -k

Editado: Nov 10, 2022, 8:47 am

85. Vivaldi and the Number 3 by Ron Butlin -l

One of the quirkiest books I've ever read; surrealist short chapters regarding classical composers and the odd philosopher in unusual circumstances. Seneca moves to the Southside of Edinburgh for example, testing his stoic resilience.

Some don't work, but the majority do, in at times a quite funny manner.
The author certainly knows his classical music.

86. Lost Girl by Adam Nevill -r -k

Fancied a re-read of this and didn't disappoint. The novel's background themes all far more relevant today than when he wrote it.

Nov 22, 2021, 6:09 am

87. Here (Elsewhere) - Various -l

Some quirky little tales, that were enjoyable on the theme of here. The Alan Warner one - which is why I borrowed it - was very amusing.

88. Revival - Stephen King - r -l

Saw in the library and fancied a re-read. Well told tale with possibly some of the darkest stuff that I've read from him towards the end.

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 11:07 am

89. The Chill by Scott Carson -k

Review to follow

90. The Skittering by David Haynes -k

Trashy horror about mutated insects that kill people. Well written and enjoyable.

91. Beneath the Boards by David Haynes -k

This wasn't great though, readable but got a bit implausible in terms of character behaviour to the end.

Editado: Dic 6, 2021, 8:28 am

92. Gentlemen Players by Joanne Harris -l

Not my usual fare; but inspired by Eyejaybee's review, and it's local library availability gave it a go. Glad I did. Little bit too long IMO but a satisfying thriller of sorts, with some great characterisation and a cheeky twist that I certainly didn't see coming.

93. The Last Outpost (The Plague Series Book 2) by Rich Hawkins -k -r

Needed something dark and this fitted the bill - bleak, bleak tale.

Editado: Dic 17, 2021, 12:35 pm

94. Billy Summers by Stephen King -l

Not bad and had me sucked it till the end , but the arrival of the protagonists side kick and their actions were questionable. Should have finished the story earlier. Bit too much moralising as well. Also there was a small pointless link to another S.King story (which sometimes he does well) - that really has no place here in the narrative. To say more would plot spoil although it doesn't have any bearing on the story what so ever and had me feeling a bit confused when it appeared.

95. The Last Soldier - Plague Winter - Rich Hawkins -r -k

As bleak a book as you could read - similar in it's premise (in a way) to Mccarthy's 'The Road' but bleaker if possible. Set in the UK, his prose captures a post-apoc landscape perfectly including the constant drudgery of the weather.

96. Banged Up Abroad: Hellhole: Our Fight to Survive South America's Deadliest… by James Miles -k

Not sure how exaggerated this is, but even if half true, totally insane.

Editado: Dic 24, 2021, 12:02 pm

97. The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell -l -r

Enjoyable re-read.

98. The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward -l

Excellent psychological/horror (sort of) thriller with a number of twists that I thought could be plausible at times but was never sure.
Extremely well plotted and Cleverley done. Don't read reviews or anything about this before hand otherwise you will spoil the experience.

Dic 28, 2021, 6:37 am

99. A Body in Barcelona: Max Cámara 5 by Jason Webster -l

Another easy to read, enjoyable book in the series. A lot more political than most of the others.

100. The Colorado Kid (Hard Case Crime) by Stephen King -l

Do another 'Joyland' Steve, the last two of your Crime have been weak in comparison.

101. Coming Up for Air by George Orwell -k

An Orwell I hadn't read previously and OK (ish) - got annoying at the end and the main protagonist isn't exactly a likeable person. A lament for times past and the nostalgia of childhood which is maybe rather relevant at the moment to a lot of us.

So finally hit the 100 and not too much quick read 'dross' either to get the numbers up ;) .....although balanced by Congo Journey earlier in the year which was almost a chore to get through at times.

A lot more enjoyable books this year; possibly due to being reliant on my local re-opened library as my own collection is in storage.

Editado: Nov 10, 2022, 8:40 am

102. Escape from Venezuela's Deadliest Prison by Natalie Welsh -k

Saw this on KU and having read a previous book regarding a Brit in a Venezuelan prison (which was possibly the most OTT book I've ever read in terms of non-fiction) wanted to see if it was true or exaggerated. Looks like the most part it was the former.

103. The Insanity of Gambling 2 – Consequences -k

and finished with some absolute dross .....