How many books does Stephen King have left?

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How many books does Stephen King have left?

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Feb 28, 2019, 12:49 pm

As of this writing, Mr. King is 71 years old. The average American male lifespan is 76.4 years. Given that Mr. King has a very comfortable lifestyle, can afford the best healthcare, eats right and stays healthy, how many more years/books does he have left?
I hate to think about it, but Stephen King is beginning the twilight of his career. I would say he has 10 years left of writing ( I hope more). He puts out about 1.5 books a year. This is just a guess, I say he puts out 15 more books in his lifetime, maybe another 4-5 unfinished or lost manuscripts following his death. Maybe a few short story collections. I'm hoping 20 or more new books before it's all said and done.
Anyone else have any guesses?

Feb 28, 2019, 2:47 pm

That sound about right, but as far as bottom drawer novels go - remember Blaze? Shudder.

Mar 4, 2019, 4:33 am

I'd say he peaked in the 80s, frankly. I've only read 4-5 of his works since 2000, and the only one I really liked was the one about JFK's assassination. And parts of Hearts in Atlantis.

But it would be wonderful if he surprised his critics with one last great one, as Hemingway did when he published the Old Man and the Sea in his 60s (I think).

Mar 4, 2019, 2:31 pm

I’ll tell you one of the latter King novels that I really enjoyed was Revival. Maybe it was just me, but it felt a little like throwback Stephen King to me.

Mar 5, 2019, 12:07 pm

I think Stephen King was in his prime during the 1980s, the '90s were kind of hit and miss and the early 2000's he was in a slump. Being a King fan, I like everything he writes although there are novels better than others. I think now he is in the twilight of his career. The past ten years I've seen a renaissance with him. There have been a few that were not up to par, but mostly they have all been really good and all have been worth reading. I wonder what he has in store for us in the next 10-15 years?