Found: Historical romance, old west setting, hero owns a saloon, heroine of story has a limp

Asunto del tema original: Historical romance, old west setting, hero owns a saloon, heroine of story has a limp

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Found: Historical romance, old west setting, hero owns a saloon, heroine of story has a limp

Oct 30, 2018, 12:37 pm


I read this book in the late '90's I do not remember if that is when the book was published.
The setting of the book was an old western type of town.

The main hero of the book owned either a saloon or a dance hall type of establishment. The girls who worked for him were named after valuable diamonds, rubies, and gems. I know a few names were Jewel, and Ruby.

The main heroine of the book has a limp and owns a business right next the hero's business. I think her name might be Agnus or Ester.

I remember at one point in the story, the hero takes her swimming.

Any and all help naming this book is appreciated.
Thank you

Oct 30, 2018, 10:23 pm

Nov 2, 2018, 9:00 am

lesmel, Thank you so much!!!!!!
This is the book.
You are a wonderful person!!!!

Mar 6, 2022, 6:26 pm


Maybe you can help in finding a book that I read a few years ago that also starred a heroine with a limp. I don’t exactly remember much but the heroine had a pretty bad limp that caused her pain and she owned a diner or cafe that she worked in. She took in a baby that was left at her doorstep and I think she ended up marrying the hero in order to keep the baby as she wasn’t allowed or something.
Iv been looking for this books for years so I will appreciate any help

Mar 6, 2022, 6:53 pm

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