HISTORICAL ROMANCE set in Recency England.

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HISTORICAL ROMANCE set in Recency England.

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Abr 26, 2016, 9:26 am

I read this book about three years ago but I can't seem to remember the author or the title. It's a Historical Romance set in Regency England. I don't know when it was released but I think it's within year2000 and 2012.

It tell the story of a Lady whose family has financial constraints. She decided to get married to a particular Duke so as to help restore the family fortune. She sends several letters to the Duke and the Ton is aware of her infatuation.

The Duke has been away while the he was receiving letters from the Lady. Not only is he irritated by the letters he receives, he is very angry at learning that the Ton was aware of the nuisance. First thing he did when he got back to London was to try and put the Lady in her place and put an end to the alleged proposal.

Meanwhile, the Lady has been having problems with keeping servants(I think it's the Butler in this case, can't really remember) and she just requested for a replacement. When the Duke got there, she mistook him for the servant she requested for.

The Duke was immediately intrigued by her and decided to play along with being her servant. Along the line, they developed feelings for each other but have a lot of obstacles before them. While the Lady is thinking of her commitment to the Duke, the Duke wanted her to fall in love with him as her servant and not as the Duke.

I am really desperate for this book.

Editado: Abr 26, 2016, 2:52 pm

>2 juels: Well searched! That plot was nagging at me, but I had no ideas at all.

Abr 26, 2016, 2:57 pm

Thanks. Hopefully the OP agrees.

Abr 26, 2016, 2:59 pm

The OP confirmed in their original post (in another group) that this is the correct book.

Abr 26, 2016, 3:40 pm

I appreciate that confirmation; thanks!

Abr 26, 2016, 4:48 pm

You're welcome.

Abr 26, 2016, 6:32 pm

Thanks juels. You are the best