2020 International Booker Prize shortlist: The Discomfort of Evening

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2020 International Booker Prize shortlist: The Discomfort of Evening

Abr 24, 2020, 5:05 pm

This thread is for discussion of The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, which was translated by Michele Hutchison. No unhidden spoilers, please.

Jul 21, 2020, 11:07 pm

I read this book because of its nomination for the International Booker Prize and its Dutch. It's the story about a very conservative religious peasant family, affected by the death of a child. Through the eyes of the young Jas we see how each family member deals with this loss in their own way. The parents are completely paralyzed by sadness and fail to see how Jas and her siblings are derailing slowly. On each page we read about religion, sexuality and the filth of existence. It was beyond unpleasant to read, but very well written and it kept me reading on.