The main Library Thing horror group

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The main Library Thing horror group

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Ago 2, 2007, 11:46 am

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know there's a pretty big horror group on Library Thing.

Try looking for Thing(amabrarian)s That Go Bump in the Night.

Ene 4, 2008, 1:02 pm

For years I used to be a huge fan of Anne Rice and
I would buy all of her books on the Vampire Chronicles
and her New Vampires Series however when she decided to bite the hand that feeds her and stop
writing Horror Novels and rededicate herself to only
wriiting Novels on the Fictional Life of Jesus Christ she
lost me as one of her fans immediately. Does anyone
else out there feel the same way? I still have all of
her other books on the shelves of my bookcases at
home. I don't know why she couldn't still be wriitng
her Horror Novles to satisy her long time fans like me
on the one hand and on the other hand write her new
Fictional Life of Jesus Christ for her newer fans who never read or weren't interested in reading the Horror
Novels. This way she satisfies everyone and everybody is happy, right?


Editado: Feb 24, 2008, 11:55 am

You can't blame her though. It was a reaction to her grief.

I don't know why she couldn't still be writing her Horror Novles to satisy her long time fans like me on the one hand and on the other hand write her new
Fictional Life of Jesus Christ for her newer fans who never read or weren't interested in reading the Horror Novels. This way she satisfies everyone and everybody is happy, right?
I guess she wouldn't be happy.

Honestly, I was never on the Anne Rice bandwagon anyway. Her weepy, erotic vampires in black lace are anathema to what I consider horror.

The one aspect of her books that did intrigue me was the sexuality. I would like to see more homo/bisexual characters appear in horror.

But to me vampires should be a horrific 'other' rather than a character from a soap opera. These are creatures that murder indiscriminately to survive. Check out Bentley Little's The Summoning or Scott Nicholson's They Hunger (or even From Dusk Till Dawn) for my idea of a good vampire tale.