Sci-Fi Romance starts on alien occupied earth

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Sci-Fi Romance starts on alien occupied earth

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Dic 7, 2016, 4:29 am

Sci-Fi/ Alien Romance
read in the last 5 years but unsure of publish date
I believe it is Book 1 in a series

human heroine comes across humans making torture plans for an alien warrior they have chained in a van, she doesn't like the aliens but believes no one should suffer this way.
Alien hero has bright yellow eyes (I think) heroine breaks him loose from the van and runs but receives a wound that bleeds. She leads the alien on a merry chase but when he finds her
she is very ill with a fever. Heroine and her sister are living in the underground of a collapsed parking garage ?. Hero and fellow warriors rescue the heroine and her sister and take them back to the alien base.
When they wake up the are trapped and the sister contrives a plan to escape in a garbage truck. After they escape they are attacked by a group of human males and the sister is nearly raped.

going batty :)

Dic 7, 2016, 4:57 am

Well after 6 mo of searching I actually found it, and just after I posted this :)

Hunter's Claim by S.E. Smith

Dic 7, 2016, 8:15 am

Ha! Sometimes the just act of writing out the query really helps. Thanks for letting us know the solution!