Books re-tried

Charlas30-something LibraryThingers

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Books re-tried

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Ene 21, 2008, 10:07 am

When I was younger there were some books that I tried and couldn't really get into or couldn't finish. Now I've decided to try and re-read them.

So far I've read The Hobbit and enjoyed it. (Not sure I would really want to read The Lord of the Rings trilogy though.)

Right now I'm reading Middlemarch. I think when I was 20 the 800 pages stopped me because I'm finding the story to be really enjoyable.

The tree other titles that I gave up on and now plan to read are A Brave New World, A Tale of Two Cities, and Wuthering Heights.

Do you find that books you ran from as a teenager and in your twenties now seem worthy of retrying?

Ene 22, 2008, 10:31 am

I've found myself more interested in the classics, Charles Dickens in particular.

Ene 22, 2008, 10:37 am

I agree. I've decided to try and read Middlemarch and Jane Eyre this year. I've tried to read both before, but it was a long time ago.